Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 982 Gin: Let’s blow it up

Noah couldn't help but be a little moved: "..." What a group of good ghosts who are sensible. Is it a tradition here that new ghosts can get more murderous energy? This means that the psychic master has completely accepted it, so other ghosts also welcome it?

...No matter what, if you are a ghost, you can't help but fall in love with murderous aura. Just like there are few people who don’t love delicacies from mountains and seas.

Noah felt the warmth from the big family, and his mood was +1, +1, +1...

Next to him, Jiang Xia's mood was also +1, +1, +1...

"..." The inventory that has been accumulated for a long time finally found a place where it can be consumed perfectly.

In fact, except for the smell of disinfectant water and the murderous smell of formalin. There is also a green pepper flavor, which Jiang Xia doesn’t like very much.

However, the green pepper-flavored murderous aura was often used to feed Kiritengu and Matsuda Jinpei. The parent ghosts would occasionally eat some for nutritional balance, but now it is almost used up.

But now, with Noah, if you encounter a strange high-end murderous thing, you can happily pick it up without worrying that no ghost is willing to eat it.

Both humans and ghosts were happy. Jiang Xia returned home with her ghost in a good mood.

After dealing with Sindora's matter, Jiang Xia had some free time for a while and returned to his daily life.

However, there is one person who is still very busy.

At night, on the road in Cupido Town.

Jiang Xia was riding a motorcycle with a cat on the back, heading towards the luxury area in the south.

On the way, he suddenly felt something. Following the murderous smell of alcohol, he turned around and saw a black Porsche passing by.

Jiang Xia: "..." The car was running too fast. Although he knew there was murderous intent inside, he had no time to grab anything. Tsk, damn vodka, he didn’t stop to say hello when he saw his colleagues.

He silently adjusted his helmet, turned back regretfully, and continued on his own path.

Tonight, Jiang Xia has to deliver cats to clients.

This time, the client's wife insisted on letting him go there at night. The reason was that her husband was not at home tonight and she would feel safer with the young detective around... It was actually past the detective agency's business hours. If it weren't for the fact that the client's wife had a bad temper, was involved in shady industries behind the scenes, and had killed people, Jiang Xia would definitely not agree to this strange request.

the other side.

On the way by, Vodka didn't actually see Jiang Xia, who was dressed in black and riding a black motorcycle.

He was listening intently to the sound in his headphones.

After a while, Vodka hung up the phone:

"Brother, we found it! The location where the data was leaked was the computer room of the Twin Buildings in Nishitama City." As he spoke, he smiled grimly like a serious villain, "That building seems to be known as the 'closest to heaven' place."

"Nishitama City Twin Towers..." Gin raised his head from his laptop and thought, "a very familiar name."

Vodka paused inaudibly, and the cold smile froze on his lips.

Gin glanced at him and vaguely understood: "Is it related to Uzo again?"

"It doesn't matter, I just suddenly thought of something." Like a qualified secretary, Vodka shuffled through the large database in his mind, "The designer of Nishitama City, Moritani Teiji, previously wanted to use bombs to carry out random terrorist attacks. , but before he could realize it, he unfortunately met Wu Zuo and was sent to the police directly after being beaten. During the trial, he lost control and shouted, saying that Jiang Xia beat someone illegally and that he should be sentenced together with him."

Gin remembered it and frowned: "So it was him."

...It was this guy who gave them some more news-pressing work in an already busy situation.

Moreover, Gin remembered that the news could not be completely suppressed because the information was not timely.

Fortunately, it was only a third-rate tabloid that finally leaked the news. As long as other newspapers review news such as "detectives were brutally murdered by criminals" and "explosion lethality", and get some trolls to match Jiang Xia's usual innocent image... the situation at that time can be smoothly distorted into " "It's a legitimate self-defense to protect citizens," it's not a big problem.

In short, the negative reports against Uzo failed to have the expected explosive effect. On the contrary, it brought a big blow to the dishonest newspaper.

From now on, similar things will become much easier to handle. There are even some female presidents who have visited the detective agency gradually and will take the initiative to help suppress the news.

Gin: "..." The female president...

Uzo is really good at developing connections...

Ginjiu clicked his tongue inwardly, and Jiang Xia Longping's appearance appeared in his mind. Maybe there was a natural incompatibility between fisherman and model workers. When Gin thought of this person, he couldn't help but feel murderous.

"..." However, on the bright side, it's the same ability. Some people will always be an eyesore and useless, but some people can maximize their advantages and bring wonderful benefits to the organization... People are really different.

After finding the source of that sense of déjà vu, Gin came back to his senses and focused his attention on the "Nishitama City Twin Buildings" again.

"Since the traitor used its computer room to transmit our messages, relevant traces may have been left in that machine." Gin had dealt with many similar matters and quickly made a decision skillfully, " Find someone to blow up the computer room."

Thinking about the candidates in my mind.

At this time, his cell phone vibrated, and a call suddenly came in.

Gin lowered his head and saw the number, and raised his eyebrows silently.

The call came from the group who were after Shirley.

It is impossible for the organization to let a researcher of Shirley's level defect. It's a pity that she disappeared completely. After the last incident in Pisco, there was no news at all.

Gin has a lot of other things to be busy with, and this kind of screening work that requires a lot of manpower can only be temporarily delegated to other people.

Originally, he didn't think those guys could work.

Unexpectedly, these people actually called directly now... Any clues?

Gin picked up the phone.

An excited voice came from the other side: "We found an apartment that Miyano Akemi rented before her death! The house has not yet expired, and there are conditions there for Shirley's hiding place. We are investigating further."

As soon as Gin heard "Shirley's hiding place", a cold light filled with murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

However, compared with these subordinates, he was obviously more calm: "Where did the news come from?"

The organization has made great efforts to search before, but has never been able to find relevant clues.

But now, there was news suddenly... He had to make sure that this was not someone fishing.

"Yesterday we silenced several gangsters who accidentally stole our information when they robbed a bank. When destroying their relevant information, we discovered that there was a person who worked part-time as a forgery - that person didn't take many orders, but he handled them very carefully. We found the stub that had not been destroyed in the safe at his home, which contained information about Miyano Akemi’s other fake identity!”

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