Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 944: Scarce Male Ghost, extra update to the leader of the alliance, Young Master Queyue

Chapter 944: Scarce Male Ghost, more updates to the Alliance Leader [Gongzi Queyue]

The Mumu Police Department had difficulty digesting the news.

As he listened, he suddenly felt that something was not right, and asked doubtfully: "Brother Kudo, how come you know the inside story so well? Do you know that 'Hiroki Sawada'?"

"I know his biological father, who is Kenmura." Yusaku Kudo sighed, "In fact, over the past year, Kenmura and I have not only been friends, but also have a relationship of 'detective and client' - he invited me Re-investigate Hiroki’s death.”


Sindora had long felt that someone was doing something small.

Hearing this, he immediately sneered: "Are you trying to say that Hiroki didn't commit suicide but committed suicide? - There are videos of what happened back then. Hiroki walked to the rooftop and jumped off by himself. I tried to stop him. I passed, but unfortunately, I couldn’t catch up.”

"We are not doubting this." Kudo Yusaku shook his head and looked at him sternly, "What I want to find out is why Hiroki embarked on the road of suicide."

"Ha." Sindora was too lazy to pay attention to the detective and turned to look at the screen.

Rather than "clearing the level", he actually hoped that these experiencers would die inside.

Only in this way will his secrets not be brought out of the game...

In the game.

In addition to Jiang Xia, there are several other children who also chose the "Paris-Dakar Cross-Country Race" venue.

Several people crossed the gravel road and entered the transmission channel.

The moment they arrived at the dungeon, they were immediately separated and arrived at their respective birth points.

This happens to be the starting point of a village-level cross-country race.

Jiang Xia looked at the car in front of him and got into the car.

The moment he got in the car, he replaced himself with an NPC with the face of "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" that Noah had quickly created.

Jiangxia itself instantly entered a place similar to the "employee passage".

——Although the contract with Noah is somewhat incomplete, most of its functions are still available.

After obtaining the highest management authority, this space was much freer for him than the last time he came in.

Not long after, Jiang Xia poked her head out of the air and landed on a long stone street.

——He left the copy of "Paris-Dakar" and wandered into the copy of "London at the End of the Nineteenth Century". Bearing his original appearance.

Jiang Xia looked around and saw the familiar dirty air, gloomy sky, smog, and dirty water all around.

He sighed and whispered to Noah in a low voice: "The environment is too restored, and the experience is very poor."

Next to it, the door of the coffee shop suddenly opened.

The npc clerk came out, bowed and offered a cup of coffee with a flattering look on his face, which was probably Noah's answer to his complaint.

Jiang Xia took it easily.

The clerk retreated silently and closed the store door again.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at the coffee in his hand, then took a closer look and smelled it.

Perhaps because of the reality part as a carrier, the details of the space controlled by Noah are much more refined than those of the normal conscious space.

The coffee in front of me looks and smells exactly like reality. Even the slightly hot feeling is exactly the same.

I raised my glass and took a sip. The taste was particularly mellow, and it was not much different from eating in real life.

Jiang Xia: "..." It's quite nice to experience delicious food from all over the world...

But now, there is still business to be done.

He didn't think much more, and while drinking coffee, he turned to look at the street next to him.

At this point, each script is just getting started.

This copy of "Jack the Ripper" is, of course, the same.

According to Noah's plan, after the players briefly adapt to the environment here. "Jack the Ripper" will be near them, kill a person, attract the players with screams and blood, and let them quickly get involved in the opening.

As soon as Jiang Xia turned around, he saw "Jack the Ripper" - the materialized Matsuda Jinpei.

Just now, when the game started, he threw Matsuda Jinpei and Miyano Akemi into this dungeon to play guest roles for important NPCs that were destroyed by them.

Matsuda Jin shared the role of "Jack the Ripper".

At this time, "Jack the Ripper" was wearing black clothes and a top hat of the same color. The sunglasses that he had to wear even if he turned into a ghost finally disappeared and were replaced by a half-face mask with mysterious patterns.

He was holding a sharp scimitar in his hand, and standing opposite was a woman. The NPC woman was wearing a gorgeous red dress, with an expressionless face, waiting to be stabbed.

Sensing someone falling nearby, Matsuda Jinpei turned around and looked over.

Seeing Jiang Xia, he was slightly startled. He was not used to this face that was different from his own.

But with the contract, he could recognize whatever it turned out to be. He quickly nodded towards Jiang Xia.

After that, Matsuda Jinpei held a scimitar and looked at the female NPC opposite who looked like a living person in every way. He muttered and tried to discuss: "You really want me to come? It's really difficult to deal with women and children... …”

It seems that this working man has some objections to the current work assignment.

"Relax. You were very decisive when you beat Noah before." Jiang Xia encouraged her ghost, "Just treat them as the same thing."

"In this 'world', there are certain limits to how you can adjust your body shape and face. If you adjust it too much, it will become unnatural and affect your actions. And look at your colleagues, the other male ghosts -"

Jiang Xia counted them one by one with her fingers: "Those with wings, those who are too short, those with wives..."

"Anyway, let's count it out all the way." He patted Matsuda Jinpei's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Only you can take on this big responsibility - and don't underestimate your opponent this time. Even a female high school student can do it when she's angry. A female high school student demolishing reinforced concrete with her bare hands. Go to hell with the others, I'm afraid they won't win."

Listening to his words, Matsuda Jinpei silently pictured Mao Lilan's vigorous figure in his mind: "..." Indeed...

While they were struggling, an information box appeared next to the two of them.

Inside is a thoughtful reminder from Noah:

[The player has arrived nearby, please complete the mission of "Jack the Ripper" as soon as possible]

"Quick." Jiang Xia took a sip of coffee and said leisurely.

"..." Matsuda Jinpei held the dagger and turned to look at the woman opposite. He muttered a few words in his mind, "This is a plastic model." He held the woman's shoulder and stabbed it in with the knife.


The npc who was stabbed with no emotion suddenly opened his mouth and let out a sharp and ear-piercing death cry.

Perhaps in order to be heard by the players, the scream volume is huge and extremely penetrating.

For a moment, something seemed to be triggered - Matsuda Jinpei just stabbed him with a knife, but a huge gap suddenly opened in the belly of the "woman" opposite, and the internal organs were turned out.

Jiang Xia: "..."

The coffee in my hand suddenly no longer smells good...

Fortunately, I had just finished drinking them all.

He glanced at the empty cup in his hand and then at the smooth street. Suddenly he remembered something and threw the heavy coffee cup to the ground.

Then he walked straight to the coffee shop across the street and pushed in.

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