As the motorcycle drove into Tokyo, Shinichi Takada took Conan to several places, taking taxis, buses, subways, etc. Of course, after entering Tokyo, Shinichi Takada naturally changed his face and became like an ordinary person.

Conan said:"Are you worried that the other party is following us?"

"It's not impossible."

Takada Shinichi said. He now has doubts about the person who kidnapped Yukiko. He very much suspected that it was Belmod. Although he didn't know why Belmod appeared there at that time, he was a person who hated the ruler of wealth. I'm afraid there's only one Belmod.

Belmod and Yukiko are very good friends, but Shinichi Takada can't guarantee that Yukiko already knows Belmod's identity. Belmod will show mercy to Yukiko, if he really doesn't save her. Man, if Belmod chooses to kill him, he will regret it to death.

And with Belmod's ability to call surveillance and let people follow him, it is not impossible. Naturally, he can't let Belmod do what he wants.

After many twists and turns , Shinichi Takada took Conan to an apartment building, entered the elevator, and pressed the button for the 10th floor.

Upon seeing this, Conan asked:"Is this one of your places to stay?"

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"No, I'm here to find help."

"Looking for help? Who to look for?"

Conan was stunned for a moment, then asked

"You'll find out soon enough."

Takada Shinichi did not answer Conan's question. As he said, Conan would know soon. Conan did not ask any more questions after hearing the words.

The tenth floor arrived soon. Takada Shinichi took Conan out of the elevator and came to a room outside. , rang the doorbell

"Yonehara Akiko, could it be said?"

Looking at the name written on the door, Conan's heart moved, and he immediately thought of Moriarty, the puppet master of hell.


The woman's response sounded, and then the door was opened, and Mihara Koko appeared at the door.

"Is it Conan?"

Yonehara Koko was a little surprised to see Conan, and then looked at Takada Shinichi:"Who is this gentleman?"

Takada Shinichi smiled and said:"I'm here to see Mr. Moriarty."

"He's inside, please come in. Mihara

Koko nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the room, saying:"Colen, someone is here to find you.""

Moriarty is the mirror clone of Shinichi Takada. He is now controlled by Shinichi Takada, so he naturally came out. It's just that one is the puppet master of hell and the other is the ruler of wealth. Naturally, the two of them will not act very close..

Moriarty said:"It turns out we are old friends. What do you want from me?"

Takada Shinichi said:"I want to ask you to do me a favor. I owe you a favor, and I will pay it back to you in the future. Moriarty made a scissor hand and said:"Just two favors, I will help you with this.""

"OK, I agreed!"

Takada Shinichi happily agreed without any hesitation. Anyway, he was playing an oboe.

"Then you can go, I will go to the old place to find you."

Moriarty gave the eviction order mainly to act as a double act. Naturally, there is no need to stay here any longer.

"You must be there before six o'clock."

Takada Shinichi said, and then turned around and left.

Conan naturally followed Takada Shinichi away. Seeing this, Yonehara Koko said:"Conan, you can come and play when you have time."


Conan responded. Although he agreed, he would not really come here to play because Moriarty is here.

After Takada Shinichi and Conan left, Yonehara Koko said to Moriarty:"Although I I don’t know what this person wants your help for, but you’d better be careful and protect yourself."

"I will, don't worry. Moriarty smiled slightly. A thirty-year-old female teacher who has not yet been in love is no match for him. In just a few months, Yonehara Koko's favorable impression of him has reached 86 points. Now, it's not far away from being able to eat it. Koko Yonehara is a virgin, and her score is still above 90 points. Shinichi Takada is planning to wait until his favorability reaches 90 points before eating it, in order to gain a new ability.

Shinichi Takada's area After Conan left, he went to a place where he was the ruler of wealth and waited for the passage of time.

At five o'clock, Shinichi Takada left with Conan and came to a small park and sat on a bench in the park.

Conan asked:"Is this where you met?"

Takada Shinichi said nonsensically:"I was rescued by Moriarty here. I owed him a favor. When he asked me to capture your mother, we also met here, so this is where we met. old place.

Conan frowned slightly and said,"Can he really help us?""

Takada Zhen said:"Since he agreed, he will definitely help, so don't worry."

Conan nodded slightly. He can only trust Takada Shinichi now. Without calling the police, he has no other power to rely on but Takada Shinichi. He has thought about asking Takada Shinichi from the office for help. But firstly, this would expose his identity, and secondly, he was not sure whether Takada Shinichi would help, so he didn't go looking for it. At half past five, Moriarty came to the park, together with Takada Shinichi and Conan They met.

Takada Shinichi told him what he wanted to help, but it was actually just to show off in front of Conan. Then the two played a double act and said that Moriarty pretended to be the ruler of wealth and went to Tokyo Bay Pier. Takada Shinichi and Conan People are hiding in the dark, looking for opportunities to save people.

After agreeing, Takada Shinichi took this opportunity to let the mirror clone go to see the person who kidnapped Yukiko. If that person is really Belmod, Belmod will probably kill someone, Takada Naturally, Shinichi would not take risks with his real body, which is why he asked the mirror clone for help. Even if something happens, it will only be the mirror clone, and he has nothing to lose.

Conan doesn't know the truth behind this, he I only know the surface, that is, the hell puppet master pretends to be the ruler of wealth to meet people, and the ruler of wealth hides with him in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to save people.

Although the other party wants Shinichi Takada to go at eight o'clock, Shinichi Takada The three of them went after dinner. When they arrived at the Tokyo Bay Pier, it was only seven o'clock.

Of course, Takada Shinichi and Conan did not go with the mirror clones, but went secretly, trying not to let anyone know. people discovered.

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