Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 957 The fickle detective

It was a game after all, and the night didn't last long.

In the poker club, not long after the players rested, a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon.

In the early morning, a group of people went out early and arrived near Whitechapel.

This is one of the places where Jack the Ripper committed his crimes.

Others scoured the streets looking for newspapers, ready to find information from what Moriarty said was the "Sunday Times."

Conan unknowingly wandered into the courtyard of Whitechapel and observed the situation thoughtfully.

There is a notice posted on the wall. Conan came closer to take a closer look.

Just see it says:

[A parent-child charity bazaar will also be held on the second Sunday in October.

Those who would like to participate are asked to bring items that match the ‘parent-child’ theme. ]

Conan: "..." it will "also" be held in October. In other words, there has been one in September - calculating the dates, the "Parent-Child Charity Auction" in September happened to be held on the day that Honey was killed by "Jack the Ripper". And according to the information found from Holmes, when Honey died, there was a pair of parent-child rings beside her.

There are no more clues around for now.

While silently integrating the known information in his mind, Conan returned the same way and came to his teammates.

Maybe he was lucky. As soon as he got to the street, a little newsboy passed by.

Conan's eyes lit up and he waved his hand: "Bring me a copy of the Sunday Times!"

He touched his pocket as he spoke.

After entering the game, their appearance and the things they carry are all reproduced one to one.

Conan thought happily, luckily he had a lot of pocket money with him.

But a second later, I looked at the foreigners coming and going on the street. Conan thought of the current background, held the island country coin in his hand, and froze slightly.

He said to the newsboy: "...I only have yen on me."

A few meters away, "Hideki Morohoshi" glanced at the NPC selling newspapers.

The npc newsboy handed out the newspaper with one hand and extended his other hand towards Conan enthusiastically: "Here, 80 yen."

Conan: "...Thank you."

How convenient.

Fortunately, it seems that Noah is not so crazy as to exploit people everywhere, and they still have hope of passing the level...

Conan took the newspaper and found a group of his friends.

A group of people were flipping through the newspapers, and according to what "Moriarty" said, they opened to the advertising column of the "Sunday Times".

Soon, they found a short line of words:

[Go clean the stage of the opera house tonight.

M to J]

"M to J...Moriarty to Jack?" Conan quickly confirmed the target, "The 'kill order' should refer to this."

Suzuki Sonoko looked curiously at this newspaper from the last century.

She looked around and suddenly found an advertisement for the Opera House, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "It's about this - this should be the target of 'Jack the Ripper' today!"

"Which one?" Conan confirmed the advertisement and glanced at Suzuki Sonoko in surprise. He was immediately speechless: I always felt that after seeing "Professor Moriarty" last night, the nymphomaniac Sonoko suddenly became very motivated. The deputy is very satisfied with the appearance of the helper as "Moriarty"...

Conan followed Suzuki Sonoko's line of sight and soon saw another advertisement——

[Triumph performance! Principal Singer of the Walt Royal Opera House, Irene Adler’]

"Irene Adler?!" Conan was startled, then frowned, "This is the only woman Holmes has ever loved. Moriarty used her as a target, probably not just to lure out Jack the Ripper, but I really want to kill her...this devil!"

Although Conan once felt that Professor Moriarty was an admirable genius in some aspects.

But at this time, he and his idol Sherlock Holmes were placed side by side, and the two were about to clash violently...

Sure enough, idols are more important.

Conan couldn't help but crinkle the newspaper a little, his eyes glowing with anger: "We must stop his conspiracy and save Irene Adler!"

"Hmm!" Suzuki Sonoko nodded enthusiastically, nodded, and whispered, "I wonder if Mr. Moriarty will go to watch. Since he is the 'helper' appointed by the game, he should go and follow Let's meet up." As she said that, she couldn't help but blush as she remembered the details of her help.

"That's impossible to say." Conan remembered that "Professor Moriarty" wanted to murder his idol's wife, snorted and retorted:

"Although we didn't meet Holmes himself, we did get a lot of useful clues at his residence - maybe the real helper was actually Holmes all along. And 'Moriarty' didn't talk to 'The Ripper' at all. Jack's goodbye, he is just a misleading item set up in the game. On the surface, he is helping, but in fact, he is always ready to backstab us... In short, this guy who likes to play with people's hearts should not be trusted easily!"

"Ha, you are a fickle child." Suzuki Sonoko slapped him on the head and glanced at him, "I don't know who told us about Professor Moriarty's brilliant achievements last night. '."

"Okay, okay." Mao Lilan, as the only sane quasi-adult present, intervened between the two of them and stopped the increasingly outrageous conversation:

"We'd better go to the Opera House first. Remind Miss Irene Adler and ask her to avoid it - she will be completely safe when Jack the Ripper is caught later."

The scene soon reached evening.

The opera house was brilliantly lit. Gentlemen and ladies dressed in formal attire, holding arms, entered one after another.

Jiangxia and Miyano Akemi also appeared nearby.

However, they did not enter through the front entrance, but took the staff passage through the back entrance.

While visiting the backstage of this ancient flavor, I walked towards the auditorium.

On the way, when passing a fork, someone suddenly blocked the way.

"...?" Jiang Xia raised his eyes and saw an NPC with a mustache.

When the NPC in charge saw the unfamiliar face, he twirled the funny mustache on his lips, Jingye stopped him and said, "This is the backstage, and no one else is allowed to enter!"

"..." Miyano Akemi poked Noah.

——Noah attaches great importance to this game, and left a palm-sized spherical slime on their side to serve as a communicator.

Suddenly being poked at this time, it came back to its senses, looked at the steward blocking the way, and then looked at Jiang Xia, who was staring at the steward's beard and touching his chin thoughtfully. After realizing it, he said: "I forgot to tell you. No, I didn't mean to let him block the way - just now, the players said that they planned to report to Irene Adler and ask her to stop the performance... In this case, the scheduled chase may not be staged, so I set Interceptor - if you want to pass through this, you can cancel it at any time. Just remember to open it again after passing."

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