Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 937 The clue is Jack the Ripper

After giving away the badges, the children ran away happily, waiting for the game to start - this place is too close to brother Jiang Xia, and the air is not free enough.

Hui Yuan Ai still remembered that "there were members of the organization outside", so he did not go with them and returned to Jiang Xia.

Conan looked away from Kudo Yusaku. He also noticed what had just happened and looked at Haibara Ai with a hint of curiosity: "What's going on? It's sneaky."

"The children gave me a badge." Haiyuan Ai looked at the experience qualification in his hand, then looked at Conan, and said jokingly, "Little detective, you are not very popular."

"..." When Conan faced naughty children, he was always tolerant like an old father, otherwise he would have been angry to death.

He waved his hand nonchalantly: "They must have seen Dr. Ali give me the badge, so they didn't count me in."

"Just take it as such." Hui Yuan Ai thought of something, hesitated for a moment, looked at Jiang Xia, and whispered, "The children probably subconsciously regarded you as an adult, so they didn't take it into consideration when they mentioned 'games'. You—I heard that there is a detective copy in this game, do you want to go in and take a look? I suddenly discovered that as long as you enter this venue, it seems that the badge is not difficult to get..."

As she spoke, her eyes turned faintly to the second-generation children whose ears were still a little red and swollen.

Jiang Xia: "..." Don't be led astray by the real kids in the Youth Detective Team.

Conan was silent for a moment: No, even if the Young Detective Team doesn't treat Jiang Xia as an adult, it's absolutely impossible to get him a badge. For children, the bosses in the game are already troublesome. If there is another Jiang Xia, they might give up this precious game opportunity and go home overnight...

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia felt in his pocket and took out the badge that Kaoru Kusano gave him: "No, Miss Kusano gave hers to me last night."

Conan: "..." Poor naughty children...

As he thought, he secretly moved his body to stand between Jiang Xia's badge and the young detective team. Let the naughty kids not see that Jiang Xia also has a badge.

...It’s not that I hold any grudge, I just want to give the children a little surprise.

——After entering the game, I suddenly found that Jiang Xia was there. It should be an impressive and wonderful experience.

When the fake children gradually turn dark.

In the distance, the corridor outside the banquet hall suddenly became chaotic, and it seemed that several people were running past quickly.

Jiang Xia quickly noticed the abnormality: "..."...In this kind of place where Sindora is in a hurry to kill people, she can only walk and cannot run. This kind of movement speed seems quite abnormal.

Conan also saw the situation over there, and suddenly spotted an acquaintance with his sharp eyes.

He whispered, "That seems to be the Megure Police Department!" and then ran over quickly.

——The Memu Police Department should not be invited to the game conference. Putting aside the issue of status, first of all, he often has to work overtime... And since the police department appears here and is in a hurry, could something happen here?

As a superficial detective, Jiang Xia certainly couldn't turn a blind eye to the passing police.

He quickly followed.

The two of them followed him all the way to the basement.

Jiang Xia and Conan stopped, glanced across the corridor, and soon discovered that there were many people surrounding one of the doors. There were also a few familiar police officers among them.

So they ran over skillfully, scanned their faces and entered the scene.

As soon as he entered the door, a familiar scene appeared in front of Jiang Xia.

——In front of the computer, a tall man slumped in a chair, with blood on his chest and no breath.

This is none other than Nakabin Kenmura, the head of game development.

Regardless of the location of the crime or the identity of the deceased, this case is not a trivial matter.

The Mu Mu Police Department suddenly received this hot potato and was a little worried.

Before he could clear his thoughts, he looked up and saw someone walking in. His eyes suddenly lit up: "Brother Jiang Xia!"

"Mu Mu Police Department." Jiang Xia nodded to him and said hello, "What happened?"

"The person in charge of R\u0026D died with a stab in the heart." The Memu Police Department breathed a sigh of relief and quickly sent the information, "No murder weapon was found at the scene, but some paper towels that had been used to wipe the murder weapon were dropped - the murderer should have been killing After killing the victim, he wiped the murder weapon on the spot and then left."

"Sounds like a murderer with good psychological quality..." Jiang Xia glanced at the lock on the door, "An acquaintance committed the crime?"

"Probably. The door has not been broken open, and there are no signs of fighting in the house. We are screening the deceased's interpersonal relationships." The Memu Police Department looked through the information just collected by the subordinates, and was a little in a hurry:

"As for the motive for the murder, all the data on the hard drive was destroyed - we actually suspect that this is a destructive business war between rival companies, and the murderer may be a commercial espionage... Tsk, these guys are engaged in a business war, can they be more peaceful? It is already A society ruled by law!”

Jiang Xia patted the Mumu police department on the back to cheer up the angry police department.

Then watch him go gather more information.

Afterwards, Jiang Xia's eyes moved and fell on the computer keyboard in front of the corpse.

——There are three blood-stained letters, 'R', 'T', and 'J'.

It looked like it should have been pressed by the deceased before he died.

"I can't see the order of pressing, but a few letters are arranged and combined, including 'JTR'-Jack The Ripper, Jack the Ripper." Conan had a flash of inspiration, looked up at Jiang Xia, and whispered: "The answer may be Hidden in the game. I just heard from Dr. Ali that one of the copies of 'Cocoon' is set in London a hundred years ago - that's when Jack the Ripper was active!"

Jiang Xia was very flattered and showed an expression of "That's it!"

Then he looked down at his watch and reminded: "Follow the process in the brochure, it's almost time to start the 'Cocoon' experience."


Conan turned around and ran towards the game hall.

...It's not that I want to play a game, but it seems that the death message is probably pointing to the detective copy in "Cocoon". Perhaps the most crucial clue is hidden in the game.

Jiang Xia also ran over quickly while the Mumu Police Department was not paying attention.

Rice flower municipal building, game hall.

Children with experience badges enter the hall with their parents.

Then the parents went to the surrounding auditoriums, and the children passed through the electronic doors and came to the front of the hall.

On the stage in front, there are fifty oval-shaped "cocoon" game cabins.

There is a staff member on duty next to each game cabin. The children quickly jumped on the seats, sat in expectantly, and put on the corresponding instruments.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were also among the crowd watching at this time.

Mao Lilan came here with the juvenile detective team today and is considered their guardian.

Although she wasn't sure where the children got the badges, since they were going in, the "guardians" had no choice but to follow them.


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