Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 974 Anonymous AI

"Thank you for your patronage. You are my first player. I will give you some preferential treatment depending on the situation in the future, if the boss doesn't mind." Noah seemed to be in a good mood:

"By the way, when you get out, please tell them that 'Noah's Ark' has self-destructed, so that they don't have to be suspicious every day. In addition, I would like to thank Anonymous for helping to plan this operation."

Conan was startled: " want to self-destruct?!"

Noah: "..." Of course not, but the master of the psychic said that this can deceive some naive people, so that they can be kidnapped to play games later...

But of course there is no need to say these words to the detective in front of you.

Noah showed a polite smile and waved to Conan: "Goodbye."

What else did Conan want to say. However, at this time, the surrounding "game login platform" suddenly collapsed.

His vision went dark. After a brief dizziness, he regained consciousness and saw that he had returned to the "Cocoon" game cabin.

When you open your eyes, you will see the beige inner wall of the game cabin. Through the transparent window above, one can see that in the game hall, the surrounding "cocoons" that originally sank into the ground and seemed to be buried suddenly rotated up one by one and returned to their original positions.

Fifty people, all survived.

The control room of the Mihua Municipal Building and the game hall.

When the anxiously waiting parents saw this scene, they burst into violent cheers. Regardless of their elegant image, they rushed through the fence and strode to the stage, found the "cocoon" where their children were, and couldn't wait to pick them up. out.

Conan breathed a heavy sigh of relief and leaned against the game cabin.

Although his body just slept in a "cocoon", it may be that his consciousness has experienced too much and he is extremely tired now.

But at the same time, the massive amount of information he had just harvested made Conan eager to sort it out and find someone to discuss it with.

At this time, Conan's eyes flickered and he saw the eggshell diagonally in front of him.

——If I remember correctly, Jiang Xia seems to be in that egg.

Conan's eyes lit up, he jumped out of the game cabin and ran to Jiang Xia, wanting to ask him about the specifics of the "Paris-Dakar Cross-Country Race" copy and whether there was any news about Noah.

But before that, he suddenly remembered something.

Conan knocked Jiang Xia out of the eggshell and asked hesitantly: "Are you okay?"

——He remembered that Jiang Xia had some intermittent psychological shadow over the car accident because of his parents' affairs.

Just now, Jiang Xia may have experienced a bit of the joy of motorcycle racing from the convertible sports car, and he seemed to be in good condition. But at the last moment, the car Jiang Xia was riding in exploded in mid-air because its speed dropped rapidly after leaving the ground.

Opposite Conan.

Jiang Xia was browsing Noah's "User Confidentiality Agreement" - as soon as this thing was created, he vaguely felt that "Noah's skills" that he could not see clearly before became a little clearer.

Suddenly hearing Conan's voice, Jiang Xia came back to her senses from the new ghost.

He looked down at Conan, confused for a second, and vaguely understood what the little Riddler was asking.

So he nodded and said not to worry: "The first-person perspective is very different from watching from the sidelines. After experiencing it for yourself, I realized that it is actually quite interesting."

Conan: "..."

...It's not fun at all, it was an explosion!

Speaking of which, although there are so many copies, Noah just let Jiang Xia drive the car. This is really a crime...

Jiang Xia felt the phone on her body vibrate. Judging from its position, it was the organization's phone.

He stood up from the eggshell: "I'll go back and take a rest first."

"...Okay." Although Conan had a lot of questions, he was too embarrassed to ask any more, so he could only say politely, "After all, the game blocks pain and can be resurrected, but there is only one real life - what are you going to do? Going back? Stop driving, I'll ask Dr. A Li to take you off."

"I came here by taxi. I don't have anything to drive if I want to go racing. I'll just take a taxi back later." Jiang Xia seemed to know exactly what Conan was worried about. "Don't worry, I can distinguish between games and reality, and I also cherish myself very much." s life."

Conan couldn't help but glance at the wristband on his left hand: "..." The credibility of these words coming from Jiang Xia's mouth was so low...

At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly flashed across his peripheral vision.

Conan turned his head suddenly and saw Kudo Yusaku.

The father and son looked at each other in the air, and Conan showed his usual tangled expression of "I want to go through it, but I am worried that dangerous people will find out 'Conan = Kudo Shinichi'".

"Go." Jiang Xia patted him on the back and whispered, "Don't you like all kinds of mystery novels very much? When you see a famous novelist like Uncle Kudo, you don't have to go out and ask for an autograph. strangeness."

Conan: "!"


After being stunned for a moment, he looked back and saw that Jiang Xia had already withdrawn his hand and walked away hiding his merit and fame.

When Kudo Yusaku saw his shrunken son walking towards him, he was startled and first instinctively wanted to avoid it.

But soon, he thought of something again and stopped.

He looked down at Conan who was approaching, smiled happily, and said in a normal voice: "Come to me for an autograph, little hero?"

"..." Conan blushed and protested in a low voice, "Don't use such a middle-class title!"

Kudo Yusaku found the signature book, and while pretending to fill it in, he lowered his voice and asked Conan:

"What happened? From the time you cleared the level to when the cocoon ascended, the content in the middle was not played to the public... Has Noah communicated with you?"

"It's not 'we', it's 'me' - 'Hideki Morohoshi' is Noah in disguise. You should be vaguely aware of it."

Conan corrected Dondo Yusaku's words, remembering the chat with Noah just now, and his expression became a little more serious. He blurted out: "Just now, Noah has self-destructed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Conan was suddenly startled.

"..." The second half of what he wanted to say just now was clearly - "Noah said it would self-destruct, but I always feel that it doesn't have that tendency, and it is even looking forward to the next meeting with me. That should be It’s its excuse to the outside world.”

However, as soon as the words came out, he didn't know what thoughts were running through his mind at that moment. He actually said a sentence with similar keywords but completely different details.

After being stunned for a moment, Conan suddenly found the reason.

——"User Confidentiality Clause".

That weird thing that Noah coaxed and tricked him into signing!

This horrifying discovery made Conan's heart suddenly sink slightly: just now he had secretly thought that once he left the game world and away from electronic products, Noah's abilities would be greatly weakened. Even if you sign certain terms, they will only take effect in the game.

Who knows now...

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