Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 940 You were hijacked by AI

Next to him, the sound of technicians typing on the keyboard suddenly became much faster.

After a moment, he pushed up his thick lenses and looked at Sindora with sweat on his forehead: "President, there is an abnormality in the system! We have no control!"


The few people who came to stop the game were startled.

The Mumu Police Department remembered his terrifying inference of "cold-blooded business war" just now, and his face became solemn: "What should we do?"

As he said that, he couldn't help but look at his reliable brothers Kudo and Ali.

Kudo Yusaku frowned in thought, while Dr. Ari looked at the flashing monitor screen next to him.

After the "system abnormality", the originally neat and orderly picture became chaotic. The pictures in the game cabin flashed by one after another, showing the people participating in this "cocoon" experience.

Dr. A Li glanced around and found several familiar faces.

Dr. A Li: "..."

The few children I know are all in the game.

...The experience qualifications that are so difficult to obtain are actually able to sneak in one by one. These little guys are really powerful.

But that's not the point. The point is, if something goes wrong with the game this time...

Dr. Ali thought of the miserable and lonely old life in the future, and his already strong fighting spirit was further energized.

He strode forward, pushed the panicked technician aside, sat in front of the stage, and started operating quickly.

He wanted to forcefully terminate the game before Sindora recovered.

However, Dr. Ali finished inputting the command and hit Enter.

The game system is completely unresponsive.

Instead, in front of the control room, a huge curved screen flickered.

Dr. A Li was startled and stopped cautiously. He saw the game hall and the speakers here starting up at the same time, followed by an indifferent child's voice.

"I am Noah's Ark - the game cannot be stopped. The holographic game 'Cocoon' is now under my full control."


"Noah's Ark", an artificial intelligence that briefly appeared but then disappeared immediately, made several people in the control room freeze at the same time.

They remembered something and looked at Sindora suddenly.

Sindora had some cold sweat on his forehead. He kept his expression calm, but there was a bit of hidden anger in his eyes, feeling that something bad had happened.

"'Noah's Ark'?" Megure Police Department was the only one who didn't understand much about this. He was a pure layman, so he could only scratch the back of his head in confusion, "What is it? The hacker's code name?"

Kudo Yusaku shook his head: "It is an epoch-making growth-type artificial intelligence. It is said that it can complete the five-year growth of human beings in only one year. Two years ago, there was news that it was about to be released, but in the end , with Hiroki’s death, Noah’s Ark also disappeared in front of everyone.”

Sindora's bad premonition gradually amplified.

However, he was a powerful figure after all, so he quickly calmed down.

Not only did Sindora not stop Kudo Yusaku from bringing up the topic of "Hiroki Sawada".

Instead, he took the initiative to speak in a nostalgic tone: "Yes, 'Noah's Ark' is a masterpiece completed by my adopted son Hiroki two years ago - after calculation, it should be exactly the same age as Hiroki now."

"..." Kudo Yusaku looked deeply at Sindora and remained silent.

Dr. Ali remembered that "artificial intelligence" might be able to communicate. He looked at the screen in front of him and tried to negotiate: "Noah, what do you want to do?" Say it and we will do it for you. Just put all the players away. come out……

Noah did respond, but his words sounded with a hint of cold murderous intent: "I want to 'restart' the country of Japan."

As soon as he finished speaking, an image of an open space was suddenly projected on the big screen in front of him.

——That’s a scene from the game world.

Outside the game, the conversations between these adults are not synchronized to the players in the game cabin.

The holographic game "Cocoon" opens.

After the game cabin is activated, fifty players enter a "hypnotic state."

When they opened their eyes again, they came to this bare open space - this was like the login platform before the game started, but it looked very simple.

An extremely thick beam of light shot down from above, reflecting a circular area dozens of meters in diameter.

Further outside, it was all misty darkness.

The players were mainly primary school students. A group of children gathered together and looked at the scene with curiosity.

Jiang Xia's consciousness also entered here.

Under Noah's adjustment, he, like Conan and Haibara Ai, maintained the same appearance as his original body at this time.

Jiang Xia looked around and soon saw Conan, Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, the Young Detective Team...

And a few familiar second-generation naughty kids.

——It was the unlucky kid who just scolded his elders and had his ears twisted by the elders.

At this time, among the second-generation small group, the leader "Hideki Morohoshi" was looking at Jiang Xia.

At an angle that was not illuminated by the projection equipment, he secretly blinked at Jiang Xia.

——This is "Noah".

It chose a child that it thought was the most hopeless, and put the real Hideki Morohoshi into a deep sleep. It itself disguised itself as Hideki Morohoshi, took over this person's identity, and sneaked into the game.

According to what Noah had just whispered to Jiang Xia: It didn't do this just to experience the game... It mainly wanted to use this method to closely supervise this group of children who represent Japan's future.

Jiang Xia looked at the human form of Noah, and then thought of the round Noah, feeling that the latter felt better.

He sighed inwardly and walked towards where Mao Lilan and the others were, preparing to join his teammates.

——Although after signing Noah, when Jiang Xia came here again, it felt like going home.

But of course it’s not good for others to know about this.

So now, since we have come to a strange game space, we are tasked with finding the "death message". According to the behavioral rules of ordinary people, it is more normal to find familiar people to gather together first...

When Jiang Xia looked at the surrounding situation.

On the other side, four of the young detective team had gathered together.

Hui Yuan Ai looked around at her hands, gently clasped her palms together, and felt the wonderful touch.

Then I discovered that all physical sensations were exactly the same as in the real world.

There was no difference in the ground under her feet or the vision in front of her. If she hadn't known in advance that this was a game, she might have really thought that she had teleported to another space.

The three real children next to them also tugged on their clothes and patted their faces, feeling a little excited.

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya said in surprise: "It's so lifelike! I thought our movements would be stiff under 'hypnosis', but now it seems that it's not affected at all."

Ayumi Yoshida looked out of the light beam, looking at the light mist and rainbow aperture, bouncing around a few times, and was equally happy: "It's like a dream! You can move around freely without a joystick."

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