Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 978 Even an undercover agent is a genius

Later, Jiang Xia remembered that Kudo Yusaku came to his house inexplicably late at night, knocked on the door and chatted, and even mentioned a few words about Jiang Xia's current "job".

In addition, a little more detail: If I remember correctly, before leaving, Kudo Yusaku seemed to have glanced at the end of the corridor.

And there happened to be a portrait of "Jiang Xia Tongzhi"'s father - the old handsome man seemed to have a wife who was obsessed with him, and there were many portraits of him in various styles at home.

After Jiang Xia came here, he didn't make any major changes to the things in the house, and the paintings still stayed in place. Fortunately, Jiang Xia Longping - the father of "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" - looks quite worthy of the audience. He seems to have spent a lot of money when hiring the painter. Each painting has a certain artistic flavor and does not hinder the view.

In short, this series of things connected together made Jiang Xia very concerned.

——He always felt that Kudo Yusaku seemed to know something he didn't know. Those things were related to his "job".

Before, Jiang Xia secretly muttered in her heart: Two members of the black organization lived next door to Kudo Yusaku, but Kudo Yusaku didn't even notice it.

At that time, he attributed this to the good luck of his "parents" and the lack of interaction between A Zhai and 007.

But now it seems...

Jiang Xia: "..." Could it be that Jiang Xia's parents secretly mixed it with water?

Even if Jiang Xia wanted to check something involving the past, it would be difficult to find out.

Although Jiang Xia and his wife met "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" a year ago and have lived together for seventeen years, they are usually very busy and rarely go home. When they come back, they rarely communicate about the organization.

Among the memories Jiang Xia pulled out from "Jiang Xia Tongzhi", there was not much information about his parents.

So I thought about it for a moment...

Jiang Xia turned his attention to the three bottles of real wine in the car.

"..." It's rare for this group of people to get together.

As long as you are brave, you may be able to gain something else besides murderous energy today.

Jiang Xia recalled Wu Zuo's consistent image and the frequency of communication between "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" and his parents during his lifetime, and felt that the possibility of overturning was unlikely.

——If both parents are real employees, then of course there is no problem if he asks a few questions about the situation.

And if the two of them are undercover... Instead of leaving this time bomb that may affect his happy fishing in the organization, it is better to lay the groundwork from the beginning and try to detonate it in a controlled manner.

So after thinking for a moment, Jiang Xia said carefully: "By the way, do you know what kind of people my parents are?"

"..." Gin glanced at the rearview mirror: Uzo would actually ask such a life-oriented question... Could it be that the car exploded at the end of the game, causing him to start recalling the past?

I always feel that this kind of warm family painting style is incompatible with Uzo.

Gin was too lazy to answer this kind of question, and said vaguely while holding a cigarette: "You don't know what your parents are like?"

"I really don't know." Jiang Xia recalled the memories left by "Jiang Xia Tongzhi", "I can't remember some things clearly, and they are usually very busy and don't talk about work when they go home - I understand. On the contrary, it’s strange.”

Gin: "..." It turns out that I was curious about the performance of those two people in the organization...

The style of painting is consistent with usual, and the sense of dissonance disappears. Gin began to think briefly.

When it comes to work, especially Jiang Xia's mother, who is still a member of Codename, these are actually confidential matters.

"..." However, Uzo is still trustworthy. And anyway, what he asked about were two dead people - the information related to "Jiang Xia Longping" and "Malvasa" was actually out of date, so it wouldn't be too illegal to tell Uzo... Just treat it like this The rewards for this mission are good.

Without Sindora as a big worry, Gin was in a good mood tonight.

He said casually: "Your mother 'Malvasa' is a researcher in the organization. You should know this. She is a very dedicated scholar and I heard that she has made many research results."... It's a pity that she is not very lucky. Otherwise, he wouldn't have died so early.

"...That's it." Jiang Xia is actually more concerned about "Exia Ryuhei". After all, the middle-aged male neighbor is more likely to come into contact with Kudo Yusaku.

However, after waiting for a while, I did not wait for the next step.

It would be strange to avoid asking. Jiang Xia simply asked directly: "Where is my dad?"


As soon as these words came out, Ginjiu didn't know what he thought of. His good mood just now seemed to have disappeared again.

Gin reached out to knock off the ashes from his cigarette and straightened out his words.

After a few seconds, he found a more accurate way of summarizing, and said objectively: "He is a loser who relies on his face to make a living. Apart from his sharp tongue, he can't do anything practical well-if he wasn't so good at lying to women and getting you. Because of his mother’s protection, he would have been sent to be cannon fodder long ago.”

Jiang Xia: "...?"

...Wait a minute, this is not the same as the "mysterious undercover agent who talked and laughed with Kudo Yusaku and secretly reached a py deal" in his imagination.

Gin thought about "Jianxia Longping" and blew out a puff of smoke silently - this was actually one of the reasons why he disliked Uzuo in the first place. After all, there is a saying that a son inherits his father's legacy, and Jiang Xia looks very much like his father.

Next to him, Belmode laughed and intervened in their conversation: "It is not polite to scold the father at the son."

Gin came back to his senses and sneered coldly: "I'm just stating the facts."

In the back row, Jiang Xia stopped talking but couldn't help but wonder: "But... is it possible that he is actually an undercover agent?"

Belmode was startled.

Gin's movements suddenly stopped.

The word "undercover" undoubtedly made Gin, who had suffered a lot, feel extremely concerned.

He was silent for a moment and looked at the back row with cold eyes: "Why do you say that?"

...Did Uzuo suddenly discover something wrong?

Jiang Xia was looking down at her phone just now: reports about Sindora and "Noah's Ark", as well as related information, have begun to flood the homepages of major websites.

He played with his mobile phone, held his chin and sighed: "The theory of 'bloodline' sounds quite interesting. The son of a president became a president, the son of a doctor became a doctor, and the son of a serial murderer became a doctor. A murderer... But on the other hand, the blood of genius seems to be passed down from generation to generation, just like Hiroki Sawada, the inventor of 'Noah's Ark', and his programmer father.

"In short - I'm so good, so my dad shouldn't be a weirdo. Since he has no outstanding achievements in the organization and can't even get a code name, then he's been undercover for decades and hasn't been discovered by the organization." In another sense, can it actually be considered a gift?"

Vodka trembled, his eyes flashing fiercely: "..." This boy really dares to say that!

——Brother, he is about to collapse! He thinks undercover is very powerful and even wants to have an undercover dad!

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