Mumu Shisan quickly contacted the superiors and completed the report. As for the contact with the Ministry of Railways, it naturally comes from above.

About seven or eight minutes later, Memu Shisan received a call, saying that the train on the Dongdu Circular Line was traveling at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour, and there was no explosion after three o'clock, at least for now. There is no problem for the time being.

After hearing that there was no problem with the train for the time being, Mouri Kogoro and Conan both secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, of course, we have to figure out the meaning of the hint given by the prisoner, and what exactly XXX means.

After looking at Mouri Kogoro and Takada Shinichi, Megure Thirteen said to Takada Shinichi:"Takada brother, please send Conan and the others back."

"Okay, I'll send them back right now."

Takada Zhen nodded and responded. This is just a trivial matter.

Megure Thirteen said:"Brother Takada, if you think of any useful clues, remember to call me immediately.

Takada Zhen nodded and said:"I will, Officer Megure.""

At this moment, Takada Shinichi greeted the four members of the Young Detective Team to leave. Although Conan was a little reluctant, he simply couldn't refuse and could only leave with Takada Shinichi and the others.


When Takada Shinichi and others walked to the door, Mouri Kogoro clapped his hands and said:"I thought of it, the police department"

"What did you think of, brother Maori?"

Megure Shisan asked hurriedly. Although Mouri Kogoro is sometimes unreliable, most of the time, he is still very reliable. At least he has solved many cases relying on Moori Kogoro. Of course, If Megure Thirteen knew that there was someone else behind the sleeping Mouri Kogoro, he wouldn't think so.

After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, Takada Shinichi and others also stopped and looked at Mouri Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro said:"The prisoner just said that the bomb would be in X, and XXX is under the seat or on the shelf. He must have placed five bombs in these places.

After hearing this, Mumu Shisan said:"If you say that, it can make sense under the train.""

Takada Shinchi said:"Officer Megure, what Master Mori said makes sense. This is also one of the possibilities. Maybe the bomb will really be in these places."

Mumu Shisan nodded and said:"I have no clue now, so this is all I can do. I will contact the Ministry of Railways and ask them to search the car and pay attention to what's underneath the train."

After all, this is one of the possibilities. It is impossible for Megure Thirteen to give up. Even if Takada Shinichi didn't say anything, he would contact the Ministry of Railways and let the Ministry of Railways conduct a search.

"Could it really be that simple?"

Conan didn't believe that the prisoner would put the bomb in such an easy-to-find place, but he hadn't thought about where XXX was yet, so he could only stay silent and follow Takada Shinichi.

Takada Shinichi led the four young detectives. After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, he took them to a burger restaurant and invited the Young Detective Team to eat.

After Takada Shinichi left the Metropolitan Police Department, Megure Thirteen made a phone call and contacted Yusaku Kudo in the United States. Tell Kudo Yusaku exactly what happened today.

It is true that Kudo Yusaku is a very powerful reasoning master, but he is a human, not a god. It is impossible for him to know the answer after listening to Megure Shisan's narration. Therefore, he could only say that he would contact Memu Thirteen when he thought about it.

In a burger restaurant, the three members of the Young Detective Team except Conan were eating and drinking. Only Conan was holding his chin in thought, thinking about the Coke and Coca-Cola in front of him. Hamburger ignored it at all.

Upon seeing this, Yoshida Ayumi said:"Conan, why don't you eat?

Takada Shinichi also said:"Conan, don't you like it?""

"No, I like it very much."

Conan, who was awakened from his meditation, said with a smile, picked up the burger and started eating it.

Shinichi Takada smiled and said:"Conan, you must have been thinking about bombs just now, right? Conan nodded hesitantly and said to Takada:"Brother Takada, have you ever thought about what the hint given by the prisoner means?""

"If I had thought about it, I would have told Officer Megure and the others why I would be sitting here."

Takada Shinichi smiled, and then said:"But there is one thing that concerns me very much, and that is what the prisoner's purpose is for doing this. I don't believe that the prisoner does this without any purpose, unless the prisoner has no purpose. The murder, if this is the case, that would be bad."

Conan nodded in agreement. If the prisoner really killed someone without any purpose, then it couldn't be worse. It means that it is definitely not easy for them to catch the prisoner. But this possibility is not Big, the prisoner must have his purpose, but they don’t know it yet.

Ding ding bell~~

Takada Shinichi’s cell phone rang. Takada Shinichi picked up the phone, but it was Mouri Kogoro calling.

"Takada, have you thought of anything?"

Facing Maori Kogoro's inquiry, Takada Shinichi said helplessly:"Master Maori, I haven't thought of anything for the time being."


Mouri Kogoro didn't take it seriously, but said:"Officer Megure and I are going to the dispatching and command center of the Ministry of Railways. After you send Conan and the others back, come here to find us. Keep in touch at any time. If there is any progress, please contact us immediately"

"Okay, Master Mori."

Takada Shinichi responded and hung up the phone.

After looking at Conan, Takada Shinichi said to the other three members of the Young Detective Team:"Okay, hurry up and eat. Brother Takada will take you back later."

The three members of the Young Detective Team responded in unison. It was not the first time that Shinichi Takada invited them to eat. Therefore, in their view, Shinichi Takada was the kind of big brother who was very kind to them. Naturally, they were willing to listen to Shinichi Takada. At this moment, Conan was thinking about how to avoid being sent back to the office and to stay with Shinichi Takada, so that he could know the first-hand information as soon as possible and help him solve the case. He It is true that his reasoning ability is very strong, but if there are no clues to connect them, no matter how powerful his reasoning ability is, it will be useless.

Ten minutes later, the group left the burger restaurant after eating. Takada Shinichi took a taxi to send the young detective team back.Takada Shinichi first sent the three members of the Young Detective Team back. When Conan was the only one left, Conan said he didn’t want to go back and wanted to follow him to the dispatch command center. Shinichi Takada did not refuse, but agreed, because this was originally That's his purpose._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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