"Takada, why did you bring this kid here?"

When Shinichi Takada and Conan came to the command center to see Kogoro Mouri, Kogoro Mouri said this to Shinichi Takada, obviously unhappy that he brought Conan with him, and worried that Conan would cause trouble.

Shinichi Takada smiled and said:"Master Maori, as you know, Conan sometimes discovers places we don't know about, so I brought him here. Don't worry, I will keep an eye on him and I will never let him run around and disturb other people's work."

Mouri Kogoro nodded when he heard this. He did not blame Takada Shinichi anymore, but said to Conan:"Kid, remember not to cause trouble for others, do you know?"


Conan responded somewhat depressedly. He is now boarding at the office and is a child. He has no way to deal with Mouri Kogoro and can only respond depressedly. At three-thirty, Takada Shinichi and others I saw a report on TV that several trains on the Dongdu Circular Line did not stop and kept running.

The situation on the Dongdu Circular Line cannot be hidden from anyone at all. If it can be concealed for half an hour, it is already the Ministry of Railways. The result of the cooperation with the Metropolitan Police Department, no matter how long it takes, the government can't do anything. After all, the people are not fools.

Ten minutes later, Operations Director Sakaguchi called Megure Juzo, Mori Kogoro, Takada Shinichi, and Conan. office, told the four people that they did not find any bombs under the seats or on the shelves of the train. In other words, the bombs were not in these places.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

Conan secretly thought. Sure enough, as he expected, the prisoner is not that simple.

"There are a total of twelve trains currently running. We have asked each train conductor to check carefully, including checking every passenger's luggage, but no bomb was found at all."

After Ban described the situation orally, he asked:"By the way, how are you doing here?"

Mumu Shisan said:"From the videos we took from several cameras along the line, we did not find any suspected bombs installed under the train."

Mouri Kogoro pondered:"This is strange, where will the bomb be placed?"

"The bomb will explode when the train speed is less than 60 kilometers per hour, and the bomb will explode before the sun goes down. This must have something to do with where the bomb is placed. Conan muttered to himself. He felt that the two points mentioned by the prisoner must be related to the place where the bomb was placed. Otherwise, the prisoner would never say that. He had to come up with the answer as soon as possible.

This cannot be done in a moment. I still haven't figured it out yet, and now it's almost four o'clock, and it's just over an hour before the sun goes down. More than an hour, not too much, not too much, But if you still don’t have a clue, it’s very likely that you won’t be able to figure it out for three to five days. And if you really figure it out after three or five days, it will be gone by then.

Shinichi Takada was thinking, but in fact he wasn’t thinking about it at all. The so-called question of where the bomb was placed was not his idea, but he had this case, and since he was connected to Moritani Teiji, he clearly knew Moritani Teiji's plan, so he naturally knew where the bomb was placed.. More importantly, Moritani Teiji's bomb was provided by Takada Shinichi. Without his provision, Moritani Teiji would not have bombs at all and would have to steal gunpowder depots. What

Takada Shinichi is thinking about now is Conan Can we figure it out before the sun goes down and find where the bomb was placed? If we think of where the bomb was placed, can we also think of who placed the bomb?

"Fortunately, I left a base where I can activate at any time. It doesn't matter when Moritani Teiji is discovered."

Takada Shinichi doesn't care at all whether Moritani Teiji will be arrested or when he will be arrested. It has no impact on him. If he wants to use Moritani Teiji to do something, the initiative in that matter is also in his hands. , so he doesn’t care

"No, sir, there has been a commotion among the passengers in the car."

A person in charge ran in shouting bad news and brought bad news.

"Be sure to do a good job of comforting!"

Sakaguchi immediately gave the order, then nodded to Megure Thirteen, and walked away.

Mouri Kogoro frowned and said:"This is troublesome. If we don't find out where the bomb is quickly, something big will happen.. Megure

Thirteen was also very anxious, and said to Kogoro Mori and Shinichi Takada:"Brother Maori, brother Takada, haven't you two thought about where the bomb will be placed?""

Moori Kogoro was so worried that he was almost sweating on his forehead, but he just couldn't think of it. Takada Shinichi also looked anxious, but didn't tell the answer.

Conan was also very anxious, but he didn't think about it for a moment. He couldn't get the answer, so he could only scratch his hair anxiously.

Beep beep beep!!!

At this moment, the cell phone in Mumu Shisan's pocket rang, and Mumu Shisan took out the phone and answered it.

"Mumu, it's me. Kudo Yusaku's voice rang from the phone.

Megure Thirteen said in surprise:"Yusaku, did you bring me good news?" Kudo

Yusaku said:"Although I haven't found out who the prisoner is yet, I already know where the bombs on the Toto Ring Line are placed.""

"Where is it placed?"

Mumu Shisan asked hurriedly. He is under great pressure now. This matter is not only related to the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, but also related to the honor of the Metropolitan Police Department, and even more related to his position. After all, this case He's in charge. If the bomb really goes off, his future will be in jeopardy.

"Did Dad find out the answer? Where will the bomb be placed?"

Conan was filled with surprise, frustration and curiosity. The surprise was because his father found out where the bomb was placed, so the bomb on the Dongdu Circular Line would not be detonated. The frustration was naturally because he hadn't found the bomb yet. Lost to his father; naturally curious to know where the bomb was placed and why he hadn't thought of it

"Kudo Yusaku is worthy of being Kudo Shinichi's father. After all, he is still more powerful than Kudo Shinichi."

Takada Shinichi secretly murmured in his heart. He has indirectly experienced how powerful Kudo Yusaku is. A woman as powerful as Belmode was still caught by Kudo Yusaku. Feng Guan is it because of carelessness or luck? , anyway, if you are caught, you are caught, and the black organization is at a disadvantage in the fight with Kudo Yusaku, at least in Japan, otherwise the black organization has no reason to give in._Feilu reminds you : Three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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