Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 943 Anonymous Boss Announces Responsibility (Updates with monthly tickets)

After all, Noah said that there may be similar "copies" in the future.

If you want to play the villain's perspective, but don't want the main body to be bound to "Noah's Ark", an artificial intelligence that transcends the times, then of course you have to find a suitable "partner".

For example, he is the "anonymous boss".

——The appearance of Jiang Xia’s soul is different from the current body, and will not be recognized by acquaintances.

...In short, just think of "Noah" and its "holographic game" as the work of an anonymous person.

And in this way, various NPCs in the game, such as Miyano Akemi and Matsuda Jinpei, are naturally anonymous.

As for why the anonymous people use the dead as NPCs...

How could this Jiang Xia know? For those who want to know, please catch Anonymous on your own...if you can.

"..." Of course, "Ontology doesn't want to play the London dungeon", of course, you can't say it yourself.

Instead, they have to be handed over to the ruthless and unreasonable kidnapper AI.

In the game square.

The "cruel and unreasonable kidnapper AI" coldly announced the rule that "Jiang Xia can only drive".

After saying that, the door leading to the "Paris-Dakar Cross-Country Race" flashed in response to the situation, signaling Jiang Xia to go there.

——Only in this dungeon, players are in the car most of the time.

In addition, Noah thought that the key shots for a while must be in the detective copy. This means that as long as you pay a little attention to the shooting angle later, you can drive the car where the master of the psychic is on autopilot and pretend that Jiang Xia has been concentrating on driving in this copy.

"Um... how about we all drive? There is more power with more people, so we can increase the clearance rate."

Suzuki Sonoko has already embarked on the gravel road leading to the "London copy".

When she heard this change, she turned around and walked back.

Suzuki Sonoko didn't know that the death message of "JTR" pointed to the "London Dungeon", so her idea was very simple - if Jiang Xia was there in the detective dungeon, they could win 80% of the time, and they could just go and visit the holographic game.

But now, Jiang Xia can't enter the detective dungeon, and the remaining people... don't seem to have any detective talents. It's better to go with Jiang Xia and clear the level in other dungeons to increase the success rate - anyway, "Noah's Ark" does not limit the level of dungeon clearance.

While talking, Suzuki Sonoko wanted to go through the stone door and return to the platform.

However, this action was unsuccessful.

——Just like Jiang Xia was stopped when entering the door.

When Suzuki Sonoko went out, she also bumped into an invisible soft barrier and was bounced back.

Mao Lilan, who was following behind, had quick hands and eyes, and supported her.

"..." Suzuki Sonoko touched her forehead in confusion. After she came to her senses, she shook her fist in the air angrily, "Hey! What are you doing, little customer service? Can't you just change a copy!"

Noah explained patiently:

"I'm very sorry, but the judgment process is set at the door. When you pass through the stone gate, your player identities have been bound.

"Although under normal circumstances, the game can be exited and reselected, but now, the rules have been changed, and various 'exit' options are locked - just like you cannot leave the game, you cannot reselect the copy now."

"... He talks about kidnapping and tampering with the program so confidently." Suzuki Sonoko's forehead veins jumped, and she wanted to fight Noah, but unfortunately she didn't know where the little AI was.

"It's okay, you go to the detective dungeon - anyway, in racing, there is only one driver's seat, and there are many people but few people, so the results are the same." Jiang Xia sighed helplessly.

He seemed to be comforting himself and others:

"Although it is inconvenient to move separately, it is also a double insurance. Maybe you will have cleared the level while I am still on the road - since it is a game for children, even the detective copy should not be too difficult. .”

Conan looked up at Jiang Xia through a stone door and nodded heavily.

He suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders, as if he was shouldering a double heavy mission - Jiang Xia's words "Maybe you will be the one to pass the level first" must have been said to him. This was the sympathy between famous detectives.

"Don't worry." It's been a long time since Conan solved a case without Jiang Xia.

Although this was a life-threatening game, at this moment, his eyes were still bright and his fighting spirit was aroused: "Leave it to us."

Jiang Xia nodded.

He glanced at "Hideki Morohoshi" who had also entered the detective copy. Then turned around and walked towards the stone door leading to the Paris-Dakar Cross Country.

Outside the game, in the control room.

Kudo Yusaku looked at the "in-game picture" displayed on the screen with serious eyes. He turned his head and asked Dr. Agasa: "How is it?"

Dr. A Li checked the machine values ​​with an ugly look on his face: "There is a huge amount of energy stored in the 'cocoon'. It is indeed enough to destroy the brains of fifty people in an instant."

In the game hall, on the audience stage next to "Cocoon". The parents of those who experienced it also became anxious.

Several people impulsively ran onto the stage, waved away the staff who came to stop them, and rushed to the side of the cocoon, trying to force open the lid and get out the people inside.

As soon as his hand touched the cabin, a crackle of electricity came.


With a few short screams, several fierce parents collapsed to the ground.

They were dragged away by terrified staff and carefully pulled away from the play cabin.

"Don't provoke me." Noah's cold voice came out of the speaker, resounding through the hall, with a stern tone, "I didn't explain the rules clearly just now - it is forbidden to open the game cabin from the outside. Next time, I will end you immediately and the lives of the players in the cabin.”

From the monitoring room in the control room, you can see part of the game hall.

The police department was completely stunned when they saw the eyes of the AI ​​electric man.

As a middle-aged man who usually works crazy overtime, has no time to surf the Internet, and is not even good at blogging, the current police department really doesn't understand this kind of high technology.

He looked at the other people in the room with confusion: "That hacker... no, that computer. Uh, I mean that artificial intelligence - why did it suddenly lose control?"

Sindora crossed her arms and stared at the screen with an ugly expression, not wanting to speak.

"Probably because of its maker, Sawada Hiroki." Next to him, Kudo Yusaku sighed, "Although Hiroki was born in Japan, he has never been able to adapt to Japanese education - this kind of suppression of children's personality, The outdated and pedantic education system has led to Hiroki being labeled as a weird kid with a 'computer paranoia'. The entire country does not recognize the child's 'individuality'.

"Noah's purpose may actually be Hiroki's purpose - they want to subvert Japan's various outdated concepts and start everything from scratch.

"Unfortunately, the current behavior of 'cutting off the second and third generations of big men' may be the 'solution' that Noah finally found."


There are five more updates in the morning


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