Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 987 How many bottles of wine are there now?

Then Jiang Xia recalled a few people who could repeatedly suppress murderous intent: Gin would definitely go without worrying about it, and vodka would be given as a gift. Shuichi Akai, a potential stock, would take Subaru's route and put him together with Toru Amuro, maybe something wonderful would happen. The explosive reaction of murderous aura is the same when put together with gin.

There are so many bottles of wine, only Belmod is all that is needed.

Jiang Xia: "..." It doesn't seem to be difficult to get her to the venue.

However, after hesitating for a while, Jiang Xia decided to observe the situation secretly first.

There are more and more ghosts, and the most important thing is long-term development.

And if Shuichi Akai is present at the venue, Belmode will undoubtedly be in danger - in my impression, Shuichi Akai seems to be very capable of defeating her. A year ago in New York, if Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan hadn't happened to be passing by to lend a helping hand, Belmode might have been arrested by the FBI. In some scenes that have not happened yet, it seems that Belmode was shot with a shotgun by Shuichi Akai. If she hadn't been wearing a bulletproof vest, she would probably be dead.

...Just to be on the safe side, let’s talk about it next time.

Jiang Xia sighed regretfully.

"...Um, Mr. Jiang Xia?"

On the opposite side, the voice of the Henggou Police Department came cautiously.

Jiang Xia came back to her senses, smashed the email on her phone, and looked up at him: "What did you just say?"

"It's about this case -" the Henggou Police Department looked around furtively and confirmed that no one was there before leaning closer and saying, "You know Komiyayama Taizo, right?"

Jiang Xia was startled, and soon had an impression: a while ago, the film team of Taizo Komiyayama came to Tokyo to shoot a realistic suspense film.

At that time, Jiang Xia went to watch the scene in awe, and came back satisfied with a few murderous auras - famous actors are really obsessed with murderous aura if they get too involved in the drama, and when they come out of the play, the murderous aura will naturally disappear. So Jiang Xia likes to go to the studio to watch in her spare time, and occasionally goes to watch dramas.

Jiang Xia nodded: "That veteran actor with good acting skills?"

"Yes, that's him - actually he was killed three days ago."

The Henggou Police Department rummaged through a large pile of documents and quickly found a few photos: "We identified three suspects based on the scene, but before we had time to conduct further investigation, these three people..."

“They all surrendered to us, saying that they killed Mr. Komiyayama!

"But the problem is, they didn't commit the crime together. They all said they acted independently."

Henggou Police Department scratched his coral head in frustration:

"There is actually no difference between all three people surrendering and none of the three people surrendering. We really can't tell who is the real murderer - to tell you the truth, these three people who came to surrender have all been gaining momentum recently. Sheng's celebrity involves so many people at once. If it is not handled well..."

Jiang Xia listened carefully to his troubles and quickly grasped the key point: "You can't tell... In other words, all three of them have murder motives?"

Henggou Police Department nodded sadly and handed the photo he just found to Jiang Xia:

"On the day of the incident, there was an interview event at the Shizuoka Cultural Center, and Mr. Komiyayama also attended. Before the performance, the staff came to see him for something. Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered his lounge, they saw him lying on his back on the ground. already dead.

"There were marks of blows with a blunt object on the back of his head. We found witnesses from three adjacent lounges. Who knows... Well, look at the photos."

The Henggou Police Department pointed at one of the pictures, which showed a middle-aged man with a calm face: "This is Kengo Katsuyoshi. Taiji Komiyayama has always regarded himself as 'Japan's most successful artist' for the past twenty years. Katsuyoshi." Mr. You has the same style as him, and he has always been firmly on top of him."

Then there was a woman with a high bun and a very mature charm: "Miss Aragura Yumiko, it is said that Komiyayama Taiji often pesters her and harasses her."

Finally, there was a handsome young man with a sharp eyebrow and a starry face: "This is Hoshino Haruyuki. He has always had a good impression of Arikura Yumiko. He really couldn't stand Komiyayama's harassing behavior. According to the staff, the two had conflicts before. , but it was a public event and the conflict was not too violent."

"On that day, only three of them entered the crime scene, and they were the only ones who had the opportunity to take action."

Jiang Xia looked at the photos of the three people and thought for a while.

Then he looked at the Henggou Police Department with an upright face: "I do have some guesses about the case. But to be rigorous, can I meet these three people before drawing a conclusion?"

Henggou Police Department nodded: "That's fine. I just heard from the section chief that they sent back the reporters who came to camp early in the morning. It should be safer today."

As he said that, he suddenly stood up and bowed: "Before tomorrow, please help us find the murderer! The section chief has already boasted that he will find the real murderer today. If things fail, we will be in big trouble!"

"Don't worry." Jiang Xia patted him on the shoulder and pushed him back to his seat. He originally planned to rush back to Tokyo tonight to keep an eye on the bombing of the building. He said confidently, "I already have an idea."


The Henggou Police Department looked excited.

High school detectives are really good. It would be great if they produced a few...

Shizuoka and Tokyo are not that far apart.

Soon we arrived at the place where evidence was collected.

Jiang Xia, accompanied by the Henggou Police Department, met three celebrities who were rushing to surrender.

"Why are you here again?" Katsuyou Kengo, who is over middle-aged, raised his head from the table, glanced at the Henggou Police Department who was walking in front, and then fell back on the table in annoyance, with a hint of skill in his irritable tone. :

"I have said many times that I really killed the person - before the performance started that day, I was reading the script of "The Current"... It was indeed a wonderful play, and I didn't say I wanted to act in it, I just Look, who knows, that bastard Komiyayama suddenly rushed in. He angrily tore up my script and said, "This is a script tailor-made for me by the screenwriter. Don't even think about it if you are half-assed." ', and then he threw the shredded paper into my face... How can I bear it!"

"In a fit of rage, I picked up the vase next to me and hit him on the head hard. He quickly fell down and became motionless.

"I was a little scared after that, so I moved the body to his own lounge. So that others would think it was his wife who had done it. They just had a quarrel yesterday..."

Speaking of which, the topic of "carrying corpses for planting" may have been brought up in front of the police.

Katsuyou Kengo moved uncomfortably, raised his head from the table, and argued loudly: "Anyway, this is all that bastard's fault! - If he hadn't been drunk and suddenly came to scold me as a entertainment, I would How could I not control it..."

Halfway through his words, he stopped abruptly.

His eyes were fixed on Jiang Xia.

Then he suddenly said angrily: "You actually found a detective?! Or this kind of famous detective - I have already surrendered, do you have to make things worse!"

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