
High in the air, Yukiko looked at the increasingly smaller streets and buildings below, and couldn't help but exclaimed:"It's flying! I actually flew! I...ahem!!"

Yukiko suddenly coughed as she spoke, but a gust of cold wind blew by, and she sucked a lot of cold wind into her mouth.

"I'm so cold, put me down quickly!"

Yukiko shouted loudly while taking in her breath.

"If you feel cold, hug yourself tighter. Your destination is almost here."

Takada Shinichi said loudly, Yukiko hugged him tightly, so he could take advantage of it openly. How could

Yukiko have the nerve to hug Takada Shinichi tightly? If that were the case, her body would be as close to Takada Shinichi's body, like that The pair of breasts on her chest are not allowed to press on Takada Shinichi. How can she be embarrassed to do this to a strange man? Rather than doing this, she might as well endure it.

Yukiko has to endure it, and Takada Shinichi doesn't have to. He forced her and let her be blown by the cold wind.

Nearly three minutes later, the hang glider flew to the suburbs. After seeing a truck parked on the side of the road, Takada Shinichi fell down behind the truck.

"Where is this place?"

While Yukiko was asking questions, Takada Shinichi opened the door of the truck, pulled Yukiko into the truck, and closed the door of the truck. After a while, the door of the truck was locked from the outside, and then the truck started and drove away.

There were lights inside the truck, so it was not dim. Yukiko said to Takada Shin:"Can't you tell me where you are going now?"

Takada Shinichi saw her rubbing her body with a cold expression, then took off her coat, handed it over, and said:"Hell's Puppet Master, he asked me to take you there."

"Puppet master from hell? never heard before! Yukiko took the coat and put it on her body unceremoniously, and looked at Takada Shinichi:"Where did your hang glider go?""

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"That's my secret, I can't tell you."

"How stingy! Yukiko curled her lips, and then asked:"Do you know what kind of person that hell puppet master is and why he wants to arrest me?""

Takada Shinichi thought for a while and said:"In my opinion, he is not a good person. As for the reason why he arrested you, I told you that he needs you to stay in Japan for a few more days. According to what he told me, he wanted Yusaku Kudo to do something, so he needed Yusaku Kudo to stay in Japan for a few more days, and as long as he catches you, he will definitely stay in Japan for a few more days."

"So this is ah!

Yukiko nodded slightly, and then said:"Why do you say he is not a good person?""

Takada Shinichi said:"Because he is a murderer, and he is a random murderer without purpose. He kills people when he wants to. Many people have died at his hands so far. Do you think he is a good person?"

"That's definitely not a good person. Yukiko nodded and said, and then said pitifully to Takada Shin:"Dominator, do you think I will be killed?" I am so cute, you must not bear to have me killed, right?"


Takada Shinichi looked at Yukiko and said with a twitching corner of his mouth:"Fujimine Yukiko, you are in your thirties. A woman of this age does not seem to be cute, right?"

"snort! I'm young, okay! Yukiko said very unhappily. You can say anything to her, but you can never say that she is old or that she is not beautiful enough. This is something she absolutely cannot bear.

Takada Shinichi shrugged and pretended not to hear. While the truck was driving on the highway, Kudo Yusaku, who received a call from Conan, hurried back to his residence and came to the second floor.

Conan had already reached the second floor, and he was watching from the window.

"Dad, you are back! Kudo Yusaku asked in a deep voice:"

Xiaoxin, what is going on?""

Conan replied:"I don't know what happened specifically. I was watching TV in Dr. Ali's living room when I suddenly heard my mother's cry. When I went to the window to look, she was already taken away. To fly into the sky, the equipment used should be a hang glider"

"The glass of the window was broken from the outside, and the lock was also opened from the outside, but there was no glass shard on the curtain. It can be known that the curtain was opened by Mom from the inside. She obviously found something. After opening the curtain , someone outside the window broke the glass and invaded, and then took her away."

Kudo Yusaku looked around, then looked inside the house, and nodded:"You are right. Judging from the neatness of the house, your mother did not resist when she was taken away. Either she Either she followed that person voluntarily, or that person had a gun or other weapon in his hand, and she was unable to resist. Conan listened and said:"I think the latter one is more likely. If mom really followed that person voluntarily, she wouldn't have screamed loudly to remind me later."

"You are right. She was probably taken away by force. All the clothes she changed were put aside. She left in her pajamas. On such a cold day, if she had left voluntarily, she would not have been wearing just her pajamas. pants."

Kudo Yusaku's observation skills are much sharper than Conan's. From the clothes Yukiko changed, he guessed that she was forced to leave with the person, rather than leaving voluntarily.

Conan asked:"Dad, now what to do? That man took Mom away without leaving any information. We only know that he flew away from the sky. It is impossible to find him."

"No, he probably left a message. Kudo

Yusaku shook his head slightly, turned to look at the window, and said:"The window was opened from the outside. If the person intended to leave a message, then he might open the window without wearing gloves. What we have to do now is Contact the police."With that said, Kudo Yusaku turned around and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Conan said:"Dad, you will definitely find mom, right?"

"Don't worry, Xiaoxin, I will bring your mother back safely. Let us, father and son, work together this time."

Kudo Yusaku turned around and smiled at Conan. Isn't he anxious? No, he is very anxious and worried, but he knows that being anxious now is of no use. What he should do most is to calm down. Only by calming down can he find Yukiko. Losing his normal mind will only prevent him from finding the truth. About ten minutes later, Megure Shisan arrived with his team and conducted a fingerprint identification on the lock of the window.

Soon, the results came out, above There are indeed two fingerprints. After comparing them with fingerprints from other places, one of them was confirmed to be Yukiko's fingerprint, and the other fingerprint was compared with the fingerprints in the fingerprint database. For Kudo Yusaku, this is The good news is that as long as the owner of the fingerprint is found, clues will likely appear, and his probability of finding Yukiko will be greatly increased.

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