Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 972 The person selected by the game, please vote for me

Chapter 972: The person selected by the game. Please give me your monthly voteヽ(〃〃)~


Conan's heart was lifted again after he had just put it down.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the dashboard. The little fuel left on it made his vision go dark. He couldn't help shouting against the strong wind: "Are you an undercover sent by Moriarty! This is not as good as the train just now." Well, with you, we might be able to break the coupler!"

Next to him, "Hideki Morohoshi" moved uncomfortably. Fortunately, in a violently bumpy car, this subtle movement is not obvious.

"That car does not use a Zhan type coupler or a simple hook, but a more advanced fully automatic close-joint coupler. It is difficult to disengage under constant acceleration, and the joint seems to have been welded." Jiang Xia sounded surprised. He was quite calm, like an optimistic salesman, "So why not come to my car. Although there is still no way to brake, we don't have to move along the railway tracks, the range of activities is wider, and we can find more opportunities."

"Hideki Morohoshi" silently looked at the dazzling front cover of the car: "..." Shouldn't the car be so gorgeous? The master of the psychic seemed very pleased with it and wanted to drive it for a while longer. He would probably not let him drive in the dungeon frequently in the future...

Next to him, Conan, who was also always optimistic, was a little convinced after hearing what Jiang Xia said.

And the consistent interactions with him have left him with the impression that "Jiang Xia is very reliable".

At this time, seeing that Jiang Xia was not panicking at all, Conan quickly calmed down and said suspiciously: "Do you already have a solution?"

"On my way here, I passed a town. Guess what I found?" Jiang Xia looked at the mist in the distance, "Cotton textile factory - and their warehouse happened to be broken."

Previously, Noah was busy playing happily in the copy of "Jack the Ripper", and Jiang Xia was busy packing Sindora outside. Neither administrator paid much attention to the automatic car in the "Paris-Dakar Cross Country Race" next door. Driving "Jiangxia".

Generally speaking, this game is still designed for children, and Noah is not too concerned about other copies and has not specifically tampered with the difficulty.

So just now, Jiang Xia came back from work, took a look at it as he passed by, and suddenly found that the self-driving "body" was about to pass the level without any injuries.

"..." Such a bland clearance is really too boring, like an ordinary background board.

If you want to pass, you must be heroic. Even if it is a background board, it must be the most burning one. By the way, in order to naturally attract people who are interested in Jiangxia to play in the future, in this game, the one who survives to the end, Preferably "Edogawa Conan".

In this way, when Conan sees someone being pulled into the dungeon in the future, he will not immediately think "There is something wrong with Jiang Xia" and then come to pick off the innocent neighbor's waistcoat. Instead, he will think "The bastard AI is randomly pulling people around me again." "Come in"... Compared with Jiang Xia's complicated background, Conan, a red-blooded righteous detective, can shoulder the heaviest pot.

"Ah sneeze!"

Conan suddenly sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and didn't pay much attention. He just felt that the game was quite realistic - it was normal to sneeze when the wind kept blowing on the convertible and it felt too cold.

The golden sports car carried three people, rolling over the gravel and dirt road, rushing towards a cliff at high speed.

Under the cliff, a town lies quietly. It was already dark, most of the lights had been extinguished, and the moonlight fell quietly, illuminating a large area of ​​white things.

——That's the cotton piled in the backyard of the factory, which has been fluffed from the cotton balls. And the quantity is far greater than usual, a large pile is piled together, like a huge buffer bed.

"Time is running out, are you ready?" Jiang Xia's heavy voice came.

Conan looked at the rapidly approaching cliff: "Actually, not yet..."

However, the cotton bed below does look very strong. Maybe it is indeed the correct way to clear the level.

And there is no other way for the moment. We can't really go back to that train.

"Forget it...come on!" Conan gritted his teeth and gave up.

The next second, Jiang Xia picked him up and threw him and "Hideki Morohoshi" out.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Following the inertia, the two children shot diagonally towards the center of the "cotton bed" like two discharged cannonballs. Jiang Xia's angle and timing were calculated just right.

The cliff is not too high.

Two people plunged into the fluffy cotton pile one after another. At the moment of landing, there was a muffled sound of "boom" from the horizon, and the golden sports car exploded like a brilliant firework celebrating victory.

The game ends.

Noah cut off the connection with the control room and stopped casting the screen.

Next, it’s time to whisper to abduct fixed players.

Even if there is something cushioning underneath me. The extremely tense mood when he finally rushed to the ground, and the sudden fall and then slowly stopped, still made Conan feel dizzy, and he didn't know where he was for a moment.

After a moment, he slowly came back to his senses, pressed his throbbing head and opened his eyes. Suddenly, I found that the surrounding scene had changed.

——He left London at the end of the nineteenth century and appeared on a circular platform.

Exactly where the copy was selected in the first place.

"..." The game is cleared.

The five surrounding stone doors have been completely sealed.

A pale white light beam came down from above, illuminating him and a person next to him.

Conan sat up quickly and looked at "Hideki Morohoshi" next to him - they were the two players who survived to the end.

"Hideki Morohoshi" stood quietly beside him, tearing off the excess cotton from his small suit and throwing it aside in a ball.

Finding that Conan was awake, he looked at Conan and smiled: "It seems you have won."

Conan was startled when he heard this strange statement.

After a while, all the previous details and doubts were replayed in his mind like a close-up in a movie - "Hideki Morohoshi" was the first to notice the backward clock; other children were very interested in the old football in Holmes' house. "Hideki Morohoshi" disliked it because it was dirty and ruthlessly threw it away; it was obviously a life-and-death game, and even Genta was honest, but "Hideki Morohoshi" was so reckless that he dared to threaten "Molan" head-on. Colonel".

Conan suddenly understood - the player who walked with him to the end was not "Hideki Morohoshi" at all.

...but the "Noah" who gave them a narrow escape and threatened to electrocute their brains.


Conan was silent for a moment and smiled with a complicated meaning: "...Thank you, we had a great time."

...This is a lie, not happy at all.

Especially the moment when I found myself transferred from the death train to the death sports car. Even if things were resolved perfectly in the end, the psychological shadow of the ups and downs at that time is still there.

However, there is certainly no need to tell the AI ​​behind these twists and turns.

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