When there were more than five minutes left on the countdown on the bomb, Mao Lilan came back and sat next to Takada Shinichi.

Suzuki Yuanzi saw this and said:"Lan, you take a picture with your mobile phone, I will call you back."

Mao Lilan took the picture with her mobile phone and said:"Yuanzi, go ahead, just leave this place to me."

Suzuki Yuanzi stood up and walked towards While walking.

Shinichi Takada is cutting the numerous threads, and his speed is not slow. Now he has cut off most of them, and there are only a few threads left.

Mao Lilan felt a little relieved after seeing it, but because she didn't want to disturb Takada Shinichi's relationship, she didn't say a word.

Two minutes later, Takada stopped, with only two wires left on the bomb.

Mao Lilan saw this and said:"Takada, what's wrong?"

Takada Zhenyi said with an ugly face:"Now there is only the last one left, but I don't know which one to cut off. If I cut it wrong,..."

"What to do?"

Mao Lilan couldn't help but worry after hearing this.

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"I don't know either. When the time is almost up, I can only try my luck."

Mao Lilan couldn't help but fell silent when she heard this. She knew what it meant to try her luck, which meant just cutting off one piece at random. If you were lucky, you would be fine. If you were not lucky, you would be doomed.

Takada Shinichi didn't know which piece to cut off. He I just said that on purpose, for the sake of planning the next step



Mao Lilan looked at Takada Shinichi in response.

Takada Shinichi looked at her and said:"There is a sentence that I have been holding in my heart for a long time. I don't know if I don't say it today, if I will have a chance to say it in the future, so I want to say it. don't let yourself regret"

"What are the words? Mao

Lilan asked tremblingly, a thought flashed through her mind, but she was not sure if it was that.

Takada Shinichi held Mao Lilan's hand, looked at her and said:"Xiaolan, I like you!""

Mao Lilan's body trembled, her ears rumbling, and only the words 'I like you' from Takada Shinichi were left in her mind. At this moment, all she had in her heart was joy, which made her know how she felt about Takada Shinichi. Feelings


Mao Lilan immediately thought of Kudo Shinichi and this childhood sweetheart, the person she had always liked. Until now, although she was disappointed that Kudo Shinichi was not by her side, she still liked him.

"Takada and Sonoko are the boyfriend and girlfriend."

Mao Lilan then thought that Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko were a couple. She said that she could not compete with her friends, so she immediately lowered her head and said:"Takada, what are you talking about? You are Sonoko's boyfriend."

"I like Yuanzi, I won’t lie to you, but I also like you."

Takada Shinichi said with an unchanging expression:"I understood my heart a long time ago, but I knew I couldn't say it out, so I kept it hidden in my heart. I don't know if we can survive this time, so I tell you my feelings, hoping that you understand my heart. Xiaolan, do you like me? Even just a little bit?"

"Yes, we don’t know if we can survive today. If that’s the case, why should we hide our thoughts? Mao

Lilan was greatly shocked after hearing this. She raised her head and said to Takada:"Takada, I like you, I like you very much.""

Looking at the happy smile on Takada Shinichi's face, Mao Lilan whispered:"But I can't let go of Shinichi, I like Shinichi, I'm sorry Takada"

"It seems we can't be too hasty now."

Takada Shinichi's heart moved after hearing this, and he said happily:"It doesn't matter, as long as you like me, it's enough for me to know this. Xiaolan, until the bomb is defused, can you be my girlfriend? If the bomb is successfully defused in a while, then I won’t force you, just follow your heart; if the bomb is failed to be defused, then you will leave this world with me in the name of my girlfriend, okay?"

"Well, thank you, Takada."

Mao Lilan nodded heavily and leaned into Takada Shinichi's arms as he spoke.

Takada Shinichi hugged Mao Lilan and smelled the fragrance of Mao Lilan, feeling full of pride. He knew that even if it was only a few minutes, But after all, it was a good start. As long as there is another chance in the future, I am afraid that I will not be able to successfully capture her.

After a moment, Takada Shinichi gently pushed Mao Lilan away, looked at her and said:"Xiaolan, I...I can kiss you." ?"

Mao Lilan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this might be the last time left in their lives, and she also liked Takada Shinichi very much, so she slowly closed her eyes immediately. There was no answer, but her actions replaced the answer.

When Takada Shinichi saw this, he still didn't understand what Mao Lilan meant. He immediately leaned his head over and kissed the cherry lips he had coveted for a long time.


Mao Lilan only felt that her heart was beating so fast, and her mind was confused. Because this was her first kiss, she didn't know what to do, so Takada Shinichi took the lead, and she just cooperated.

Takada Shinichi not only kissed Mao Li Lan, he gently pulled Mao Lilan into his arms. Mao Lilan was already immersed in the kiss with Takada Shinichi. She couldn't care about anything else and allowed Takada Shinichi to do whatever he wanted. At this moment , she didn’t think about anything, and she didn’t have any distracting thoughts.

Beep beep!

The ringtone of Mao Lilan’s cell phone that she dropped aside rang, but neither Takada Shinichi nor Mao Lilan paid attention to it. Neither of them seemed to hear it. Let the phone ring


I don't know how long it took, a cough sounded, and Suzuki Sonoko said:"That's enough for you two, don't even look at what time it is."She has been here for dozens of seconds. The reason why she spoke now is because she saw that there was not much time left on the bomb, so naturally she could not let the two of them continue.

Suzuki Sonoko's voice Takada Shinichi and Mao Lilan were awakened, and they separated immediately.

Takada Shinichi had already taken out his hand at this moment, his expression remained unchanged, but Mao Lilan lowered his head with blood on his face, and did not dare to look at his friend at all. She felt like she and Takada Shinichi were having an affair just now.

Suzuki Sonoko sat next to Takada Shinichi angrily. She had long felt that her boyfriend liked her best friend, but the two of them had always been in love with each other. They were like friends, so she didn't say much. She didn't expect this to happen today. The two of them might have started talking and even kissed, which was enough to illustrate the relationship between the two.

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