Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 970 Uzo’s Reliability

Almost at the same time, the car door clicked and locked.

A rough male voice came from the front row: "Brother, they have picked up the secretary and got on the bus from the other side - the signal has been blocked and no more news will be sent out."

Sindora: "...?!"

Like a basin of ice water pouring from the top of his head in the dead of winter, he turned back and looked at the "secretary" who had just sent him out.

Just at this time, the power supply was restored, and the dark rice flower municipal building suddenly lit up, like a huge fluorescent lantern. A figure next to the side door was illuminated.

The black gradually faded, and Sindora's trembling pupils clearly reflected that person - that was not a "secretary" at all, but a stranger he had never seen before!

The young man in black looked at his car from a distance, and bowed slightly to him like a dutiful butler, as if saying a silent farewell.

Then he pushed up the sunglasses on his face, turned around and walked back to the side door, and his figure quickly disappeared into the corridor.


Syndora looked at the all-black clothes and thought of the men in black in the car, and suddenly realized something.

He suddenly reached out his hand and tried to open the car door like crazy.

"Tsk." The elegant blond woman next to him seemed to be dissatisfied with his lunatic behavior, and hit the side of his neck with the butt of a gun.

There was a muffled sound, and the car suddenly became quiet. Sindora fell down and was pushed to the corner by Belmode.

"Sindora once claimed that he set up an email to be confirmed every 24 hours, and his secretary also has it, otherwise secrets about us will be sent automatically."

Gin started the vehicle and carried the prey in the vehicle. While sending a confirmation email to the boss, he sneered: "Let me see how many secrets he can spit out in 24 hours."

Belmode was not very interested in these.

She thought of the curly-haired man in black at the side door just now: "...Is that the substitute found by 'Uzo'?"

"That's right." Gin was in a good mood tonight, and when he spoke, he was a little more patient than usual:

"Uzo is a famous detective after all, and he has special abilities. Once his true identity is exposed, it will severely affect his daily work.

"You also know the current situation of the organization. There must be rats lurking in the dark. In order to avoid losses caused by moles, in the future, the contact between Uzo and internal members of the organization will mainly be made by the person just now. Even when facing cadres, Same."

"...It's really awkward to call a stranger 'Uzo'." Belmod still didn't like him, "Doesn't that guy have his own name?"

Gin: "..."

He remembered that when he asked "Fake Uzo" what his name was, the real Uzo threw a fake certificate of "Kurosawa Zuo" to fool him.

"..." When he thought of Uzo commanding his subordinates, "Kurosawa, go do this" and "Kurosawa, go do that"... Gin, who also had the same surname as "Kurosawa", felt unhappy.

Gin decisively ignored the name:

"It seems to be called 'Sittu', a Burmese name - that person has been in Burma.

"I had people trace his identity. Although some materials were lost due to improper preservation of paper files, enough materials were found to form a chain - Uzo also tested with veritaserum, and there is no problem with his identity. "

Belmode: "..." Burma?

Where did Jiang Xia pick up such a mess...

You have to find an opportunity to get in touch and see. She secretly rubbed the gun in her hand.

When the men in black took Sindora away and prepared to work overtime overnight for interrogation.

the other side.

The Mihua Municipal Building, where power was restored, fell into chaos.

"Where are the Sindora people?!"

"His assistant is also missing!"

"He must have taken advantage of the chaos and escaped. This bastard... Takagi, lead someone to intercept him immediately and contact the traffic police for assistance! Focus on searching around the embassy!"

The police rushed out of the control room and searched for the murder suspect who was "absconding in fear of crime".

Kudo Yusaku is better at finding the murderer, but as for arresting people, he can only leave it to the police first. Although Kudo Yusaku can provide some suggestions, Sindora must have fled in the direction of the embassy now. He didn't need to say anything, the police knew how to stop him.

Kudo Yusaku turned back and looked at the screen in the control room.

A considerable amount of energy is stored in the "cocoon".

That energy, in addition to being used to electrocute players' brains, can also be used as an emergency power source to maintain the normal operation of the game in emergencies.

Therefore, the power outage for more than a minute did not affect the game.

After the power was restored, the projection screen started working again, playing scenes from the game.

In the game.

A train is speeding towards the destination in the night, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

In a few minutes, it will crash headlong into the terminal. By then, the only two players left on the bus will die together with the collapsed station.

Just now, "Jack the Ripper" was undoubtedly dead after being dragged off the cliff.

But Conan did not hear any prompts such as "Game Cleared" - this shows that in this copy, "getting rid of Jack the Ripper" is not the end.

They must find a way to survive until the end to win the game.

"...It's impossible for just the two of us to shake that coupler."

Conan looked at the direction where Mao Lilan jumped off the cliff, sat down on the roof of the car without any strength, and held his forehead slumped: "The survival rate of jumping from the car is negligible... Damn it, there is no other way."

"Hideki Morohoshi" stood next to him, looking down at this interesting player, feeling a little guilty.

After it adjusted the difficulty of the game without authorization, it originally planned to use the data of "Sherlock Holmes" to create an NPC wandering craftsman and ask him to give Conan some tips.

...But then I was busy making wine for "Professor Moriarty" and styling Miyano Akemi and Matsuda Jinpei, so I accidentally forgot.

Noah: "..." If I forcefully recruit an NPC to give a hint, would it be too obvious?

Although from the beginning, it had no intention of actually killing these children. But it wants to pass this life and death test to allow these children to "escape death", grow up, change their own ideas, and then "restart Japan."

If the water is released significantly, the effect may not be so good...

I'm a little confused.

At this time, Noah suddenly discovered that the five copies of the map had changed at some point - they were quietly spliced ​​together in a very simple and crude way.

Noah was startled.

"..." It never gave such an order.

And another person with such authority...

At this time, the train happened to pass by a small town.

Something was moving on the dirt road at the edge of town, getting closer.

"Hideki Morohoshi" looked over in confusion.

Next to him, Conan also noticed something was wrong and turned around to look.

I saw a gleaming golden convertible racing over from the dirt road. It stirred up thick smoke and dust and ran straight towards the out-of-control train.

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