"That was Lan's first kiss just now."

Suzuki Sonoko felt a little uncomfortable. She knew that it must have been her friend's first kiss, and her friend was willing to give the first kiss to Takada Shinichi. Her friend's thoughts were clear. Although she felt uncomfortable,

Suzuki Sonoko did not make trouble unreasonably. One is the boyfriend she loves so much, and the other is a good friend she can trust with her life. She doesn't want to lose both of them.

"Maybe this is not bad."

Suzuki Yuanzi comforted herself, feeling a little better in her heart.

Mao Lilan suddenly raised her head and said to Suzuki Yuanzi:"Yuanzi, right?..."

Suzuki Sonoko interrupted:"Takada, what is the situation with the bomb now?"

Shinichi Takada looked at the countdown for a little over one minute and said:"There are still two wires left, but I don't know which one to cut. Gen, we can only try our luck."

"No wonder!"

Suzuki Sonoko heard this and understood why the two people suddenly kissed. It was obvious that they knew they might die, so they confessed to each other. After understanding the reason, she completely let go. Maybe this was the fate of the three of them. It was time for the last time.

At that moment, Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said to Maori Ran:"Lan, I don't mind what happened between you and Takada. From now on, you can become Takada's girlfriend like me."If she's lucky, she won't regret it. If she's not lucky, there's no need to say more.


Mao Lilan couldn't help but be happy when she heard this, and then she felt ashamed for a while, but after thinking that her life might end here, she stopped saying anything and smiled slightly.

The ringtone of her cell phone was still ringing, and Mao Lilan picked up the answer.

"Xiaolan! What's going on? Why haven't you answered the phone? Did something happen?"Mouri Kogoro's anxious voice rang from the phone.

Mao Lilan said:"Dad, it's okay. It was just that it was inconvenient for me to answer the phone."

Moori Kogoro asked anxiously:"Xiaolan, what happened to the bomb? Mao Lilan said:"

Takada said he didn't know which one to cut off the last thread, so we could only try our luck." If you're lucky, you'll be fine; if you're not lucky,..."

"How could it be bad!"

Mouri Kogoro said loudly:"Your luck has always been very good, you will be fine!"

Takada Shinichi said at this time:"Xiaolan, hang up the phone. Time is running out. We still have to decide which wire to cut."

"Dad, that’s it for now. Mao

Lilan said and hung up the phone. Upon seeing this, Takada Shinichi said:"There are two wires here, red and blue. We have to choose one of them to cut. You two can tell us which one we should cut.""

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other. Mao Lilan said first:"I prefer red. I think red will be my lucky color, so I chose to cut off red."

Suzuki Sonoko said:"I like blue, but Lan's luck has always been very good, so I also chose to cut off the red."


Mao Lilan looked at her friend, feeling moved in her heart.

Takada Shinichi:"Since you two chose red, let's choose to cut off red." In fact, you can cut off any of these two wires, and the bomb will not explode if you cut it casually. This bomb is He made it specially, and he knew everything about the bomb.

Suzuki Sonoko held Takada Shinichi's arm and said:"Ran, Takada, I am really happy to meet you in this life. In the next life, I will be a good sister with Ran, and I will become your girlfriend Takada."

Mao Lilan also held Takada Shinichi's arm, and she said:"Sonoko, I am also very happy to be friends with you. We will be like this in our next life. Takada, I like you, but I also like Shinichi, I even like Shinichi more. If there is a next life, I will only like you. Sonoko, I also hope you don’t blame me for fighting for your boyfriend in the next life."

Suzuki Sonoko listened and laughed and said:"Why are you grabbing a gun? If there is a next life, the two of us will just become his girlfriend together. Who makes us good sisters? Even in this life, if the bomb can be defused successfully, I don’t mind if you are together, as long as you don’t leave me alone. good"

"Fool, how could I not want you?"

Takada Shinichi gently touched Suzuki Sonoko's head with his head, then turned to look at Mao Lilan and said:"Xiaolan, I just hope that if the bomb is successfully dismantled, you will not avoid me on purpose. Even if you like Kudo Shinichi more, let’s just do what we did before, okay?"He was afraid that it would be counterproductive. It would be terrible if Mao Lilan deliberately avoided him because of shyness or other reasons.

Mao Lilan solemnly said:"I won't avoid you, don't worry."She has already thought about it. If she can really survive, she will bury this relationship deep in her heart, just treat Takada Shinichi as a good friend, and everything will return to the past. In this way, she can be with Shinichi, and Don’t make your friends sad, don’t fight for your boyfriend with your friends.

Shinichi Takada, who didn’t know what Mao Lilan was thinking, felt relieved after hearing this. But even if he knew what Mao Lilan was thinking, he wouldn’t worry, because feelings are not You can let it go if you want to, otherwise there won’t be so many people trapped and hurt by love. The countdown on the bomb is constantly decreasing. When there are only ten seconds left in the countdown, Shinichi Takada will The scissors were placed on the red line and could be cut at any time.

Suzuki Sonoko held Takada Shinichi's arm tightly and said,"Takada, cut it."

Mao Lilan also hugged Takada Shinichi's arm tightly. She didn't say a word. At this moment, all she had in mind was that if she wanted to die, she should die with the person she loved.

"Dad, Mom, Shinichi, take care of yourself in the future!"

Takada Shinichi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:"Yuanzi, Xiaolan, I'm going to cut it off, please protect us."

At this moment, outside the cinema, Mouri Kogoro, Conan and others stared at the time displayed on their watches or mobile phones. No one called in, because they knew that it was the last moment and they could not disturb them.

"Lan, there must be nothing wrong with you!"

Conan prayed in his heart. He didn't know what he would do in the future if the bomb exploded. Thinking that he might lose Mao Lilan in the future, he felt that life was dark and he couldn't see the front.


Takada Shinichi cut the red line, As soon as the red line was cut, the countdown on the bomb stopped, stopping at a little over seven seconds.

The bomb did not explode, and the bomb was defused successfully!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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