Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 979 Jiang Xia: My dad is an undercover agent, he must be! Asking for monthly ticket oo

Chapter 979 Jiang Xia: My dad is an undercover agent, he must be! Asking for monthly ticket o(〃'▽'〃)o

Gin: "..."

Hearing Jiang Xia's groundless speculation, he felt a vague sense of familiarity in his heart.

——In the past, when we occasionally went on missions together, or when we asked Uzo to ride in the car after an encounter, Uzo would speculate on Vodka like this from time to time, which made Vodka less and less willing to let Uzo get in the car.

This time, it is probably of a similar nature.

Gin: "..." Thinking about it, if Wu Zuo really thinks there is something wrong with "Jiangxia Longping", then he has no reason to mention it in front of him.

The trick of playing hard to get is even more untenable - as long as the key words "Jiang Xia Longping" and "undercover" are mentioned, no matter which direction the speaker leads, this will inevitably arouse the attention and alertness of the listener. In other words, if the original possibility of them investigating "Jiang Xia Longping" was 0.1%, but now, after Wu Zuo brought up this topic, the possibility would immediately increase dozens or even hundreds of times... Wu Zuo has an insight into people's hearts. Zuo, it’s impossible not to understand this truth.

...Unless Jiang Xia Longping, Jiang Xia's father, is really an undercover agent. And when Uzo said this, he was clearing the relationship in advance.

"..." But this is even more impossible.

Gin thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't connect that trash to the "undercover".

Based on his understanding of Uzuo, objectively speaking, there is probably only one reason why Uzuo suddenly said this - what happened today made Uzuo look forward to the development of "Dad is a genius". So he found the most reasonable way to realize those expectations and expressed them like a chat.

In fact, it was precisely because Uzo didn't think it was true that he didn't take this "speculation" seriously.

"Even if there really is a 'blood theory', the blood you bleed will only be your mother's blood. As for the 'genius undercover' you mentioned, haha."

When Gin thought of "Jiangxia Longping", he was like a germophobe who saw the dirty dirt on the white tiles. He extinguished the cigarette in his hand angrily: "Jiangxia Longping was originally just a security guard at the Institute of Drug Research. He was responsible for the simplest tasks. perimeter patrol work.”

Speaking of which, Gin paused for a moment.

——When he mentioned Jiang Xia, he would first think of "Uzuo".

And under this premise, using "Jiangxia" to refer to that waste "Jiangxia Longping"...

Gin felt awkward all over.

So in the next words, he removed his last name without authorization and continued:

"At that time, the organization acquired many research institutes, and Long Ping's workplace was one of them. We were short of manpower, so we routinely developed some peripheral members. That guy just slipped into the organization. Then one day, he was in that building Near the building, I ran into Malvasia.”

"A long-planned chance encounter." Jiang Xia nodded while listening:

This development sounds a bit familiar - when Shuichi Akai entered the organization as an undercover agent, he seemed to have gotten in through an "accidental encounter" with Miyano Akemi. It's just that Akai Shuichi's version is a bit more hardcore. He was knocked into the hospital by Miyano Akemi.

...and now, although the details are a little different, "Jiang Xia Longping" was originally a peripheral member of the organization, and did not need this toughness of "perpetrator and victim" to have an intersection with his organization.

Jiang Xia urged the update expectantly: "What then?"

When Gin heard his tone, his forehead jumped, and the originally peaceful murderous aura in his body had a vague tendency to boil.

He pretended that he didn't hear anything and continued: "Then Malvasia began to 'encounter' Long Ping frequently - she didn't look that outstanding. At first, Long Ping only thought she was one of those 'enthusiastic female passers-by' One member.

"But then one time, Malvasia accidentally fell into his arms and her handbag fell out. Long Ping helped her pick up the scattered things in a gentlemanly manner, only to find that there was a researcher's access card among them."

"..." Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, feeling that he couldn't make such a simple conclusion, "Maybe he just pretended to be blind on purpose to clear his suspicions and figure it out."

Gin ignored him skillfully: "Many peripheral members have a little prejudice against cadres and think that we are dangerous people, and it is undeniable that the death rate of the cadres' dedicated bodyguards is indeed very high due to various reasons.

"In short, after Long Ping discovered Malvasa's identity and her intention to get close to her, he immediately found an excuse to apply for a transfer from his superiors, and successfully persuaded the female captain to be transferred to the remote Kyushu as he wished.

"It took Malvasa a day to discover the situation. She immediately reported it to the organization, saying that Long Ping knew her identity as a cadre and asked to find her immediately. So several of my seniors arrested the person and took her back to Tokyo overnight - —I heard that when they arrived after traveling day and night, that bastard had already boarded a stowaway boat bound for Southeast Asia. If it were a few minutes later, the boat would have left."

Jiang Xia: "..." Think about Akai Shuichi, think about Amuro Toru, and then think about Mizuna Reina, a serious undercover agent, it seems that he turned around and ran away without encountering any information...

Gin glanced back at him and saw that the scriptwriter who wanted to promote "Long Ping is a genius undercover" finally stopped making troubles unreasonably and became quiet in front of the iron-clad facts. He felt much relieved.

Gin lit up another cigarette and continued slowly:

"After returning to Tokyo, Ryuhei became Malvasa's bodyguard. Malvasa's appearance was indeed not outstanding, but she was actually a very courageous and charming woman. Perhaps this slowly impressed her. Jiang Xia Longping, or maybe he realized that he knew too much and could not run away unless he was prepared to die... In short, the two people slowly settled down, came together, and lived in harmony. .

"After getting married, Malvasia took into account the career ambition of men and provided him with many promotion opportunities. But that loser didn't want to be in danger at all. He would avoid tasks if he could. The more important the tasks, the more important he could avoid them. The sooner... If he is really an undercover agent and carries out such behavior for one or two years in a row, it can be barely explained as 'wanting to welcome someone in return to protect his identity', but for more than ten years..."

Gin exhaled a puff of smoke and said gloomily in the swirling smoke: "If I were his undercover boss, I would be the first to recall him and kill him, so as not to waste my quota by staying outside."

Speaking of this, Gin suddenly thought of a possibility.

He turned around and glanced at Jiang Xia, who was a little distracted, as if she had been shocked by the story just now and had not recovered yet, and vaguely understood something:

“Did he tell you when you were a child, ‘Don’t judge a person by his appearance’ and ‘When you think a man is useless, maybe he is shedding blood and tears in places you can’t see’?

"——If you think he is an undercover agent because of this, then give up the idea as soon as possible. He is very good at making up lies and is very convincing when he speaks, especially when it comes to coaxing women. This is probably because his abilities are messed up. One of the reasons why he has managed to survive for so many years.”

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