Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 977 Gin, is there an undercover agent in my house? More updates to the manager of the leader

Chapter 977 Gin, is there an undercover agent in my house? More updates to the leader [Grilled Fish Restaurant Manager]

As he spoke, Jiang Xia sighed:

"Originally, I thought that since it was a game, I should at least leave a path to pass the level, and I would find it. However, as soon as I nodded, it told me that when I repaired the tire before, the repairman because I gave too little tip, A bomb is installed in my car. It will explode when the speed is less than 100 kilometers per hour. The remaining fuel is only enough to last for less than five minutes..."

Vodka: "..." Uzo actually dared to face such an obvious challenge... However, it is really hard not to be moved by an artificial intelligence that is ahead of its time and gives that kind of "intelligence" promise.

Moreover, he had just experienced a heart-warming competition and won with a decisive victory. When you are in the mood, it is difficult to refuse the idea of ​​"doing it again", not to mention the huge reward support.

Gin thought the same thing.

The corners of his eyes twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. Finally, I thought: Anyway, this troublesome thing is over.

Simply put this aside and focus on what Belmod just said.

He thought: "Will 'Noah's Ark' really destroy itself? - It sounds like Anonymous has already reached cooperation with it and even controlled it... They have no reason to give up this technology."

"Perhaps because 'Noah's Ark' was a failure, 'Anonymous' does not need this kind of uncontrollable technology like a madman - just like we will not use completely uncontrollable people as our subordinates." Bellmore De bit the slender butt of the lady's cigarette and said vaguely:

"In the final analysis, this technology is too advanced. Anonymous may not be able to find a way to check and balance it. The online world is inherently difficult to control, not to mention that 'Noah's Ark' has its own ideas. It is growing at any time and may rebel at any time. ——Instead of leaving such a thing that we don’t know whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is better to completely destroy it before it grows up.”

Belmod obviously didn't like to see Noah's Ark.

She was reading the news, and in the news photo, although the appearance of the little players was not shown directly, there was a silhouette from a distance. At a quick glance, her angel and cool guy are among them. Of course, the one who walked through the dangerous situation was Uzo next to him.

Gin listened to her words and nodded: "If it is to deal with failed products, it does make sense... let professionals follow up on this matter. If Noah's 'self-destruction' is just a false shot to cover up , if we interfere without authorization, we will be tracked in the opposite direction."

As Gin spoke, he took out his cell phone, wrote down all the things he heard about "Noah's Ark" and "Anonymous" into an email, and sent it to the boss. He did not feel panicked by it.

In his view, even artificial intelligence may not be unimpeded in the online world. Procedures must also have procedural rules. The organization's technology has never been inferior to its people, and the information network also has dedicated personnel in charge. Unbreakable, not a big problem.

Moreover, Noah's Ark may have really destroyed itself - otherwise it cannot be that it deliberately lied to the outside world so that others could relax their vigilance. And if it was really that kind of cunning AI, then it wouldn't have had to kidnap players before and then release them intact.

Gin: "..." From this point of view, Uzo's previous evaluation was not wrong - it was just an AI with too naive ideas.

Moreover, according to previously collected information, the creator of "Noah's Ark" has committed suicide. If Noah's Ark is really intelligent, maybe it actually inherited the creator's idea of ​​"self-destruction".

Gin quickly put aside this matter that was outside his professional field.

He looked at Vodka: "Find a place to put him down."

——After asking about the situation, you can let Uzo go.

"Detective" can't always hang out with them.

I had heard from Sindora that an AI was hijacking players, and then suddenly remembered that Uzo had a player badge, so I came back to check on the situation, lest this rising star of the organization suddenly die at the hands of a strange AI. Since everything is fine now, of course there is no need to continue to take Uzo around.

When Vodka heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and for a moment he felt that the air in the car was much fresher.

He looked out the car window and felt that this stretch of road was just right.

He was about to speed to the side of the road and let Uzo get out of the car.

However, just as he turned the steering wheel, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and put it on his shoulder: "Wait a minute."

Vodka: "!"

"..." Ginjiu turned around and glanced at Jiang Xia's hand, remembering the last time he touched Vodka's hat, causing Vodka to almost hit the car into a tree, and said in a deep voice, "Don't touch the driver."

"Okay." Jiang Xia retracted her hand, grabbed a ray of murderous aura that was frightened out of vanilla ice cream, and then asked, "Take me to see Sindora. This is my first time with a big shot of this status. Cooperation - the emperor of the IT world, I really want to see what he will become after he falls from the throne."

...This is of course a lie.

Jiang Xia is not interested in Sindora, let alone his current situation.

However, Sindora was still holding one of his shikigami on her lap, and she seemed to have been stimulated by Kudo Yusaku's series of questions in the corridor just now. Sindora had a lot of murderous aura - the smell of engine oil. of.

Jiang Xia was not interested in this kind of murderous intent, but Noah looked like he was secretly wiping his saliva. In line with the principle of not wasting it, Jiang Xia planned to pick them back and feed them to ghosts. In addition, Sindora can be regarded as Noah's enemy in every sense. His current situation was originally part of the contract between Jiang Xia and Noah.

Gin thought of Sindora's current embarrassment and sneered: "If you see the current situation of that 'big man', I'm afraid you will be very disappointed."

However, he did not reject Jiang Xia's request.

This time, Uzo was the absolute hero for being able to easily bring Sindora under the control of the organization before he leaked the information about the organization. Now he wanted to see what the trophy looked like. Although he couldn't refuse, it was not necessary - Gin also expected him to shine more in this kind of thing in the future.

This place is some distance away from Sindora's current stronghold.

Vodka reluctantly turned around and walked back.

On the way, Jiang Xia was not idle.

He thought of Kudo Yusaku, who came to his house last night and was hesitant to talk and something was not right.

——If there is any possible trigger for this incident, it is that last night, when he and Vodka went to an idol party together, Conan was also present.

Although Conan has been refusing his parents' help, it is only because he does not want to go to the United States with his parents. In fact, the relationship between father and son has been very good. If Conan encounters any mind-numbing problem, it would be reasonable for him to ask Kudo Yusaku.

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