Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 988 Treasure Hunt

Jiang Xia glanced at his hostile gaze and explained meaningfully: "I was just passing by for tourism."

Shengyou Qianwu was startled.

A second later, his anger doubled, and he banged the table: "You actually treat me as a tourist attraction?! - Let me tell you, even if I fall to this point, I am not ashamed!"

The Henggou Police Department quickly blocked the middle-aged man's angry spittle and pulled Jiang Xia out of the door.

in the corridor.

Jiang Xia looked back at Katsuyou Kengo through the window on the door, and was a little surprised: This is really an irritable old man who wants to kill someone when he is angry.

As the door clicked shut, heavy doors and windows separated. Katsuyou Kengo slowly calmed down.

A few wisps of smoke-like murderous aura fell from his feet.

Wutian Dog, who had been waiting for a long time, stretched out his hand skillfully, gathered them together in his arms, then flapped his wings and flew away, squeezed through the window crack, and handed Jiang Xia his murderous aura.

Jiang Xia accepted the greeting gift with satisfaction. When the Henggou Police Department wasn't paying attention, he stretched out his hand to straighten it out and then put it away - the grumpy old man was indeed a celebrity. Although it didn't lose the high-end murderous aura with a special fragrance, it was still much firmer than ordinary murderous aura.

The Henggou Police Department was introducing the other two suspects to Jiang Xia in a low voice.

Suddenly, he noticed that Jiang Xia turned around frequently, as if he was quite concerned about Shengyou Kengo. Henggou immediately became alert, leaned closer and whispered: "Is he the real murderer?"

"Huh? It doesn't look like it." Jiang Xia came back to her senses and said expectantly like a customer trying out new products next to the freezer, "Let's take a look at the next one first."

"Okay." The Henggou Police Department failed to interpret the subtle changes in his demeanor and explained what just happened, "In order to prevent it from interfering with the progress of solving the case, we did not tell them that 'there are other people who came to surrender'. So just now, Sheng Only Mr. Right would have that reaction.”

Jiang Xia nodded and had a great time on the business trip: "It doesn't look like he was colluding with someone in advance."

"Indeed." Henggou Police Department sighed, "But that's not necessarily true for the next two. The relationship between them, alas..."

The second suspect soon appeared in front of Jiang Xia.

——There was a spirited young man sitting in the room. It’s the recently popular little guy, Haruyuki Hoshino.

"The scene when the crime occurred? I've said it many times." Hoshino Haruyuki's mentality seemed to be much more positive than Kengo's just now:

"That day, Xiao Gongshan suddenly broke into my lounge, grabbed me by the collar, said that the bow belonged to him, and told me, a 'little bastard,' to stop thinking about it, and then violently pushed me to the corner.

"There happened to be a vase in the corner, so I picked it up..."

Speaking of this, Hoshino Haruyuki glanced at the police and detectives in front of him and silently omitted the beating process:

"After that, I saw him lying motionless on the ground, and I felt a little panicked, so I dragged him back to his own lounge... But now that I think about it, it was actually not necessary at all."

His tone suddenly became high-pitched, and he punched hard: "I'm going to beat a perverted harasser! I'm willing to do it for Gongzi!"

This person seemed to have looked away and showed no murderous intent towards innocent passers-by, unless the "Miss Gongzi" was summoned to act as a catalyst.

Unfortunately, this is inconsistent with the police department's regulations.

Jiang Xia left disappointed.

The last suspect to surrender was a beautiful woman. Her bun was pulled up high, exposing her slender neck, and she spoke softly and slowly. Sitting in the gloomy inquiry room, she looked like a swan in distress.

Arakura Yumiko sighed, frowned slightly, recalling the scene at that time:

"That day, I was touching up my makeup in my lounge, but Mr. Komiyayama suddenly barged in. He pretended to look closely at the things in my hands, and stretched out his arms to hug me from behind... I hurriedly pushed him away, but he kept He chased me and finally forced me into a corner with a smile, saying that he just wanted to connect with me.

"I, I saw his face getting closer and closer, I was very scared, so I picked up the vase at hand..."

She closed her eyes and shook her head, also instinctively omitting the middle process:

"I was really scared when I saw him lying motionless on the ground. When I came to my senses, I had already fled outside... I don't know why he was in his own lounge when he was found."

All three of them had been asked several times, and there was no lag in their lines, and the questioning ended quickly.

Henggou Police Department pulled Jiang Xia into the corridor, closed the door with his backhand, and sighed:

"Now you understand our difficulty - dealing with actors is really troublesome. What they say seems to be true. And what's even weirder is that their fingerprints were detected on the vases in their respective lounges. , and signs of beating the victim.”

"Don't worry, I probably know what's going on." Jiang Xia faced the Henggou Police Department's bright eyes and said solemnly, "But solving cases must be done rigorously and you cannot slander any innocent person - just to be on the safe side, bring Let me go to the crime scene and take a look."

Go to the crime scene and collect the murderous energy dropped.

——The three suspects all wanted to kill Taizo Komiyayama. It can be seen that three days ago, they were all in a murderous state.

But in fact, only the murderer's murderous intention will naturally dissipate after he succeeds, and may be converted into something like the energy used to condense shikigami... In short, after learning about the death of Komiyayama Taizo, the fake murderer The murderous aura should fall directly.

But just now Jiang Xia walked around the police station and found nothing except a little murderous aura of an irritable middle-aged man.

Considering that the three suspects were very close to the room of the deceased at the crime scene, they probably learned of the death of Taizo Komiyayama on the spot.

Jiang Xia: "..." Three days have passed. If it had been outdoors, the murderous aura would have drifted somewhere in the wind.

But in a confined space like this indoors, it shouldn’t be blown too far...

The Henggou Police Department was a little hesitant at first - they had completed the basic investigation and evidence collection, and the current scene of the crime has changed a lot compared to the time when the crime occurred.

But when he looked up, Jiang Xia looked serious next to him, as if "seeing the scene" was of great importance...

"……I see."

The Henggou Police Department decided to listen to the detective. Since Jiang Xia made this request, it shows that it is absolutely necessary:

"However, that cultural center is very functional, and many other activities are scheduled to be held there... We are currently only sealing off a few lounges around the crime scene, and other places are open for use. The remaining traces, There may not be much left.”

"It doesn't matter. What happened will definitely leave corresponding traces." Jiang Xia looked at the long white clouds on the horizon with a faint expectation in his eyes, "Something will always stay there."

The Henggou Police Department was infected by his optimism and positivity, and nodded with emotion: "Okay, let's go right now!"

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