When they saw Yabuchi Machiko, Yabuchi Yoshiyuki and Yabuchi Hidekazu didn't say hello at all, but Yabuchi Keiko called out.

Yabuuchi Machiko didn't care either. She asked Yabuuchi where Hiromi had gone. After learning that he went to boil hot water, she walked over to Takada Shinichi and sat down. He didn't care at all that there were people from the Yabuuchi family, sitting very close to Takada Shinichi.

Yabuchi Machiko doesn't care, but Takada Shinichi does. It's true that he doesn't care about the Yabuchi family, but he cares about Yukiko's opinion. If Yukiko sees this and arouses Yukiko's resentment, then his loss will be great, so he remains calm. moved to the side.

To be honest, although Yabunai Machiko is not very beautiful, she is not bad either. But if she were to compare with Yukiko, they would be in the sky and on the earth. It is very obvious which one she will choose.

Seeing this, Yabuchi Machiko approached, very close to Takada Shinichi, and asked him in a low voice if he had found anything, hoping that he could tell her what he found.

After Takada Shinichi knew Yabuuchi Machiko's purpose, he immediately said a few perfunctory words, then stood up, walked towards the door, opened the door and walked out. Yabuuchi Machiko insisted on getting so close to him, but he couldn't yell loudly, let alone hit anyone, so he could always hide if he couldn't offend him.

When the door was closed, the smile on Yabuchi Machiko's face remained unchanged, but her eyes were cold and filled with murderous intent.

After Takada Shinichi left, he went to Yukiko's place. He didn't do anything, he just watched.

After the hot water was boiled, Yabuuchi Hiromi asked Takada Shinichi to help call Yabuuchi Yifusa. The first person to take a bath was Yabuuchi Yifusa, after all, he was the senior one.

One by one, they took showers in order, and nothing happened. After nightfall, they all went back to their rooms to rest. night!

Yukiko and Conan are lying next to each other. They sleep together.


Conan suddenly noticed something unusual in his sleep, and immediately opened his eyes. In the darkness, he saw a figure. Before he could make a sound, his mouth and nose were covered, and the pungent smell told him what it was. thing

"Oh no..."

Conan screamed secretly and struggled, but it only took a few seconds before he passed out.

Yukiko next to her was still asleep and didn't notice that Conan had been knocked unconscious. Instead, the figure who had knocked Conan unconscious covered Yukiko's mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

With her mouth and nose covered, it was impossible for Yukiko to still fall asleep. She struggled and opened her eyes. The room was dark, but she could still see the hazy face of the figure through the faint light coming from the window. When she After seeing it, his eyes widened in disbelief.

After Yukiko also passed out, the figure breathed a sigh of relief, threw the handkerchief aside, held Conan aside, and then took out an envelope that was obviously prepared in advance and placed it next to Conan.. After doing this, the figure helped Yukiko up, then helped Yukiko leave the room, and then closed the door of the room.



Conan woke up clutching his head, and the bright light in the room told him that it was already morning.

Recalling what happened last night, Conan immediately looked around and saw no one at all. When he looked around, he found a handkerchief and an envelope.

"Don't get into trouble!"

Conan prayed in his heart, picked up the handkerchief and smelled it, confirming that it was the handkerchief that knocked him out last night. Then he hurriedly looked at the envelope.

"How could Qinqi, the ruler of wealth, be given to him?"

Conan was puzzled, but he had no intention of giving it to Takada Shinichi. He tore open the envelope and took out the letter paper inside and read it.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, I'll be waiting for you at Tokyo Bay Pier. If you want this woman to be safe, you know what to do!"


There is no name or contact information on the letter, and although it is not stated clearly, it is definitely not allowed to call the police. The warning in the content is self-evident.

Although I don't want to go to Takada Shinichi, since the letter is for Takada Shinichi's must be Shinichi Takada's enemy, and he needed help, so Conan immediately changed his clothes and went to find Shinichi Takada with the letter.

"Yukiko was kidnapped?!"

Takada Shinichi looked at Conan in front of him in disbelief. He took the envelope and saw that it was indeed addressed to the ruler of wealth by name, that is, to him.

Conan asked in a deep voice:"Since the letter is for you, then what? It must be your enemy. Do you know who it is?"

"I don't have any clue right now, I really don't know who it could be."

Takada Shinichi shook his head. As the ruler of wealth, he should have no enemies. That is, that woman has the greatest hatred for him, but that woman should not appear here. But now is not the time to think about this. What he has to do It’s about rescuing Yukiko, not finding out who the enemy is

"No matter who the other party is, I will go to Tokyo Bay Pier."

When Takada Shinichi spoke, he took off his pajamas and changed his clothes.

Conan did not avoid it, but said:"I want to go too!

Takata Shinichi said:"It's too dangerous there, I just want to go alone.""

Conan said solemnly:"She is my mother, I will definitely go."

"All right!"

Takada Zhen paused and agreed, but still said:"But I still have to say some things first. Then you will hide in the dark, and I will see him in the open, and you will wait for the opportunity."


Conan nodded and agreed, but this time he did not insist.

After Takada Shinichi changed his clothes, Takada Shinichi took Conan to Yabuuchi Hiromi and told Yabuuchi Hiromi that Yukiko had been kidnapped and asked her not to call the police. He wanted to He went to save people, so he had to say goodbye and leave.

Yabuuchi Hiromi was shocked when he heard this. He believed it after getting Conan's confirmation. Dang even asked Shinichi Takada to rescue Yukiko, and agreed to Shinichi Takada's request, saying that it was It must be kept secret and will not call the police.

Takada Shinichi did not leave, but asked Yabuuchi Hiromi to call everyone in the Yabuchi family together. He suspected that the person who kidnapped Yukiko pretended to be a member of the Yabuchi family last night and invaded in the middle of the night. It's not very high.

The fact is as Takada Shinichi thought, Yabuchi Machiko did not show up. Yabuuchi Machiko who came back last night was probably the other party pretending to be the other party.

After confirming that Yabuuchi Machiko was pretending, Takada Shinichi took Conan with him He left, drove away on the motorcycle Yukiko drove, and headed back to Tokyo.

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