Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 991 The End of the Prince Please vote for me

Chapter 991 The End of the Prince Please give me your monthly ticketヽ(〃〃)~

Jiang Xia nodded approvingly: "In this case, we don't need to worry about the real sword for now - as long as we pretend to be a staff member and reveal this news to the 'Prince' before the show starts, he will definitely have a big reaction. Be alert. Sex will improve accordingly.”

"Okay!" Yuan Shan and Ye stood up, feeling that things were getting more interesting... Well, no, the commission became more interesting.

But soon, she looked at Jiang Xia, then at herself, and hesitated: "We don't look like staff..."

"Have you ever heard of a saying?" Jiang Xia showed a winning smile, "A person depends on his clothes."

Three minutes later.

In the staff lounge.

"Found it." A middle-aged woman in her forties turned around from the closet, holding two sets of spare employee uniforms she had just found, and handed them to Jiang Xia.

She looked at the young detective and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Shisui to ask you to come over to investigate. I thought she only found that dark-skinned young man from Kansai."

"I happened to be passing by here. I heard about this and wanted to come over and help." Jiang Xia smiled, "This is a secret investigation, please keep it secret for us."

"Don't worry!" The eldest sister slapped her chest loudly, "We are reliable adults and always keep our mouths shut. From now on, you two will be employees here."

It is true that people depend on their clothes.

Jiang Xia, Yuan Shan and Ye put on their loose staff uniforms, lowered the brim of their hats, and immediately blended into the team of staff.

The two people quickly found "Prince" Robert's lounge.

But when he opened the door and looked inside, there was no one inside.

This is a development that Toyama and Ye did not expect.

She was startled and pressed the brim of her hat uncertainly: "He's not here? Where did he go?"

"Look around. If you're lucky, you might just meet him - some artists just don't like to stay in the lounge because they find it too depressing."

Jiang Xia said, smelling the murderous aura, and took Yuan Shan and Ye as if nothing had happened, heading to where Robert was with "good luck".

——The murderous aura of this "prince" is actually a rare strawberry flavor. Mixed with the murderous aura of vodka, maybe you can create a new strawberry ice cream taste...

He wandered in the direction of Strawberry's murderous aura for a while.

Yuan Shan and Ye saw a ball of pink hair with sharp eyes. She gently pulled Jiang Xia and whispered: "Over there!"

The two of them looked at Robert's back from a distance and exchanged lines in a low voice.

Then he pretended to be passing by and walked over.

In front of the lifting frame.

Robert was facing the elevator, operating it jinglingly - this was also a very important prop in the masked drama "Silly Victory".

There are three protagonists in "Victory of Foolishness", and in the play, all three of them are going to die.

The prince played by Robert will be stabbed in the heart by the minister with a sharp sword.

Afterwards, the victorious minister will follow him to the edge of the balcony, fall down, and fall to his death.

But this is a play after all, and it is impossible for the troupe to lose an actor by "falling to death" after just one performance. At this time, the elevator is needed - secretly raise the platform of the machine to the same height as the balcony. When the minister falls from the sky, he will fall onto the elevator and remain unscathed.

Robert held the pliers and wiped his sweat.

He looked up at the elevator and breathed a long sigh of relief: Done.

About to leave.

But at this time, two young staff members walked side by side on the side road.

The two were talking in a low voice.

The man among them seemed very worried: "I just went to the prop room and found that what was on the shelf was not the fake telescopic sword, but a real sword - isn't that a prop for the official performance?"

"Don't mind your own business. The prop team must have changed the placement." The woman patted his back and said heartily, "How could it be possible to use a real sword? Then the prince would be impaled, wouldn't he? , Hahaha - don't worry, we won't have such a major accident, we are all veterans."

The two walked away talking and laughing.

Behind the scenes, Robert, who played the role of "Prince", had a different expression.

"..." Real sword?

...Isn't that the sword that the "minister" wants to use to stab him? How did it become a real sword? I’ve never heard of the prop team changing the positions of the real and fake swords!

If something goes wrong, he will be the one who gets stabbed.

Robert really couldn't rest assured.

He stood up from the lifting platform and ran quickly to the prop room.

In the corridor behind.

Yuan Shan and Ye secretly turned around, glanced at Robert's retreating back, and pressed the brim of their hats while hiding their merit and fame.

Then he happily gave Jiang Xia a high-five: Done!

"Let's go to the fire." Toyama and Ye remembered Jiang Xia's plan, "It was Komazuka Hirofang who pretended to be a witness and broke the sword, so that they could be vigilant - if the person being targeted has any With enough vigilance, even if Komazuka Hiroshi wants to do anything later, he won't be able to succeed so easily."

"Yeah." Jiang Xia glanced at the elevator next to him, looked away, and hurried to the prop room with Yuan Shan and Ye.

When he arrived, Robert had already pulled out the long sword on the sword stand.

The sword was shining brightly. Pressing the tip of the sword back, the sharp steel did not move at all.

This is indeed no longer the retractable dagger, but has become a real sharp sword with an edge - if he is stabbed by this thing, he, the prince, will definitely die on the spot.

When Robert thought about the scene, he immediately became angry: "How do these people do things? How can they get it wrong?!"

He angrily sheathed his sword, picked it up, and planned to find some reason with those idiots who had pipe tools.

But at this moment, Robert suddenly remembered something and stopped.

"Wait a minute." He touched his chin and muttered to himself, "Compared to letting that bastard Yabuki die of electrocution on the lift platform, it is indeed more natural to be stabbed to death with a sword! Even if someone investigates it afterwards, this matter will be It has nothing to do with me—I’m not the guy who mistakenly made a mistake between a real and a fake sword.”

As he spoke, Robert's eyes lit up: "Yes, Yabuki has long been eyeing me for the role of 'Prince'. It's a mime anyway, and you can't hear the actor's voice. Find an excuse to give him the role." , he will definitely not refuse!

"When the time comes, he will be the 'prince' who is stabbed to death by the sword, hahaha! Let him keep asking me to collect debts, isn't it just that I lent him some dirty money, tui!"

Toyama Kazuye, who was eavesdropping at the door: "..."

Jiang Xia: "..."

...what a loud conspiracy.

But for the sake of his big fluffy murderous aura... forget it, it's not a big problem.

Yuan Shan and Ye didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

——A potential murderer has not been solved yet, and now another one appears.

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