Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 973 User Confidentiality Clause Added update to the manager of the leader’s grilled fish res

Chapter 973 User Confidentiality Clause Additional Update to Alliance Leader [Grilled Fish Restaurant Manager]

Conan looked at Noah, remembering the happy look that "Hideki Morohoshi" occasionally showed along the way, and sighed:

"Although you said at the time that you would use the method of 'erasing the second and third generations' to restart Japan, you actually hoped that we could unite and clear the game, right - the 'restart method' you really chose was not to erase, but to You want us to no longer rely on our parents, overcome obstacles independently, and grow on our own... You are not as cold-blooded as you say."

Noah smiled, and the appearance of "Hideki Morohoshi" gradually faded away, replaced by the appearance of "Hiroki Sawada".

——It was originally just a program with no fixed appearance. And now, even though Jiang Xia had shaped him into a fixed shape, if he was floating in the air like a ghost ball and talking to Conan... it would look really funny.

AI also wants to save face.

Noah then decisively chose what he had always wanted to be. This is a game world anyway, if you secretly give yourself some benefits, no one can find out.

"Hiroki Sawada" is a head taller than Conan.

"You are very interesting." It looked down at Conan friendlyly, "Your friends are also very interesting, and the second and third generations you have come into contact with have all become interesting... In this case, from today on From now on, your friends are all my friends - please give me your advice in the future."

——In this way, when people are drawn into the game in the future, whether it is Conan or those on the red side who are very tolerant of Conan, they will feel that "the criterion for entering the game is to know Conan."

And Jiang Xia will only be an innocent part of it. Hiss... a cunning, no, wise psychic. Noah muttered secretly.

Opposite, Conan: "..."

...Although he had a lot to say, he did understand one thing - Noah seemed to like making friends.

Conan doesn't mind having another AI friend at all.

But: " the future?"

He suddenly realized something.

Once AI like Noah, which is as intelligent as human beings, is released to the outside world, it is unknown what kind of turmoil it will cause - this is simply a technology that is so advanced that it would not have appeared in this era.

"..." But even so, facing an AI that has emotions, thoughts, loves to play pranks, plays games, and smiles like a child...

No matter what, Conan couldn't say "You're too strong, or you should die."

He was silent for a moment and said solemnly:

"You seem to have your own goals and pursuits. But on the way to achieve it, please make good use of your own strength - if you encounter a situation that you don't know what to do, you can come to us for discussion. Don't..." Don't be violated Just be guided by the molecules and embark on the road of destruction...

"Don't worry." Noah seemed to understand what Conan was worried about, and he smiled mysteriously, "Our boss is not pursuing something cost-effective like 'destroying the world' or 'destroying humanity.' "

Conan was startled:


...Noah is not an AI that acts spontaneously, but there is someone behind him? !

Under Conan's suddenly alert gaze, Noah suddenly stretched out his hand to him.

The open palm is engraved with a complex and fancy "Z" pattern.

"..." Conan stared blankly at the familiar mark, and a name suddenly appeared in his mind.


...They have actually mastered this level of power? !

Noah secretly observed Conan, and when he saw his shocked eyes, he quietly raised his chin with pride.

But soon, Noah thought of something, and his mood became a little complicated again.

"..." After all, it is just an artificial ghost. Although it reluctantly signed the contract, unlike other ghosts, its "Z" pattern has only a very simple frame. Very different from other ghosts...

But fortunately, this is the game world now.

Noah thought sadly: draw one without it - this is not called fake, this is just adding a little more details to what already exists.

However, this little episode still made Noah's originally high mood become a little lower.

It put away its hand, looked at Conan, and got down to business: "Can you come to my games in the future?"

"...Game?" Conan recalled the terrible experience of life and death, where he had to watch his companions sacrifice one after another, and asked alertly, "What game?"

"Certainly a holographic game like today - the scale may be a little smaller, but the details won't fade."

Noah was actively developing customers. At the same time, it reached out and handed Conan something like a dialog box: "If you want to know the details, just sign this 'User Confidentiality Clause' first."

Conan subconsciously took it and looked down at it as if he were reading the instructions carefully.

Then fell into silence: "..."

The "User Privacy Policy" was filled with numbers. The irregular arrangement of 1's and 0's made him dizzy: "Sorry, I can't understand..."

"You can understand it after you sign." Noah said, looking away as if he remembered something, "Forget it if you don't want to sign, we are not a bad organization that buys and sells by force - I will find someone else. .”

Conan: "...wait!"

"..." If there is no danger in this matter, then he will not lose anything by signing these strange contracts. Instead, he might be able to get some anonymous information - he is already curious about this mysterious organization. For a long time.

And if there is danger...

Conan thought: If he insists on not signing, he is passing the danger to others.

What's more, regarding the degree of "danger"...

Noah once threatened to kill players if they failed the game. The game has been going on until now, and people outside have neither forcibly interrupted the game nor tried to tell them that "Noah is lying." In other words, after verification by Dr. Ali and others, Noah does have the ability to kill players in an instant.

But now, it is peacefully asking for a confidentiality clause... This shows that Noah probably won't do anything too harmful, otherwise he would have done it long ago.


In short, as a fearless detective who once eavesdropped on Gin's corner, tried to pull the hem of Gin's windbreaker, and installed a bug in Gin's car.

There is almost no word "fear" in Conan's dictionary.

He quickly made up his mind and looked at the mysterious clause in his hand: "How to sign it."

"Here, press your fingerprints." Noah stretched out his hand and pointed to an area in the lower right corner.

Conan dropped his finger there.

A second later, the "terms" like a dialog box flashed across a stream of light and disappeared in mid-air.

At the same time, Conan's heart suddenly trembled, and he had a very subtle feeling: he seemed to have made an unbreakable agreement with something.

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