Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 942: You’ve been banned (monthly ticket plus updates)

While the players are looking up, focus on viewing the copy promotional video.

Jiang Xia glanced at the five dungeons with their own characteristics, and secretly muttered to Noah: "We have already made them. It would be a waste not to try them. When today's game is over, why don't we pack these dungeons and take them away?"

Noah was a little embarrassed and whispered:

"I'm afraid I can't do it alone. When these copies are put together, the scene is too grand. I also relied on real-life equipment and data to construct it. But now...the adults outside have cut off the network connecting this place to the outside world. If you can find a way to copy the data and steal a game capsule, I can try to restore some copies, but there may be bugs."

After saying that, maybe because he thought he sounded too useless, Noah added shamelessly:

"However, if you just want to experience the game, there are actually other copies - the detective type you like, which was perfected by Hiroki during his lifetime. Hiroki met a powerful cartoonist on the Internet, who inherited the skills of his distant uncle I have a fortune worth hundreds of millions, I am too busy at work, and I don’t want my dreams to go to waste, so I gave Hiroki the framework of the new story and said that if Hiroki wants to make a game in the future, he can write those stories into the copy..."

Jiang Xia: "..." Can these detective copies you mentioned produce ghosts and murderous intent?

Although there are still many questions and many details need to be communicated.

But now is obviously not the time to start a small talk on this topic.

You can't let the 49 players next to you watch the dungeon promotional video all the time because of this - if you watch the video for too long, the tension will fade away, and it won't be fun after a while.

So soon.

After publishing five copies. Noah’s voice sounded again:

"Each stage has a character who can help you - finding him can greatly increase your success rate in passing the level."

After Conan listened carefully, his eyes quickly fell on the last door.

——Only this copy sounds like it has a "detective element", and it just matches the "JTR" death message left by Kenmura Nakabin.

Conan: "..." It seems that the clues about the murder case are in this copy.

Also, if what the artificial intelligence says is true...

Conan looked down at his still "elementary schoolboy" appearance. He found that if he participated in other games, the chance of winning was not high. Even if it was to save people, he must enter this dungeon with "Jack the Ripper".

Thinking of this, Conan raised his head and looked firmly at Jiang Xia, a reliable friend who had also seen the "JTR" message and came to look for clues.

Originally, Conan felt that the two of them should look at each other at this time and nod firmly to each other like comrades in arms to show their determination to lead the other forty-eight players out of the game.

However, looking over there, Jiang Xia had no intention of looking at him, and his eyes were not fixed on the copy of "Jack the Ripper" at all. Instead, he looked around hesitantly, as if he wanted to try either one.

"..." Conan tugged at him, "Ahem, cough, cough."

Although some copies do sound more interesting than Jack the Ripper...but now it's time to get down to business!

When Jiang Xia heard the deliberate coughing sound, she lowered her head and glanced at Conan, as if she understood something, and soon turned into the steady look Conan expected.

He turned to look at the "London Copy", seemingly disdainful of other games, and said calmly: "Let's go."

Conan: "..."

I hope this "trump card" is reliable.

Fortunately, Jiang Xia rarely misses the mark at critical moments. There must be no problem.

……should be no problem

...probably no problem

...Well, I hope that's okay.

As Noah opened the dungeon option, Jiang Xia quickly walked towards the stone door representing the "London Dungeon".

During this period, he glanced at "Hideki Morohoshi" next to him, or in other words, Noah with the face of "Hideki Morohoshi", reminding him not to forget to adjust the rules.

"Hideki Morohoshi" secretly said, "Don't worry, you can rely on me."

See Jiang Xia and Conan choose the London copy. Several other acquaintances also came closer - including two female high school students and the young detective team who quietly lowered their presence.

The young detective team thought very rationally: If it was just to experience the game, of course they should stay away from brother Jiang Xia.

But now, it is a matter of life and death, or the survival of fifty people...

The children made a decisive decision and hugged Jiang Xia tightly.

——Although brother Jiang Xia can beat people, looking at past events, he is reliable and really reliable.

Rather than dying inexplicably in other dungeons, it's better to check the progress here and maybe be able to help - they are a young detective team.

A group of people passed through the stone gate and stepped on the gravel road behind the stone gate.

Follow this path and go forward to enter the game.

Jiang Xia successfully placed last by virtue of the principle of "ladies and children first".

When others passed by, he stepped forward as if naturally.

However, the moment he passed through the stone door, a transparent barrier suddenly appeared on the door, blocking him back.

At the same time, a red light flashed above the door frame, and an error message sounded.

The people in front were startled, turned their heads, and said in surprise: "What's wrong?!"

Noah's voice sounded in the space.

It pretended to say to Jiang Xia:

"I'm sorry, you are holding an idol-exclusive advertising badge and are sponsored by a racing brand, so you can only enter the 'Paris-Dakar Cross Country Race' - by the way, these are the rules set by the original game manufacturer, not me. Targeted at you.

"Although I think this kind of dirty money transaction destroys the fairness of the game. However, if a detective like you is put into London at the end of the 19th century, other children will not have much fun to experience - —So I didn’t make an exception and modify the program for you.”

Now that I have decided to enter the London dungeon and make a guest appearance as a "villain boss who manipulates players into the palm of his hand".

Then Jiang Xia does not intend to use the identity of "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" in the London copy.

——Noah is obviously with the "villains" in the game.

If Jiang Xia happily helped it play the villain, then after the game is over, no matter the red team, black team, or even other parties, they will inevitably flock to ask for the inside story.

And if you are a double player. From Jiang Xia's perspective: Apart from himself, the "mysterious villains" are his ghosts... It's like playing house with him, it's just as fun, but it's tiring to play both.

So he thought about it and decided to throw the identity of "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" into another copy, let Noah drive on autopilot, and then secretly hang up.

He himself used his original soul appearance to appear as a villain in the London dungeon, acting as the "anonymous boss" who inspected the daily activities of his subordinates.

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