Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 990 Classmates in the Coffin

It seemed that just in time for the mask show rehearsal to end, many staff members backstage rushed to the stage to clean up the aftermath.

Jiang Xia avoided the few remaining staff members like an elite monster and searched for a while in the background.

He gradually passed through the nave and came to the other side area, stopping in front of a door.

This is the prop room.

Jiang Xia sniffed through the door and nodded secretly - the murderous aura that fell three days ago should be inside.

He gently opened the door, walked through various props, and finally stopped at the corner.

There is a coffin here - a low-end version of an Egyptian pharaoh's coffin. It is probably just a background prop used to make up the numbers. It is not fancy and has an old iron color on the surface.

Jiang Xia looked around and saw no one, so he happily opened the coffin lid.

He was about to take out the murderous aura reward in the "treasure box". He suddenly stopped and met a pair of frightened eyes.

——There was actually a person stuffed in the prop coffin.

And he's an acquaintance...

——Yuanshan and Ye were tied into rice dumplings with props and hemp ropes, and their mouths were also blocked. The coffin lid was suddenly opened. She looked at Jiang Xia outside. After a moment of silence, her eyes turned from frightened to tears. She twisted and struggled, mumbling something, as if she had seen her relatives in the wilderness.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He lifted the person out, untied the rope, and quietly touched the mass of murderous aura at the bottom of the coffin with his other hand.

Before he could catch him, Yuan Shan and Ye Xian grabbed his hand: "Someone wants to kill someone! - That famous actor, he actually wants to kill someone!"

Jiang Xia: "!"

No wonder there is so much murderous intent in this theater... Since Toyama and Ye are here, Hattori Heiji should be nearby too.

Jiang Xia patted Yuan Shan and Ye on the back and comforted him kindly: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly - what happened?"

Yuan Shan and Ye rubbed their sore arms, sat down beside them exhausted, and sighed:

"A few days ago, Heiji received a letter of commission with money. The person who sent the letter was the agent of this mask theater company - they were going to star in the 'Stupid Victory' recently, and they were worried that someone would suffer bad luck because of it, and I heard that something suspicious did happen during the rehearsal, so I wanted to ask Pingji to come over and check on the situation.

"I'm here to help! Who would have thought that Heiji actually said that I was in the way and asked me to go shopping alone to buy souvenirs - is this what one should do alone? Oh, you are so underestimated!" At this point, she said The fragility and panic in her eyes disappeared, and she couldn't help but clenched her fist angrily. A piece of rope in her hand made a crunching sound, and faint powder fell from her delicate and white fingers.

Jiang Xia has become accustomed to the strange fighting power of this group of "weak female high school students".

While listening, he calmly closed the coffin next to him and returned the things to their original places.

Then he said thoughtfully: "What you just there really something wrong with this theater company?"

"Well! The problem is big." Yuan Shan and Ye came back to their senses and continued:

“I couldn’t get angry, so while Heiji was watching the rehearsal from the front, I sneaked to the back to investigate.

"When I was checking in this prop room, the rehearsal seemed to be over, and I heard footsteps approaching this room... Well, as you know, it's not good to break into someone else's prop room, so I hid. .

"I originally thought that the person who came in was the staff who stored the props, but it turned out to be Hiroshi Komazuka who played the 'King' in the mask show - that super famous old actor!

"He stayed next to the sword stand for a while, replaced one of the swords on it, and then muttered sinisterly into the phone-"

Toyama and Ye put on the vicissitudes of an old man's tone: "'Jingzi, I don't know where you have been, but you must read the recent news - that bastard who played with your feelings is about to die unexpectedly. His The breast filled with sin will be pierced by the sword of judgment.'"

"He must have replaced the retractable prop sword with a real sword! - It was the last rehearsal just now. When the actual performance starts later, the prince's chest will be pierced by the minister's 'sword' , Komazuka Hiroshi must take the opportunity to kill the prince!"

"Before I came, I didn't expect that someone actually wanted to harm people. And he smiled so scary. I, I was really shocked. I accidentally knocked away a prop ball next to me. I subconsciously bent down to pick it up, and he just Suddenly he shocked me from behind."

"When I woke up later, I was in the coffin." Yuan Shanhe Ye touched his waist with tears in his eyes, "He actually carries a stun device with him. He is really not a serious person!"

Jiang Xia's eyes flickered slightly: "..." To be honest, he also brought a stun device...

After all, this kind of thing seems to have a special attack effect on people with high force value, and can easily knock down terrifying opponents across levels.

The only problem is that I don’t know if this is only effective for high school girls, or if it can also be used by men... If you meet Akai Shuichi another day, you can ask "Uzo" to try it with him.

Jiang Xia quickly recovered and nodded as if nothing had happened, echoing what Yuan Shan and Ye just said: "Indeed, he must have been planning for a long time."

After a pause, he asked his classmates for their opinions: "What are you going to do next, go to Hattori first?"

Yuan Shan and Ye remembered the quarrel they had just had, and then looked at Jiang Xia, an excellent helper in solving crimes, and shook their heads decisively: "No!"

After all, they are the daughters of the Osaka Prefectural Police Criminal Affairs Minister, and Toyama and Ye know a lot about some things.

She touched her chin and said a little sadly: "It's just that the real and fake swords were replaced, and nothing happened. At this level, the police can't handle it even if they come. The 'King' can totally argue that he's too old." , props were placed in the wrong place' and so on, send the police away."

Jiang Xia nodded and continued her words: "And if he fooled the matter, the victim he targeted, the 'Prince', couldn't be alert, and they were starring in the same theater troupe again. If this continues, one day it is inevitable that There will be a murder - in that case, why not make things bigger?"

"Making things bigger?" Yuan Shan and Ye whispered the word. Hattori Heiji has a more upright personality, and the two of them don't have much time to deal with the incident in a roundabout way. She looked at Jiang Xia curiously, "How to do it specifically?"

Jiang Xia sat on the coffin opposite her, like a leisurely scriptwriter: "I'm afraid only the person involved will really care about such a big or small matter as 'getting the wrong real and fake sword' - playing the role of 'being stabbed by a sword' Who is the prince who wears a chest?"

"It's Robert." Toyama and Ye were deeply impressed by this young actor - not entirely because the man was handsome, but because he had very pink hair. I heard he was born with it, but he didn't know if it was Wonderful bloodline from where it came from.

Her eyes lit up after listening to Jiang Xia's words: "I know the location of his lounge. I passed by there when I came here."

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