Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 945 Where is your conscience? Jiegeng to Alliance Leader Young Master Queyue

Chapter 945 Where is your conscience? Jiegeng to Alliance Leader [Gongzi Queyue]

Matsuda Jinpei looked at Jiang Xia's retreating figure, his eyes twitching, and he also wanted to retreat.

But before he could take a step forward, the thoughtful instructions from the master of the spiritual medium came through the contract:

"I'm going to wait nearby first. Don't leave in a hurry. You must wait until the players see you, and then run away in the most handsome posture - all villains are like this.

"Now that we have done it, we must implement the principles of villainy to the end and become the most qualified villain."

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

Why does a mature and stable adult ghost have to consider such a non-practical question as "whether he looks handsome when he runs away"...

The mood of the ghost involved was a bit complicated.

However, since it was given by Jiang Xia, it is considered work...

Matsuda Jinpei tried his best to recall the comics he had read when he was in middle school. He half-knelt down next to the corpse, flicked his cloak, and assumed a handsome sword-wielding posture. He sadly waited for the little kids to come over.

In the cafe next door.

After Jiang Xia entered, he went all the way to the second floor, came to the window, and looked out at the street through the foggy glass.

Noah jumped out of nowhere, bounced next to him, and stopped obediently on the table.

Jiang Xia rubbed the crystal ball that felt good to the touch, and then said naturally: "The drink is good, let's have another one. This time I want wine." He snapped his fingers, "--have some of the signature beer of this era. .”

Noah: "..." This is a coffee shop, he only prepared coffee...

But since Jiang Xia wants to drink...

Noah had no choice but to look up the information silently, worked overtime on the spot, and made a cup.

the other side.

a minute ago.

As the game begins, Conan and other people who have chosen "Copies of Jack the Ripper" appear on the streets of London.

The children originally thought this was a romantic era, but soon, the polluted air and dirty urban areas forced them to face reality. Affected by the environment, my already heavy heart became even heavier.

It may be that bloody murderers like "Jack the Ripper" are not very popular with children.

In the end, there were only two groups of players who chose this copy.

——The first group was, of course, the group of acquaintances from Jiang Xia.

The other group is "Hideki Morohoshi" and his second-generation small group.

——Noa, who took over the identity of "Hideki Morohoshi", would of course choose this copy. When the other second generation saw their "child heads" walking in, they all followed.

The two groups of people entered from the same entrance and landed at the same birth point. They naturally gathered together and whispered about the current situation.

At this time, somewhere nearby, a frightening scream of death suddenly occurred.

Everyone was startled and looked at the intricate neighborhood ahead.

Immediately afterwards, Conan, the only complete "detective" among the group, was the first to recover and rushed out quickly, trying to find the source of the sound.

After running for a while, Conan's eyes narrowed.

On the stone street on the right, there are two figures, one standing and one lying down.

——A man dressed all in black squatted next to the bloody woman, holding a knife high, with a frightening cold light on the blade, as if he was about to stab her.

Conan shouted sharply: "Stop!"


Matsuda Jinping lowered his arm that had been raised for a while, looked in the direction where the players were running, and showed a sinister sneer.

Then suddenly he stood up, swung his cloak, and strode along the street to the deserted side. The cloak behind him spreads out like a fan and flutters in the wind.

"..." Only at this time did Matsuda Jinpei feel that Xiaobai's "loving to watch dramas" was actually pretty good.

——Thanks to those messy dramas, he learned a lot of strange knowledge, such as the cloak swing just now... I hope this will satisfy the master of the psychic who has high requirements for "powerful".

Think of this. Before "escape", Matsuda Jinpei took advantage of the opportunity to hold down his hat and glanced at the window diagonally above.

He saw Jiang Xia sitting elegantly opposite a ball, holding a huge beer glass in his hand.

While Matsuda Jinping was looking over, Jiang Xia looked down at him as if he was aware of it, and raised his glass to him from afar. Then he showed an appreciative smile... He looked more into the scene than "Jack the Ripper".

The glass was thick and reflective, covered in dust, and blocked by the brim of the Jack the Ripper hat.

Conan, who was chasing after him, failed to see the brief exchange between the two fake "villains".

Conan's eyes were focused on the man in black running wildly in front of him.

He looked at the opponent's running speed, then looked down at his elementary school student's legs, and sighed inwardly, knowing that he might not be able to catch up... Fortunately, elementary school students also have their own tricks.

Thinking of this, Conan's eyes moved and fell to the ground ahead.

——On the street a few meters away from the body, for some unknown reason, a heavy coffee cup lay quietly, as if it had been carelessly discarded.

Looks to be of good quality, solid and sturdy.

I don’t know why someone would throw it away, but...

Conan looked at Jack the Ripper's back and showed a smile of victory.

He squatted down, clicked on the switch of the strength-enhancing shoes, then took a running start and kicked the coffee cup: "Don't even think about running!"

At the same time, the grand scene of "Jack the Ripper was hit on the back of the head by a coffee cup, fell into a coma, speed-passed the game, and led 49 other players to fight his way out of the siege".

Conan's shoe tip hit the coffee cup hard.


The coffee cup rose up in response, and with a terrifying momentum... it flew two meters away.

Then it fell to the ground with a clang, and Gululu rolled into the ditch nearby.


The air was quiet for a second.

After a moment, Conan screamed and hugged his feet.

A sharp dull pain came from his feet, and for the first time in a long time, he experienced the natural reaction of a normal person when he kicked a hard object.

In the distance, Matsuda Jinpei vaguely heard the child's scream, pressed down on the brim of his hat, and looked back.

Seeing the cup rolling away, he remembered the scene where Jiang Xia threw away the cup just now, and silently looked away, pretending not to see anything.

"..." The psychic master really has no conscience.

...But, if you think about it, this is just a game. It hurts but won't cause any damage. It might even stimulate the nerves, making people more alert.

In addition, compared to a critical situation like "when facing real danger and suddenly discovering that all the props cannot be used", it is indeed better to investigate and resolve the crisis in advance as we are now.

...Matsuda Jinpei convinced himself skillfully.

His mysterious back quickly disappeared into the shadows of the alley.

When Conan hugged his feet and couldn't help but jump around in pain.

A group of other players finally found a place and ran to Conan's side.

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