Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 961 The hard work behind the scenes

At the same time, in the opera house, there was a VIP seat in the center of the second floor.

Jiang Xia was holding a goblet and sitting behind the railing. He seemed to be concentrating on enjoying Irene Adler's performance, but in fact, he had switched his field of view and was watching Matsuda Jinpei - also known as "Jack the Ripper". "work hard.

Contrary to what the players imagined, Matsuda Jinpei never considered such a boring thing as "suddenly rushing out and stabbing Irene Adler to death" from the beginning.

Moreover, compared to being an assassin with cold weapons, he actually has other areas that he is better at.

There is a saying that those who slay dragons will eventually become dragons.

Although Matsuda Jinpei's conscience has not been completely buried, he is quite good at blasting. Now that he is suddenly forced to switch from a bomb disposal expert to an explosive monster in the game, he should be able to look at it in style.

——At this time, Matsuda Jinpei was holding a bunch of homemade time bombs, recalling the structure of the opera house, putting a package here and a package there like sending express.

This is not an easy job.

He not only needs to ensure that the explosion special effects are dazzling and earth-shattering, but also leaves enough escape paths for players and NPCs with a strong desire to survive.

Of course, more importantly, don't forget to avoid the box where Jiang Xia is.

——Although the master of the psychic medium did not say it directly, once the theater explodes later, he will definitely not be willing to follow the crowd and flee in confusion. Instead, he prefers scenes such as "sitting on a high place and elegantly tasting wine in the midst of chaos, overlooking the struggle of all living beings." The point is of course not to "watch others struggle", but to have the aura that "Moriarty" should have.

Matsuda Jinpei: "..." This last point is the most difficult to deal with.

It can neither blow up the people in the box to ashes, nor let the explosion point be too far away, otherwise it will not have the artistic conception of "sitting alone in the midst of an explosion". Hiss, I should have known that when fighting Noah and his NPCs before, I should have started a little softer, so that Noah could cheat and install a harmless special effect. It's a pity that now...

The working ghost sighed sadly. Carefully calculate the weight and installation location of the bomb, and prepare the ground patiently.


When the opera reaches its peak, on several bombs diagonally above the stage, the timer clicks to the end and finally reaches zero.



Loud explosions came one after another, and the entire opera house seemed to be shaking. The ceiling and the decorations on it broke and collapsed, hitting the ground and throwing up smoke and dust. The guests kept screaming in terror. They no longer cared about enjoying the opera, got up in panic, and rushed to the exit.

The shaking was most noticeable around the stage.

Irene Adler was forced to stop singing. She stepped on the ground like a deck in a storm, trying to maintain her balance.

At this time, there was a shattering sound above the head. She instinctively raised her head and looked around, just in time to see the large spotlight and the bracket falling apart, hitting her head.


In the chaos, the two children from "Hideki Morohoshi" rushed over and pushed Irene Adler away, while they themselves were smashed into foam by the pair of brackets.

In the private room on the second floor, the split version of "Crystal Slime" lying on Jiang Xia's table looked at this scene with slight surprise: "These children can actually save people... they learn quite quickly." He remembered that he had just entered During the game, the scene where the young detective team rescued the little fat man.

Compared to audiences everywhere. At this time, the fake Moriarty and his men looked quite relaxed at the VIP table.

The dust and fire from the explosion scattered around them, without much lethality, but just a dazzling special effect.

But when the same thing falls next to the player, it is like the fire of hell - this holographic game is originally too real, and all senses are restored. At this time, another terrifying rule was added: "If you fail the game, you will be electrocuted by the AI." The players' fighting spirit and desire to survive are not much worse than in the real world.

In the blink of an eye, two more teammates were eliminated. But now is not the time to remember his teammates - as long as there are people alive on the field, they will not die. If we stop for a moment of silence and everyone takes off their dogs, then it’s really over.

"Go from this way! Hurry up!" Conan calmly found a way out.

He directed the two female high school students, "Hideki Morohoshi", and Irene Adler, who had just been rescued, to leave the theater as soon as possible.

Just now, Conan thought of many ways to "use the stage environment to capture Jack the Ripper."

These include but are not limited to "using various possible props to trip the opponent", "turning the bright light next to him and shining it directly into his eyes" and other solutions.

But no matter which one you choose, you must be able to truly see the location of "Jack the Ripper".

But who would have expected that this guy didn't show up around the stage at all, but simply and crudely solved the problem with a bomb.

"..." Conan led a group of friends and fled outside amid the debris falling densely like meteorites. His face was calm and composed, but in his heart he just wanted to pull the hair of Kudo Yusaku and Dr. Agasa - "Jack the Ripper" didn't care. From his name to his crime style, a guy who is better at using cold weapons suddenly came out with a bunch of bombs? !

I have been cheating on my father all day long, but I didn’t expect that I would be cheated on by my father today.

Conan mentally cursed his luck.

He and several teammates rushed out of the auditorium. When they were approaching the corner, Conan suddenly remembered something and turned back quickly to look at the second floor.

The firelight illuminated the face of "Professor Moriarty". He was sitting peacefully in the crumbling ruins, smiling at the players and raising a glass, as if he wanted to invite them to watch the audience struggling in the explosion.

Conan couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "...a madman who doesn't want his life."

Next to him, Noah, who was wearing the shell of "Hideki Morohoshi", heard this and subconsciously looked back.

The picture behind him was indeed very impactful, and when he thought of the cool and enthusiastic light effects, a considerable part of which was added by himself, Noah couldn't help but answer: "But it's quite handsome."

"Indeed." Suzuki Sonoko actually had time to listen to the gossip. She screamed amidst the crackling debris and answered the conversation tenaciously, "The games at this kind of press conference should have screen recordings - hello. ! People outside, did you hear this! Record the scene just now, and when I get out alive, you can pay me for mental damages!! Otherwise, I will sue you until you are bankrupt!"

Conan: "..."

With this group of magical teammates, I always feel that my survival rate is constantly -1, -1, -1...

... Xiaolan is still the most reliable.

Just as he was thinking about it, the hot air suddenly cleared.

——They managed to escape to the street outside before the theater turned into a sea of ​​flames.

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