Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 962 Is Moriarty a good person?

As soon as he stepped onto the stone street outside, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the alley next to him.

The three remaining players and an AI ghost turned around and saw a man dressed in black and wearing a black robe, covering his face with a gorgeous half-face mask. The man had a dagger on his waist and was passing by in a high profile.

——It was the first NPC they saw after entering this dungeon.

"It's Jack the Ripper!"

Conan reminded his teammates loudly.

Almost at the same time, Mao Lilan took advantage of the momentum to stand up and kicked his body sideways. His long and powerful legs swept through the air with a sound, and kicked Jack the Ripper accurately in his path.

——When I first entered the game, the only one who saw "Jack the Ripper" from the front was Conan himself. But others had seen the back of "Jack the Ripper" from a distance when he left. The black robe flying in the wind and the top hat that he had to wear when he escaped were really impressive.

He was running along the road, and suddenly someone wanted to kick him. "Jack the Ripper" passed by here, but he was not surprised.

The moment he was in close combat with Mao Lilan, he suddenly flipped sideways and just passed over Mao Lilan. The black robe was billowing in the air. He held down the hat on his head and landed lightly, like a black bird.

After that, Bomb Jack didn't waste a second and continued running forward without any hesitation. A brief and hasty battle looked like a performance that had been rehearsed several times in advance.

Suzuki Sonoko was the last to run out of the theater. Panting, she raised her head and caught a glimpse of the athletic Mao Lilan and the lower half of Jack the Ripper's face that was not blocked by the mask. Her eyes lit up and she shouted from a distance: "I want this scene too!"

As he said that, he did not forget to pick up a lamp that had fallen by his feet and threw it towards "Jack the Ripper" with a "hey!", making a meager effort belonging to Zhan Wuzha, trying to stop the villain who decided their fate. figure.

Matsuda Jinpei lowered his head to avoid: "..." The little girl now has a really good attitude.

However, when I thought about it, the number of corpses Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan usually saw and the number of times they encountered desperadoes were almost more than him, a police officer who was born in a serious police academy... Matsuda Jinpei suddenly felt a little more " This is normal,” I thought.

He dodged the objects that the players were chasing and smashing behind him one after another. He listened carefully to the footsteps behind him, and moved at a speed that "the players could see him but could never catch up with him." Running all the way through the narrow alley, rushing towards the "Charlie Cross Station" in the distance.

In my impression, according to the script, this will be the final climax of the entire copy.

——Players will have a final battle with "Jack the Ripper" on a high-speed train.

If the player can uncover the hidden "Jack the Ripper" among the many passengers, reveal his murder motive and identity, and survive to the end successfully, the player will successfully pass the level.

In turn, the entire copy will fail.

In the desperate pursuit of the players, "Jack the Ripper" took them for a walk along the streets and alleys around the theater, meaning to "get rid of" the people behind him.

Finding that he couldn't get rid of him, Jack the Ripper paid attention to the time again, and rushed into "Charlie Close Station" just in time for the last steam train to leave, and boarded the train that had already begun to move.

The players arrived one step behind him.

As it rushed onto the platform, the old-style train was spraying steam and had already accumulated considerable speed.

Conan and "Hideki Morohoshi" nimbly chased the car, gritted their teeth and ran at a relatively stationary speed with the car, and jumped onto the coupler between the two carriages without any danger.

Mao Lilan also jumped up, turned around and wanted to pull Suzuki Sonoko up.

Suzuki Sonoko wore an evening dress today.

When logging into the game, the game cabin seemed to have scanned their appearance data and reproduced their real-life appearances one-to-one. Naturally, this also included the pair of high-heeled shoes at Suzuki Sonoko's feet.

Suzuki Sonoko was the slowest runner and didn't want to fall behind. At the last moment when the train was speeding up, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and jumped up. She had a strong desire to survive and grabbed the handrail protruding from the end of the carriage.

"Hideki Morohoshi" stepped on the hook and turned around to look at her.

Thinking of the level difficulty that will be set later and the number of players that should be present in the last level, Mo De's emotional AI's eyes moved secretly.

The next moment, Suzuki Sonoko's palm suddenly slipped - there was a piece of moss growing on the inside of the seemingly shiny handrail. The moment she couldn't hold on to the handrail and was forced to slide away, the train accelerated completely. With the sound of "Woo--", a whistle blew, and the car drove away quickly along the railway track.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!"

Mao Lilan's outstretched hand was empty, and Suzuki Garden was blown head-on by the sudden and violent wind. Like a voice poster caught in the strong wind, it howled and floated back.

Before she hit the ground, a figure walked out of the awning next to the platform, raised his hand, and caught her.

After completing the speed increase, the train clanked forward and quickly left Charlie Cross Station with an agility that was not suitable for a steam train.

Mao Lilan, Conan and "Hideki Morohoshi" stepped on the strong coupler between the two carriages. They faced the strong wind and looked at each other for a moment. Finally, they looked away, opened the door next to them, and entered the carriage.

Along the way, they lost teammates all the time. Especially in the poker club before, in order to see Moriarty, more than half of the people were admitted.

By now, the companions who were temporarily eliminated have become the fighting spirit of the remaining people.

And, looking on the bright side, maybe Suzuki Sonoko is not out yet...

"The garden is on Professor Moriarty's side. If we divide our forces into two groups, we may have a better chance of winning." Mao Lilan tried to think optimistically, "Although it is not certain that the professor is the 'helper' in this copy, it is possible I can’t say that he is not, I always feel that he is actually pretty good..."

Conan reluctantly responded, but his heart felt a little heavy.

——Looking out from this car, you can't see the huge "reverse clock" in the city, and naturally you can't confirm the number of survivors in the current copy.

But in short, he felt that he couldn't take any chances that "Moriarty would continue to help".

Thinking about it carefully, when they escaped from the opera house just now, Moriarty stayed in the VIP seat leisurely. This may not be just because he "wanted to watch the audience struggling in the explosion", but at that time, he did not feel that the box he was in was in danger.

What happened later also proved this.

Almost all other places were bombed into ruins, but Professor Moriarty's place was considered "safe" and not even a drop of wine in the glass was spilled.

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