Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 985 The building close to the kingdom of heaven. Please vote for me.

Chapter 985 The building approaching the Kingdom of Heaven. Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

A seemingly peaceful night passed peacefully.

The next day, Jiang Xia finished writing the notes and took her younger brother's new cat to the detective agency.

After flipping through the newspaper and waiting for a while, the customer finally arrived.

Jiang Xia was about to pour tea when she suddenly saw a tall man with a coral head walking in with a customer. The man stood by the door and looked in carefully.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

Coral Tou was looking at the situation in the store when he suddenly met Jiang Xia's eyes.

His eyes lit up and he greeted him enthusiastically: "Hello! Do you remember me? We met before in that case at the Izu Pottery Sculpture House - you even signed your name for me!"

Of course Jiang Xia remembered: "Officer Henggou... why did you come here from Shizuoka? Are you transferred?"

Henggou said happily: "No, no, it's actually like this - we have a difficult case, and we have no clue after investigating it for several days. The incident has a great impact. It just so happens that the police station has recently received additional publicity funds. We I just want to invite you to come over and have a look..."

Henggou Shenwu is a rare star chaser among the police force.

He lovingly pursues several legendary detectives, but currently only Jiang Xia is the only one he has met in person and asked to sign autographs.

So when he was at work, Henggou Shenwu would take the signature and brag about it from time to time. Perhaps they were unintentionally influenced by his brainwashing. When they encountered the case this time, everyone in the police station agreed to his proposal of "finding foreign aid."

On the one hand, the case is indeed urgent.

On the other hand, I also want to see what the legendary detective "Jiang Xia" looks like on a daily basis.

Jiang Xia did not expect that she would not be able to wait for the invitation letter from the distant place, but instead waited for the police officer who came to her door.

"..." It was really unintentional.

He nodded immediately and said thoughtfully: "No problem, it is the duty of citizens to help the police."

Then Jiang Xia turned to the customer's wife next to her and handed the cat to the driver behind her: "Your cat - I'm sorry, I have something to do at the moment. If it's not an urgent commission, why don't you come back next time?"


She glanced at the soft sofas in the store and then at Henggou Zensu.

The Henggou Police Department was inexplicably agitated, and they always felt that the other party's eyes were a bit resentful.

However, before he could analyze the complicated meaning, the other party bowed politely, turned around and left, getting into the luxurious car on the street.

Henggou Sengo watched the car drive away, confused: "...Have I ever offended her? No, I have never dealt with a rich woman in Tokyo."

Jiang Xia locked the store door skillfully and asked him expectantly: "Are you on a business trip? How many days will you go? What case? You are asked to make a special trip. Is it a difficult serial murder case?"

"No, it shouldn't take too long to come back after solving the case." Henggou came back to his senses. As the dedicated detective asked questions, his thoughts turned to business.

He patted the heavy suitcase in his hand and said, "There is a lot of information. It's not convenient to read it here. Let's talk about it later when we get in the car."

The two caught up with the nearest Shinkansen and drove all the way to Shizuoka.

When seeing Mount Fuji from a distance, Jiang Xia always felt that something was not right.

He looked away from Mount Fuji through the thick car window and looked at the car window on the other side.

Then he was slightly startled: When did there be such a tall building here?

Henggou Shenwu was flipping through the case materials.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Xia's movements. He followed the young detective's focused gaze and saw the Twin Towers in Nishitama City.

"Haha, are you also interested in this kind of architectural crystallization?" Henggou Sango seemed to like that building very much. "The elevation is 319 meters and 294 meters - the tallest twin buildings in Japan!"

Jiang Xia nodded: "It's so impressive." Theoretically speaking, the higher the building, the more dangerous it is... When will this building explode? Could it be that Gin has already targeted him?

…But wait, the Twin Towers?

Across the way, Henggou Shengwu looked longingly at the car window: "It's a pity that it has just been built and is not open to the public yet - if I come here later on a business trip, I can stop by and visit."

Jiang Xia: "..." The more I hear it, the more familiar it becomes.

...It is better to finish the case in Shizuoka Prefecture as soon as possible and return to Tokyo as soon as possible.

He thought for a moment, lowered his head and pressed the phone, switched to the "Anonymous" mailbox, and sent an email.

Then he raised his head and looked at Henggou Zhensu, who was glued to the car window and wanted to go to the Twin Towers: "By the way, where is the case you are talking about?"

"Oh! Here." Henggou came back to his senses and once again sighed at the detective's professionalism and concentration.

Then, like magic, half a person's height of information was suddenly pulled out from the suitcase.

Jiang Xia: "..."

a few minutes ago.

Hundreds of meters away.

On a lane running parallel to the Shinkansen.

Dr. A Li's little Beetle is carrying an old man and five children happily flying on the road to the camping base.

Dr. A Li is very playful and likes children.

Now, with several children clinging to him, he suddenly had twice as much happiness. After experiencing the last dangerous holographic game, in addition to the "Invitation to the Opening Ceremony of the Nishitama City Twin Buildings" transferred by Yusaku Kudo, Dr. Agasa actually arranged the itinerary himself, which was to calm the children's fears and wash them away with a pleasant experience. Very frightened... although the children themselves didn't seem too frightened.

They were in the same position as Jiang Xia. They also saw the shiny building and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so tall and beautiful."

Dr. Agasa remembered the invitation in his pocket and cleared his throat proudly: "The Nishitama City Twin Towers are currently the tallest twin towers in Japan - I heard that the view from above is like looking down at the world from heaven."


Several children showed envious eyes.

Ayumi looked at the building longingly: "I really want to go in and have a look."

Mitsuhiko sighed very realistically: "They won't let us in."

Huiyuan Ai came back to her senses and comforted Bumi: "There is a chance."

As he said that, he raised his hand and patted Dr. A Li's driver's seat.

Dr. A Li couldn't help but reveal a mysterious smile: "Don't be picky about food this camping trip. Eat all the vegetables honestly. I will make an exception and take you in."

As he spoke, he freed up his hand and, like a proud Doraemon, swiped to reveal the invitation to the opening ceremony.

Conan looked at Dr. A Li driving with one hand and remembered the time when the doctor was distracted while driving and hit an anonymous lady passing by. He decisively grabbed the invitation from his hand and said, "Drive well!"

Then he unfolded the invitation and looked at it.

Other children also crowded over to watch together, and their eyes shone brighter as they watched: "It's great, the buffet is unlimited, and there are also luxury gifts! - You can eat all you can with eel rice!"

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