Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 935: The Undead of Baker Street Please vote for me

Chapter 935 The Undead on Baker Street Please vote o(〃'▽'〃)o

Jiang Xia glanced at it, then looked at it again, a little concerned.

However, think about it carefully: Noah's current appearance is just a ball with no details, which is far from the Q-version human appearance of other ghosts. Paired with this z, it’s not a violation.

"..." Of course, this cannot be said. At present, this fake ghost's desire to survive is really limited, so it's better not to break its defense yet...

Oh, and there are puppets.

Although he is not at home now, this lounge is still safe...and he is really curious.

With this thought in mind, Jiang Xia locked the door and spread out a little puppet clay from the Matsuda puppet that was being opened.

Then he picked up the autistic ghost ball and said, "Go in and try?"

"...?" Noah looked at the puppet clay in confusion, and then at Jiang Xia in the puppet shell, vaguely understanding something.

Maybe it had a strong desire to become a human, so it didn't hesitate much, and jumped in expectantly. It recalled the appearance of Hiroki Sawada in its mind, and wanted to see if it could realize its wish in the real world with the help of these clays. .

After a while, more appeared on the ground...

A slime-like toy.

Round, tender, transparent and elastic.

The dry rice cat that came to bring blood nestled next to it, stretched out its paws curiously, and poked it.


After reminiscing about the feeling of claws, it couldn't resist kicking its back paws, and jumped on Noah, bouncing twice happily.

"..." Jiang Xia stretched out her hand and picked up the dry cat in Noah's helpless eyes.

At the same time, he pulled away the other ghosts who were curious and wanted to try out the feeling of lying down.

Watching the new fake ghost become more autistic.

Jiang Xia scattered the slime clay with the little tail, cleared his throat, and looked at his watch: "Well, according to the flow chart that was sent before, in about ten minutes, the game experience of 'Cocoon' will begin - you Isn’t it time to get down to business?”

Noah is indeed a rational AI that bears the wishes of its creator.

Autistic being autistic, after hearing this question, it quickly cheered up and focused its attention on this serious matter.

But, speaking of this...

Noah bounced towards the nearest TV and squirmed half of his body in, as if he was feeling something seriously.

After a while, it crawled out again and sorted out the current situation.

Noah looked at Jiang Xia and hesitated: "Just now in London, you destroyed the core of my character. Especially the two most critical ones... This will affect my plan to reveal Sindora's life experience."

After speaking, remembering Hiroki's wish to "restart Japan", Noah explained in a low voice: "Actually, the fact that 'Sindora is a descendant of Jack the Ripper' itself is not a big stain. But Sindora is a descendant of Jack the Ripper." He cares about this matter so much that he would rather force Hiroki to death and kill Mr. Kenmura to hide it... So the more he avoids this, the more I want to expose it."

After listening to this, Jiang Xia thought of the NPC boys in "London" and was slightly startled: "It shouldn't be difficult for you to reconstruct those character models."

Noah shook his head: "Ordinary NPCs can still be recreated, but the key characters 'Professor Moriarty' and 'Jack the Ripper', especially 'Jack the Ripper', it's too late to match them now - I could before Use your own fragments to possess and control various important NPCs. But now..."

It lowered its head and glanced at its balled up figure, and looked away aggrievedly: "If you want them to operate like humans without my control, complex preparations are required. If you use improvised defective products to rush the work, Then the final product may not be able to achieve the effect.”

"..." The other important people are okay, they have pre-written programs.

But "Professor Moriarty" and "Jack the Ripper" are related to Sindora's life experience.

——The "Detective Copy" in "Cocoon" combines the real London at the end of the 19th century with the false London in "Sherlock Holmes".

The player's task is to enter this semi-virtual world and get rid of "Jack the Ripper".

Sherlock Holmes is an Easter egg-like character who will provide help to players. In Yusaku Kudo's script, "Jack the Ripper" is a perverted aristocrat suffering from a terminal illness.

But Noah plans to hold the script hostage after the player logs in, and play a game with the player that is said to be "if you don't pass the level, you will die."

In Noah's new script, "Jack the Ripper" is a genius criminal picked up by "Professor Moriarty" - Noah has been surfing the Internet for more than two years and has a strong learning ability. He has learned a lot about human beings. These include "bundling" - using the legendary villain "Professor Moriarty" to further raise the profile of "Jack the Ripper", and finally letting him reveal his lineage at the climax of the plot, and The secret of Thomas Sindora... Only in this way can the goal be achieved better.

In order for Noah's plan to go smoothly and to experience the fun of the game before self-destruction, from the very beginning, he planned to go into battle and control these two characters.

Noah: "..." Originally, everything was under control.

Unexpectedly, it suddenly wanted to use the detective's body to interfere with Sindora's murder plan. Things turned out like this...

Jiang Xia listened silently to Noah's story. After listening for a while, she felt that although the situation was not good, Noah did not look anxious and seemed to have already found a solution.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

After a moment of silence, he vaguely guessed something.

So he asked tentatively: "Then what are you going to do?"

After asking, he looked down.

He saw Noah peeking at his ghost.

"..." Jiang Xia, "It's not impossible to let them guest NPC, but what if they are damaged? You may not know that although this game experience is mainly for children, there may be hidden among the players. Looking at some karate champions who look very weak but are actually very capable..."

"Don't worry about this, there is a protection program! You seem to have the authority now, you should be able to find it." Noah's eyes lit up when he heard his tone loosen, "When the NPC is damaged to a certain extent, it will automatically return to the safe area—— In the past, for the sake of authenticity and to avoid unexpected exits at critical moments, I set the exit standards for NPCs very high. But if it were you or your ghosts who came to help..."

Noah remembered the scene just now when Matsuda Jinpei and Miyano Akemi attacked it in the consciousness space, especially Matsuda Jinpei.

I feel that if this ghost were to become "Jack the Ripper", the possibility of damage in the process is not high:

"We can lower the damage standard to a very low level and end it with just a scratch. In addition, there is still a certain boundary between games and reality. Although in the game, ghosts will solidify into adults due to various established rules. They look like that, but their core is still that small group of ghosts - as long as they don't damage that area, they can still move even if their heads fall off."

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