Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 936 Bad NPC

Jiang Xia: "..." Since there is no risk of fighting bad ghosts, then this matter...

It's quite fun.

——Rather than following Yusaku Kudo’s script, it seems more interesting to play a guest villain.

"Then let's do it." Jiang Xia thought of the NPC that he had just destroyed and the role that needed to be filled, and said reservedly, "...Actually, I can also help. When the time comes, you can make an NPC that looks like the original one and throw away the others. Autopilot in the playground, let me help you complete your script - by the way, I remember that in addition to 'Moriarty' and 'Jack the Ripper', Colonel Moran was also beaten. That female ghost just now , I can also lend it to you, she is much more delicate than the rough-bearded NPC you pinched."

"..." Noah looked at Jiang Xia's eager expression and shuddered silently, remembering that the last time he saw Jiang Xia like this was the brutal way he pressed his "Jack the Ripper" and shot him to pieces.

But the psychic master wants to play, but it can't stop him...

After hesitating for a moment, Noah nodded hesitantly.

Although Jiang Xia doesn't look very reliable. However, the contract just now also included a game plan to help it complete this "restart Japan"...

Noah squatted in the corner, anxiously drew 1s and 0s on the ground for a while, and slowly calmed down.

There are still nearly ten minutes until the game starts, so it’s time to get ready.

Before leaving, Noah thought of something, looked at Jiang Xia, and couldn't help but ask: "That..."

"Huh?" Jiang Xia came back from the game later and looked down at it.

Noah felt there were some things he shouldn't ask.

But its mind is still that of a ten-year-old child, at the age where curiosity kills the cat.

After thinking about it, Noah was still very concerned about some things, and he hesitated and said softly: "That..." He stretched out his short hand, let it sway like a wave, and made the sign of "tentacles" He looked like, "What's going on with that thing?"

The other ghosts nearby were still doing their own thing.

When I heard this question, I was slightly startled and secretly raised my ears. Especially mermaids.

Jiang Xia glanced at the fish that was obviously eavesdropping, and fished her rua a few times, thinking in a low voice: " can be regarded as the trophy of a successful counterattack."

Noah was stunned, as if he still had some doubts, and hesitated to speak.

"Some things will metamorphose into the strongest power after they die." Jiang Xia looked down at the young new ghost and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Want to know the process?"

Noah nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing Jiang Xia making a "listen carefully" gesture, it bounced over and prepared to listen carefully.

Then I heard the master of the spiritual medium clinging to it, whispering like a ghost: "According to tradition, knowing too easy for you."


Noah was startled and popped out: "Well, it's getting late. I'll go to the computer room first and prepare to invade the game."

In fact, it still has many questions to ask, but...

Alas, forget it.

Noah dives into the TV and flees the scene.

After Noah ran off to work.

Jiang Xia dispersed Matsuda Jinpei's puppet and the cat's puppet, and his consciousness returned to his original body.

——Of course the game must be played, and Sindora’s life experience must also be revealed.

In addition, there is also the task of organizing the killing of Sindora.

"..." Although there are a lot of things to deal with, in terms of time, it can be arranged just right.

Jiang Xia sat on the sofa and arranged her schedule in anticipation, feeling that she would have a fulfilling evening.

To deal with Sindora, just do it with the vest on - anyway, the puppet is not a human being, has no body, and cannot be punished.

As for the body...

Just put it into the game cabin of "Cocoon" first and get a solid alibi.

Returning to his main body, Jiang Xia looked around.

I found that when I hung up and "distracted", Kudo Yusaku was still busy signing autographs for a group of people by the pool in front.

Compared with just now, the number of ladies surrounding him was not only the same, but also more. This legendary mystery novelist who lives in the United States is rarely encountered, and his signature is actually much more precious than some local stars. .

Jiang Xia looked aside and found two more children beside her.

——Not only Haibara Ai, who had been following him, but also Conan ran over without knowing when.

Conan was holding a glass of drink, sitting on the single sofa next to Jiang Xia, and watched from a distance as Kudo Yusaku was surrounded by a group of people asking for autographs.

The father and son looked at each other in the air. In order to keep the identity of "Kudo Shinichi" secret, they could not recognize each other, but they looked a little bit bitter at the level of Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

Hui Yuan Ai didn't taste too much bitterness.

She knew that Kudo Yusaku had arrived in Japan last night, but he just didn't go to see Conan... Compared to this, she was a little envious of the feeling of close connection between relatives and looking at each other from a distance.

After thinking about it, Haiyuan Ai sighed softly.

At this time, in her peripheral vision, a young figure suddenly moved.

Haiyuan Ai was startled, and when he looked closely, he saw three children from the Youth Detective Team.

The three of them were standing at an angle that Jiang Xia couldn't see, secretly winking at Haiyuan Ai, as if they wanted her to pass.


It's not too far from Jiangxia.

Haiyuan Ai looked around carefully and saw no one suspected of being a "member of the black organization."

So she jumped off the sofa and walked over: "What's wrong?"

"Here you go!" Yoshida Ayumi put something cool and hard into her hand.

Hui Yuan Ai took it subconsciously. After seeing it clearly, he was startled.

This is actually an egg-shaped badge.

——The extremely precious experience badge that is limited to 50 people.

She took a closer look at the Young Detective Team and saw three children with one pinned on their chests.

Hui Yuan Ai: " this?"

She was silent for a moment, then subconsciously turned her head to look at the venue, trying to find the innocent crying child who had been beaten and had his badge taken away.

Although the Young Detective Team probably wouldn't do such a thing, if it does, they have to deal with the aftermath as soon as possible...

"We got it in exchange for the Superman gold card." Although Ayumi Yoshida didn't know why Haihara Ai suddenly looked around the venue, she could see her surprise and proudly put her hands on her hips.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko, who acted as a strategist, nodded with deep knowledge of his merit and fame: "——After the game is released, you can play 'Cocoon' at any time, but you only have one chance to get the limited edition gold Superman card!"

"Moreover, newly released games are prone to bugs, which will affect the experience. It's better to wait until they are perfected before playing!" Genta Kojima imitated what Mitsuhiko said just now. After saying that, he realized that something was not right, and he touched the back of his head naively, "Huh? Then why should we go now? It's better to wait and play later."

Haibara Ai:"……"

She looked at Genta Kojima sympathetically and accepted the children's kindness: "Thank you very much."

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