Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 941 Of course adults all require monthly passes

Chapter 941 Of course adults all require monthly ticketsヽ(〃〃)~

However, Haihara Ai had different ideas from them and was quite worried - before coming in, she had not expected that this holographic game would be so realistic.

She remembered what Ayumi Yoshida said just now and sighed softly: "Where does the 'freedom' come from? Vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell are all controlled by computers, which is disturbing."

"..." The three children paused: Xiao Ai is feeling depressed again...

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya lowered his voice to comfort her: "You are thinking too much. Let's just enjoy the game - there are so many big shot children here, and since the organizers dare to let them in to experience it, the quality of the game must be guaranteed."

While talking, the four children subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the nearby crowd.

It stands to reason that apart from them, everyone should be surrounded by the "second generation" of big bosses.

However, upon looking at it, they first noticed a familiar little boy wearing glasses not far away.

"Conan?" Kojima Genta was a little surprised, "How did he get in... No, doesn't he like playing games?"

"It must be awkward." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko touched his chin and nodded understandingly, "It's the kind of 'tsundere' that's common in comics - he says he doesn't like it, but in fact it's just because he conquers I don’t know how to play games, and I feel it’s embarrassing to be a game sucker, so I pretend to be disdainful, but in my heart I still really want to play!”

"It's so awkward." Yoshida Ayumi felt that her strange knowledge had increased, "So he is like this Conan!"

Huihara Ai: "..." She silently lit a candle for Conan's style review in her heart.

Jiang Xia had just been dragged into working as a cigarette-lighting laborer for a while, and now she is quite skilled at lighting things...

Anyway, since it is an online game. At this time, I suddenly saw a little friend, even if it was a plastic little friend, it did not prevent the young detective team from happily running over to join in the fun.

However, just after taking a step, the three of them suddenly noticed something.

"..." They looked up and saw the three high school students next to Conan who were obviously a bit taller than the elementary school students, and their feet froze.

...Why did brother Jiang Xia come in? !

When children stop moving and hold their breath to hide themselves.

Noah's voice sounded in this "game space", interrupting the crowd's murmurs.

"Okay, friends who are experiencing 'Cocoon' for the first time, the game is about to begin." Compared with the cold voice when he spoke to the adults outside just now, Noah's current tone sounded gentler.

As it spoke, five stone doors were piled up from scratch around the clearing. There is a long gravel path behind the stone gate, extending out into the thick darkness.

The children looked at the clattering piles of stones and had the illusion of appreciating magic up close. The crowd soon started to hear chatter.

Noah's voice covered those voices and continued to say to the players:

"I am 'Noah's Ark', please give me some advice - next, I will play five stage images, and ask everyone to choose the world you like.

“However, there is one thing to note.

"This is not a purely entertainment game, but an important bet that concerns your lives.

"If everyone fails and fails to pass the level, you will never be able to return to the real world - I will release special electromagnetic waves to destroy your brain, and you will sleep here forever.

"In turn, as long as any one of you wins, it will be a victory for all of you. I will release all of you.

"Does everyone understand?"

The children gradually began to panic as they listened to its harsh voice.

A few children who responded quickly immediately started the logout process according to the instructions they had seen before.

However, the program failed to respond at all.

More and more children discovered that "cannot log out", and panic spread among the crowd.

Noah's voice sounded again, still gentle, but in the ears of the players, it was no longer the "nice-sounding customer service", but a terrifying devil.

It announced calmly and solemnly: "This is a game that stakes Japan's 'restart'."

What Noah said in the game space was also synchronized to the control room outside through the screen.

"Restart?" Although the Memu Police Department knew nothing about artificial intelligence, they always had a bad feeling, "What restart?!"

In the game space, Noah's voice paused for a moment and then sounded again.

He said to the children in a gentle voice: "You can't hear the sounds outside, so I want to convey this to everyone - an adult just asked me, 'What is a restart?'

"To put it simply, looking at the way you were messing around in the venue just now, a dirty politician can only become a dirty politician; the son of a black-hearted doctor can only become that kind of doctor... I want to If the future is to get better, this dirty relationship must be eradicated at once."

After listening to these words, Jiang Xia lowered her head and found that Hui Yuan Ai had arrived nearby at some unknown time.

He lowered his hand and touched the head of the fake child: Noah and Haibara Ai seem to have a common language, and their lines are very similar, although Haibara Ai didn't say it this time...

"Okay, having said all that, the children are impatient." Noah continued, "It's almost time to start the game. This time, we provide you with five modes-"

"The first type is pirates. You will become pirates and travel to the seven seas. Use your strong will and courage to overcome various difficulties and experience various adventures - finding the ultimate treasure is the condition for passing the level."

As its voice fell, a fierce battle scene was played over one of the stone doors - two pirate ships connected on the sides, both sides fighting with knives. With the soundtrack and shooting angle, the scene was very exciting.

Hui Yuan Ai looked up and found that Jiang Xia had her head raised and was looking at it very intently.

"..." She secretly tugged on Jiang Xia's clothes: No, this copy is very dangerous at first glance. It's not too late to play again when you are out of danger later - otherwise what if the dangerous AI transmits the pain of being slashed 1:1?

"The second one is the Paris-Dakar cross-country race - here, you will compete with the world's famous racing drivers and win the championship in the harsh competition."

Hui Yuan Ai secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a little lucky in his heart: Fortunately, it was a racing car. If it was a motorcycle racing, he would definitely not be able to hold it...

"The third type is the ancient Roman Arena. You need to go through a series of adventures, collect powerful weapons and armor, and then go to the Roman Empire's arena to show off your skills and defeat the brave gods and ghost warriors."

"The fourth type is Solomon's Treasure. Everyone will play the role of treasure hunters and search for Solomon's treasures hidden all over the world."

"The fifth type, old London. Here, everyone will experience a thrilling suspense story - in London in 1888, there existed a brutal murderer 'Jack the Ripper' who had never been caught in the real world. You need to use your own Let him pay the price for what he has done."

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