Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 984 The Luck of the Weak

Dr. A Li's house.

Haiyuan Ai sat on the chair and hung up the phone. Her head was buried between her knees, her plain white skin was slightly red, and her heart was beating loudly.

At first, she just wanted to say "I am going to the opening ceremony of the Twin Towers in Nishitama City" as if nothing had happened, and then see if her sister, or the anonymous lady, would appear there.

But halfway through speaking, Hui Yuan Ai was shocked to find that he was actually speaking in a coquettish and willful tone to the anonymous people who might have heard the call.

After realizing this, she quickly felt guilty, reluctantly finished what she wanted to say, and immediately hung up the phone.

Hui Yuan Ai raised his hand to support his forehead and thought regretfully: He had indeed accidentally treated the anonymous lady as his sister.

"..." He actually used one person as a substitute for another person without authorization... If Anonymous can really hear what he just said, I hope Miss Anonymous won't be angry.

She sighed guiltily.

Afterwards, Haihara Ai looked at the stopwatch in his hand that stopped at "18", reset it to zero, and deleted the record.

When he first escaped from the organization, Huiyuan Ai's entire family was left alone. He was disheartened and had a weak desire to survive.

But later, with a stable living environment, a few enthusiastic and cheerful friends, and a connection with Anonymous... Haiyuan Ai's desire for survival is slowly approaching the range of normal people.

Especially when thinking of Anonymous, Haibara Ai felt that she could not keep resting on her laurels: she had to keep pace with the times and keep up with the ever-developing cutting-edge technology in order to have the opportunity to transform from a peripheral member of Anonymous to a full member. Then she truly integrated into this extremely mysterious organization that gave her a huge sense of security.

With this idea in mind, Haiyuan Ai began to continuously absorb new knowledge.

Especially now, because she is living in the almighty Dr. Ali's house, she has been exposed to a lot of programming-related things.

Therefore, every time when she secretly called her, although Haihara Ai wanted to talk to her sister more, she knew very well: she was now a "fugitive" being targeted by the organization, and she could not do whatever she wanted. things to do.

After all, organizations have always been prominent in technology, especially in the fields of computers and medicine.

As far as Haibara Ai knows, reverse tracking programs that are relatively common on the market now are devices that the police often use to locate callers and kidnappers. It usually takes about a minute to determine the caller's location during a call.

Dr. Ali's very unstable black technology tracking takes 30 seconds.

If organizations started developing this kind of thing...

Haihara Ai thought of this problem when he couldn't help but make a phone call for the first time. She carefully cut Dr. A Li's time in half and set it within the "15 seconds" range to avoid making the call too long and accidentally revealing her position.

Every time she called Miyano Akemi's apartment, Haibara Ai would think about what she was going to say in advance, and then after listening to her sister's message, she would say what she wanted to say in a very short time, like That kind of brief mood diary.

And today...

Hui Yuan Ai thought of the stopwatch that had been set at "18" and frowned.

"..." It's a little over, 3 should be fine.

Anyway, let’s delete the message just now…

She sighed softly and picked up the phone again.

the other side.

In the secret apartment that Miyano Akemi rented before her death.

Vodka threw himself in front of the computer screen. Seeing the progress stuck at 18 seconds, he couldn't help but slam his fist on the table: "Damn it, it was just a little bit close! What luck tonight..."

"Shut up." Gin exhaled a puff of cigarette with a gloomy face and said in a cold voice, "Only the weak rely on luck."

"..." Vodka thought of the average level of unluckiness in the organization and the luck his eldest brother had always had, and lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

I am silently reflecting and removing the word "luck" from my dictionary.

At this time, the phone next to him suddenly rang.

——He actually called again.

Vodka was startled, and looked over with bright eyes, secretly expecting: He must fight for a while longer.

The positioning was broken just now, so I have to start from the beginning. But twenty seconds is actually not that much, and women love to talk on the phone. This time, as long as Shirley relaxes a little bit...

Under his quiet gaze.

Answering machine mode is on. On the phone, Miyano Akemi's pre-recorded sweet voice rang again: "Hello, I am Miyano, I am not..."

“Du, du, du—”


With several key tones, the message just now was deleted.

Then the caller hung up the phone neatly, and the room returned to calm.

Vodka: "..." How could this be?

He was stunned for a moment, looked at Gin, and said anxiously: "Brother, could it be that she smelled our breath..."

"No." Gin seemed to know Shirley very well, "Although she is a person whose mind is dominated by emotions and has just stepped out of the ivory tower. And she has been studying academics since she was a child and has never seen such scenes. But no matter what, she After all, she was once one of us, so she should have some sense of confidentiality - Shirley probably just didn't want to leave a recording on the phone. It's a pity, huh, she probably wouldn't have dreamed that we were listening right next to the phone."

Vodka perked up: "That means...she will call again like before?"

"It won't happen in a short time." Gin sneered, "However, it seems that this time, even God is on our side."

Vodka was stunned for a second, vaguely feeling that these words were related to "luck".

However, this is obviously not the point.

He quickly caught the real keyword: "The opening ceremony of the Twin Towers in Seymour City!"

This is the news revealed in Shirley's phone call just now.

Gin nodded and stood up, full of murderous intent: "We just need to deal with the computer room of that building. Since Shirley offered it to the door, I will reluctantly accept this gift."

He walked to the window and looked out through the gap in the heavy curtains.

The view here is good, and you can just see the "Nishitama City Twin Towers" in the night in the distance.

"'I want to see my sister there, no matter what she looks like now'... Do you think the undead will linger in the place she liked when she was alive? Huh, you are so naive that you feel silly."

Gin recalled Shirley's words just now, and thought about Miyano Akemi, who he personally confirmed to be dead, and laughed softly: "I miss my sister to the point where I want to see ghosts. It's a pity that there are no ghosts in this world, so I can only send them away Reunion in heaven."

He raised his head, his eyes reflecting the towering Twin Towers in the distance, as if he had seen the tragic collapse of them: "Since it is known as the 'closest place to heaven', it can be used as the guillotine for the traitor.

"It's a pity that this magnificent building will end forever on the day it opens."

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