Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 969 My secretary who is both civil and military

"Hongshu got close to this secret through the DNA traceability system. And it was because of this that you had murderous intentions towards him. After Hongshu noticed your abnormal attitude and committed suicide by jumping off the building, Jiancun also found out through some channels. this matter."

Kudo Yusaku sighed:

"With Kencun's rigorous character, he would have come to you first to confirm the situation and ask you to publicly apologize, but you killed him... If I guessed correctly, Noah was among the destroyed data at the crime scene. The 'DNA traceability system' brought by Ark."


All causes and consequences have been revealed.

Sindora's pupils were slightly dilated, and she slumped down on the sofa, finally giving up her resistance.

Seeing that he did not retort, the Memu Police Department took off the handcuffs from his waist and walked towards Thomas Sindora: "At 21:18, on suspicion of murdering Nakabin Kenmura..."

At this time, in the corridor separated by a wall, a low voice sounded: "Power outage."

No one heard what he said.

But the breathing light of the air conditioner next to it flickered regularly for a moment, then suddenly dimmed.

The next second, the control room, screens, corridors, rooms... the entire Mihua Municipal Building suddenly fell into darkness. Even the laptop in Takagi's hand shut down instantly as if it had been hacked.

In complete darkness.

Jiang Xia drove Matsuda Jinpei's puppet, turned on the speaker pinned to his collar, opened the control room door generously, and walked in.

There was a sudden power outage, and many people in the originally silent room shouted in panic: "What's going on?!" "Where are the staff!"

With the cover of these noisy sounds, coupled with the night vision ability borrowed from the ghost when he opened the puppet, Jiang Xia felt like he was in a deserted place.

He knocked down Sindora's secretary with one shot first and threw him out the door.

Then he walked straight to Sindora, approached her, and flicked her fingers on her collar.

Soon, the "secretary" whispered from the microphone attached to the collar:

"President, go this way!"

——This is a remote voice change provided kindly by Belmode.

Although Jiang Xia has also tried Dr. A Li's voice changer, it may be that he, an outsider, is not strong enough in Ke Xue, so when he changes it, it is always a bit unsatisfactory.

But it’s not a big problem, since he has a voice changer, and there’s more than one.

Sindora had just been subjected to a series of soul questioning by Kudo Yusaku, coupled with the pressure from the police and physical evidence, she sat down slumped.

At this time, the venue suddenly lost power. This unexpected turn of events disrupted the rhythm of the police and detectives. Let Sindora have some breathing time.

In my ears, the secretary's voice sounded as calm and reliable as ever - the secretary had been with Sindora for more than ten years and was highly regarded. She had also helped him with many shady things and was fully capable of acting alone.

When he shouted, Sindora stood up instinctively, followed behind the "secretary", quietly left the control room full of police officers, and entered the corridor.

When the cool wind blew in the corridor, Sindora shuddered and came back to her senses quickly.

He followed the feeling and looked at the assistant beside him.

——This sudden power outage affected the entire Mihua Municipal Building. Except for the control room, even the corridor was dark. He couldn't see the secretary's face clearly. He could only vaguely see a blurry person through the dim security landmark. body shape.

I was just about to ask what was going on.

The secretary had already explained with a look: "I just asked them to cut off the power in an emergency, and the emergency power supply has also done some tricks. Even if it only partially restores the lighting, it will take nearly a minute - you should go to the embassy first to avoid it." . Now there are reporters outside the building, and the reporters here are very crazy about the murders, like a group of sharks smelling blood. If you follow the police, you will probably be photographed by them."

Sindora listened with lingering fear and followed the secretary to the side door.

Hearing this, he nodded appreciatively and relaxed a lot.

Yes, the secretary can see clearly that this is the correct solution.

But just now, I really made a mistake in my judgment. I actually wanted to confess my guilt and then be taken away in front of everyone... Tsk, once that kind of invisible scene is photographed and spread, everything will be in trouble, "Xin Duo The enemies of "IT Empire" are not just the police, but also those business opponents who can't be driven away like lice.

And if you go to the embassy immediately to avoid being taken away on the spot, there will still be room for maneuver.

Sindora: "..." Speaking of which, the detectives here are really scary. When facing them, there was a sense of oppression that "if the evidence is discovered, the game will be over."

But, hey, after you wake up, think about it carefully: What kind of evidence is a fake knife with fingerprints on it? It's not ironclad evidence from video recordings or live broadcasts - the power he holds in his hands is enough to allow him to override the rules.

Thinking of this, Sindora couldn't help but have a murderous intention in her eyes, and thought angrily: Kudo Yusaku had better not return to the United States, otherwise in his busy daily life, I am afraid he will have to do one more thing "for the bastard detective who lacks vision" Accidental death”.

The secretary seemed to turn to look at him.

Sindora is very familiar with this move - as long as he is present, his loyal subordinates will carefully look at his eyes after making a decision to avoid making mistakes in judgment.

"Well done." Sindora nodded and affirmed tolerantly, "During this period, you will be more busy - it is not convenient for me to come out at the embassy, ​​so remember to coordinate outside."

The secretary nodded humbly: "Please rest assured."

Soon we arrived at the side door.

Although the Memu Police Department ordered the Mihua Municipal Building to be cordoned off, there were too many celebrities at this banquet: some were afraid of AI attacks and insisted on going back, some heard that something happened to their children and insisted on breaking in, and there were also Lailai Often the police...blockades really don't have much effect.

The secretary who also served as a bodyguard knocked out the innocent policeman guarding the door with a knife. He thoughtfully helped Sindora open the door: "The car arranged for you has arrived. You go first. I will stay to deal with those annoying guys - Kudo Yusaku may guess where you are going and send someone to stop you."

"Okay." Sindora nodded.

As soon as the side door opened, the sound of police sirens on the street in the distance suddenly became clear.

Sindora hadn't fully recovered from the reasoning hell just now. He was tense. When he saw a familiar car parked on the street, he immediately hurried to the police before noticing it. He lowered his body and approached quickly. .

Not caring about putting on airs and waiting for the secretary to open the door, he opened the back door himself and sat in.

The door slammed shut, and Sindora breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

The next second, his temple suddenly felt cold - a gun was pressed against him.

The gun is held by a slender and beautiful hand.

On the leather seat next to her, the blond woman looked at him with a smile, her red lips moved slightly, and what came out was the voice of his secretary: "Nice to meet you, President Sindora."

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