Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 931 The recovered sister. Additional update to the leader of the alliance, the Super Invinci

Chapter 931: The recovered sister is updated to the leader [Super Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War]

This quick-acting hair dye is worthy of being invented by Dr. Ali. Whether the quality is guaranteed or not is not clear, but the effect is definitely strong. Although I don’t understand the principle, it even dyes the roots of my hair.

"..." Even Gin would not be able to tell that it belonged to Haihara Ai when he saw this kind of hair.

What's more, Gin has always been very strict when dealing with tasks - since he just said that if other people come in, it will affect Sindora's condition and thus the success rate of the task. Then Gin wouldn't have entered without permission.

If Belmode insists on sneaking into the venue, Gin will also send a message to tell him so as not to affect the plan.

Thinking this, Jiang Xia took out her phone and took a look.

I saw that the organization's dedicated machine was empty and there was no news.

Jiang Xia: "..." It seems that the helpers are still staying outside.

Thinking about it - looking at the time, the hunt for the ghost went much faster than expected.

We have just lost contact for less than ten minutes. This cannot be considered "lost contact" at all. His teammates came in without saying a word, which was strange.

"It's okay, let's go play."

After weighing "the suitability of the banquet hall environment for Haihara Ai", Jiang Xia came back to her senses and glanced at the Q version of Miyano Akemi who was clinging to Haihara Ai and refused to get off. She thought it would be a good idea to bring a ghost toy with her:

"I just ran into Gin nearby. They were staring elsewhere and would not come in. Otherwise, they would have taken advantage of the large number of people who entered the hall just now and entered the hall.

"And there are many children in the banquet hall, so you won't be inconspicuous if you mix in there. On the contrary, children hiding alone in the corner are more likely to attract attention. Even if you don't meet members of the organization, others will notice your movements, and then Increase the risk of exposure. That would make things more troublesome.”

Huihara Ai: "..." It seems quite reasonable?


She thought of something, nodded, and followed Jiang Xia.

Walking through the corridor with Jiang Xia, on the way back to the banquet hall.

Hui Yuan Ai carefully looked around all the way.

Then I discovered that the surroundings were particularly peaceful - not only was there no Gin, but neither the anonymous lady nor Xiao Bai appeared.

This made Hui Yuan Ai feel relieved, but also a little disappointed.

——Think about it carefully, although meeting a black organization means danger. But during those dangerous times, she often met anonymous people... I haven't seen Miss Anonymous for a long time. I don't know why, but I suddenly miss her.

Hui Yuan Ai sighed with a complicated mood.

She glanced sadly at the crowded banquet hall, and finally walked to the buffet area and picked up a dinner plate.

"..." She hadn't eaten yet, so she was a little hungry. It's not convenient to escape from the organization or give an anesthesia injection to Anonymous when you're hungry, so let's eat something first...

Next to Haihara Ai.

Jiang Xia casually took a piece of cookie and nibbled on it, looking at the other corner of the banquet hall.

There, Thomas Sindora was chatting quietly with several celebrities.

Jiang Xia lowered her gaze slightly and landed on his lap, where she saw a shikigami, which looked steaming hot and quite fresh.

Jiang Xia: "..." Taking action so soon?

Just as he was thinking about it, he paused slightly while chewing the biscuits.

——The pattern space fluctuates slightly, as if something is sticking to the outside without restraint, scratching its barrier.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He looked around calmly and found some soft and comfortable single sofas placed in the corner.

So I walked closer, intending to pick one and hang up against it.

On the way, when passing by a bronze statue, Jiang Xia saw Kudo Yusaku surrounded by fans.

Jiang Xia simply nodded to the Riddler writer and said hello.

Then without looking any further, he quickly found an inconspicuous sofa and sat down.

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