Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 983 Countdown to Heaven

"Very good." Gin grinned with a sinister smile, "Take someone to monitor the surroundings and don't act rashly. I'll go over now."

the other side.

Kudo Yusaku will be holding a book signing soon and cannot stay in Japan longer.

Dr. A Li sent him to the airport.

Afterwards, Dr. Ali drove the Beetle home.

He flicked on the light switch and was startled when he suddenly noticed a figure on the sofa.

"Xiao Ai?" After a moment, he recognized the person on the sofa. Dr. Ali patted his heart and exhaled, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

Hui Yuan Ai came back to her senses, stood up, picked up the coffee cup on the table, and planned to float back to the house like a ghost.

Dr. A Li: "..."

Ever since she came back from the press conference of the holographic game "Cocoon" a few days ago, Xiao Ai has been wilting... It can't go on like this. What's wrong with such a little girl being so depressed all day long?

Dr. A Li touched the back of his head in confusion. Suddenly he remembered something and his eyes lit up.

——Although Haibara Ai looks very calm, Dr. Ali remembers that this little girl is actually quite fashionable and likes all kinds of shiny new things. Just now...

Dr. A Li walked a few steps quickly and stopped in front of Haihara Ai.

Then under the other party's doubtful gaze, he reached into his large coat pocket and put a condom on, and quickly took out a gold-plated invitation: "锵锵锵——"

Hui Yuan Ai tilted her head in confusion: "...huh?"

"Invitation to the opening ceremony of Nishitama City's Twin Towers! Opening next week - these are currently the tallest twin towers in Japan, facing Mount Fuji. It is said that you can experience a wonderful view that is like overlooking the world!"

Dr. Agasa shook the invitation in his hand and said happily: "This was given to him by Yuzu's fans at the game launch venue a few days ago. But Yuzu had to return to the United States for something, so he sent this invitation It was forwarded to me and I can take several people to visit."

"That's it." Haihara Ai was still a little tired, but she could tell that Dr. Ali wanted to make her happy, so she forced herself to smile and said, "Then let's go see it with the children next week."

After saying that, she turned around without interest and walked to the basement, planning to go back to a familiar place and curl up.

When going down the stairs, Hui Yuan Ai was suddenly startled and vaguely thought of something.

"..."Twin Towers...

My sister really likes places that are high and have a broad view. She said that standing there, the world seems to become wider.

When she thought of "sister", Haiyuan Ai couldn't help lowering her head and glanced at her phone.

On the day she returned home from the "Cocoon" press conference, Haihara Ai sent an email to "Anonymous" and asked about "Colonel Moran".

After that, she couldn't help but call her sister.

The next day, she didn't know whether the phone call had an effect or it was just a coincidence, but she quickly received a reply from an anonymous person. The answer was as mysterious as ever, and he only told her that the answer to the mystery was not revealed yet.

Haibara Ai: "..." If Anonymous is really related to my sister, they can hear the phone calls they made. Even, on the other side of the phone, maybe my sister is listening...

Haihara Ai closed the basement door. She was like an addict who had failed in withdrawal, her eyes slowly lowered, fixed on her mobile phone with longing eyes.

At the same time, on the other side.

Gin and Vodka received news about "Miyano Akemi" and quickly drove to an apartment.

A man in black saw their car and came up from behind the billboard on the roadside. He whispered: "I showed the administrator Miyano Akemi's photo and confirmed that she is the tenant here. I have also obtained the key." .”

Gin lowered his head and glanced at the key he handed over, then reached out and took it: "Let's go up and have a look."

The three of them soon arrived at the door of Miyano Akemi's apartment and pushed in.

The house is not big, but it is kept very neatly.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the blackout curtains were tightly closed, and there was an air of silence in the room.

Gin closed the door with his backhand and looked around: "Hiding the organization behind his back in a place like this."

The cadre in charge of this matter nodded: "The lease term of the house is one and a half years, and there is still nearly one year left to expire. The phone has also been on the answering machine mode. According to the neighbors, sometimes the phone can be heard ringing. , and it will be transferred to the phone message soon. But the strange thing is..."

"When you checked the answering machine, you didn't find any messages on it, right?"

Gin casually pulled out a book from the bookshelf and flipped through it. Seeing the man in black next to him nod his head, he showed an expression of "Sure enough," and sneered: "Weak woman."

"Go out and look around." Gin threw the book away and turned to Vodka, "Bring your computer."

"Here it is." Vodka quickly opened the bag and took out the computer he brought with him.

Gin touched the pocket of his windbreaker, took out a sealed disc, and threw it towards Vodka: "The organization's newly developed reverse tracking program can lock the location and reverse tracking in 20 seconds."

Vodka's eyes lit up: As expected of a big brother, he always has access to the organization's latest technology.

He quickly picked up the program.

Just after completing the settings, the phone suddenly rang.

Vodka stirred: "Brother!"

Gin was also a little surprised: he was so lucky. He thought he would have to wait a few days to monitor the phone call, but he didn't expect...

Gin stopped looking around, turned around and sat on the sofa next to the phone, signaling Vodka to keep quiet.

From the landline phone in answering machine mode, Miyano Akemi's voice soon came out: "Hello, this is Miyano. I'm not at home right now. Please leave your name and message after the beep sounds."

Under the silent gaze of the two men in black, another voice sounded on the phone:

"Sister, it's me."

Although Haibara Ai has become a child, there is no obvious voice change period for women. Before Miyano Shiho became younger, he was only eighteen years old, and his voice did not change much.

It's an old phone, and the electronic sound is a little distorted. In addition to the softer voice when facing "Miyano Akemi", the difference between "Shirley"'s voice before and after is not obvious.

Gin looked at the slowly moving tracking progress bar on the computer screen, and slowly grinned a cruel smile when he heard the familiar voice.

- Got you, Shirley.

Shirley didn't know what was happening on the phone.

She quickly continued nervously: "I'm going to attend the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers in Seymour City. I...I really want to see you there. No matter what you look like now."

Midway through her words, for some unknown reason, her speaking speed suddenly increased. After saying the last word, he hung up the phone.

on the computer screen next to it.

The slowly moving progress bar got stuck at the 18th second along with the ruthless hang-up sound.

After a moment, a cold word jumped out from above - [Undetectable].

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