Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 956 The gift from the boss

For the sake of game balance, "Colonel Moran" usually won't take action. But if certain words and deeds of the player anger her, she will reveal her true nature and go on a killing spree...

With this thought in mind, the players silently endured all the complaints and said nothing. They just tried hard to remember the keywords provided by Professor "Moriarty".

"..." At the same time, Jiang Xia looked at them from a distance, his eyes slightly scrutinizing.

——I always feel that the expressions of these students are not right, maybe they are thinking about something weird, but he has no evidence...

"..." But forget it, anyway, the vest of this "anonymous boss" usually doesn't appear in reality.

Jiang Xia's gaze paused for a moment, and then he quickly started talking about business as if nothing had happened.

He continued to talk about the life experience of "Jack the Ripper":

"When I picked him up, Jack had just been abandoned by his mother. He was covered in filth and hiding in the shabby ruins, like a large piece of garbage waiting to be burned. But I could see his talent at a glance - it was a crime A unique treasure in the world.”

"So I trained him into a first-class killer and let him be active in the dark world where he is good at." "Moriarty" said in a naturally gratified tone, "That's where he should be."

Conan couldn't help but frown and tried his best to focus on the key information: "...So 'Jack the Ripper' killed those women who had nothing to do with him in order to take revenge on the mother who abandoned him?"

"Maybe." "Moriarty" didn't seem to pay attention to such details. He said nonchalantly, "To be honest, in terms of education, I prefer the free development of individuality.

"Unfortunately, it seems that the development speed and direction of 'Jack the Ripper' are not in line with my expectations. To put it simply, he is out of control. And the series of cases you have seen are also the result of his loss of control. "

Having said this, Moriarty looked at Conan and smiled: "Although he has indeed grown to an astonishing level. But I don't like this kind of disobedient chess piece - if you want to get rid of him, I can help you."

Conan: "!"

When he heard the last sentence, he was suddenly startled and vaguely understood something.

Conan: "..." Wait, that is to say, Holmes is not at home, not because Noah punitively deleted their powerful helpers because of "player cheating", but just replaced them with an alternative "helper" "?

In this way, Noah did not lie - in every copy, there is a person who can provide help to the players.

At this time, in this dangerous London at the end of the 19th century, their helper is not "Holmes", but the "Moriarty" in front of them!

This is really beyond Conan's expectations.

He did not expect that he, a high school detective known as the "Savior of the Japanese Police" and determined to become the "Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei Era", would one day be reduced to being a "teammate" with Moriarty.

Conan: "..." But, I don't know why, but I feel a little excited just thinking about it.

Suddenly aware of his inner thoughts, Conan felt a sense of crisis. He suppressed this strange feeling of "seeing his idol" and asked calmly: "...Ahem, how can I help?"

"Moriarty" obviously noticed what was strange about Conan just now.

But he didn't point it out, he just smiled tolerantly, and there was actually a hint of elder kindness in his smile. He continued what he just said:

"Although he is on the verge of losing control, he is the person I raised after all - as long as I give the order to kill, he will still obey.

"Tomorrow, I will publish a message to him on the advertising column of the Sunday Times. All you have to do is go over and stay tuned after seeing the message."

As he spoke, he stood up, took the hat from Miyano Akemi, walked out the door, and ended the conversation unilaterally.

Conan looked at his back and couldn't help but jump off the stool. He had a bad feeling in his heart: "Who do you want him to kill?"

"You'll know tomorrow." When he arrived at the door, "Professor Moriarty" thought for a moment and looked back at several players who suddenly became poor after entering the game. "In order to prepare for the decisive battle with 'Jack the Ripper', you guys You can spend the night here - then, good night. As the owner of this place, I sincerely wish you a pleasant weekend."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed open the door and walked out.

Colonel Moran put away his wine and glasses and followed quickly.

On the stone street opposite, a carriage stopped at some point. The two got into the car one after another and drove away quickly.

Conan stood at the door, looking at the back of the carriage from a distance, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Then he suddenly thought of something, slapped his forehead, and let out a low "Ah!" regretfully.

——Forgot to remind Professor Moriarty to be careful about the Reichenbach Falls three years later. According to the original book, Professor Moriarty will confront Holmes there, and then both fall into the waterfall. Holmes is still alive, but Moriarty has not been able to come up.

Although Conan knows that "Moriarty" is a "bad guy" in the popular sense, as a detective who pursues solving mysteries, it is difficult for him not to appreciate a smart man. Appreciated as a novel alone, his admiration and love for the character Moriarty seems to be no less than that of Sherlock Holmes.

But the problem is not big. In this game, there is probably no so-called "three years later".

in addition……

Conan thought about Professor Moriarty's young face and felt that he was still a long way from death.

And the "Sherlock Holmes" of this world is his father! Although Kudo Yusaku also knows some fighting skills, but...


Conan raised his hand expressionlessly and hit his head, reminding himself to focus on the current game - this is an important game involving the lives of fifty people, so there can be no distractions!

He took a deep breath and planned to discuss tomorrow's plan with his companions.

Turning around, he saw Lingmu Yuanzi and Mao Lilan already sitting on the sofa. Suzuki Sonoko touched the soft fabric of the sofa under her hand and said happily: "Professor Moriarty is such a good person! I thought I was going to sleep on the street today."

Conan: "...You just think he's good-looking."

"Oh, superficial brat, I'm not that kind of person." Suzuki Sonoko's eyes drifted to the side, and she quickly said seriously, "Okay, let's discuss tomorrow's game!"

She thought to herself: She is really lucky today. I met strange handsome guys both inside and outside the game.

...Only the fact that "if the game fails, the dog will be taken away" is quite terrible.

However, maybe at the last moment, Jiang Xia, who was relegated to driving next door, would drive a colorful sports car from the sky and knock the hateful Jack the Ripper away. Then a group of people successfully defeated the evil AI, escaped from the game, and successfully escaped!

A person must have hope... Suzuki Sonoko thought so and nodded silently in her heart.

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