In this era, even if you have fingerprints, if you don’t know who the owner of the fingerprint is, it is not easy to compare and find the fingerprints in the fingerprint database.

Megure Thirteen took Kudo Yusaku and Conan to the Metropolitan Police Department and compared fingerprints in the fingerprint database of the Information Section to find the person who left fingerprints on the window.

Half an hour later, nothing was found. The police had not yet found the owner of the fingerprint.

Conan, who was standing next to him, suddenly said to Kudo Yusaku:"Uncle, look for the fingerprints of the wealth ruler and compare them with the fingerprints of the wealth ruler." The reason why Conan called Kudo Yusaku uncle was because they agreed. Conan's identity cannot be exposed, even if that person is Megure Jusan, so when there are outsiders, he calls Yu Kudo his uncle.

Kudo Yusaku heard this and asked:"Why do you need to compare it with that person's fingerprints?"

Conan said:"Because the ruler of wealth also has a hang glider. Although I think he is not such a person, find his fingerprints and compare them. It's also good."

Kudo Yusaku nodded after hearing this, and said to Megure Thirteen:"Megure, could you please bring up the fingerprints of the ruler of wealth for comparison?"

"OK, let me try!"

Mumu Shisan nodded and started the operation.

Soon, two fingerprints appeared on the computer screen, and the results of the fingerprint comparison appeared instantly.

Mumu Shisan said:"The result came out, the one on the window The person who left the fingerprint turned out to be the ruler of wealth, the man who appeared once and then disappeared.

Kudo Yusaku asked:"Megure, can you find information about him?""

Mumu Shisan shook his head and said:"The police are also looking, but they can't find this person at all. Even if they know his appearance, it's useless. It's as if there is no such person in the country. The police have no more information about him. information"

"In this case, what he is using is not his true appearance, but the effect of disguise.

Kudo Yusaku reasoned. He did not believe that a person would not be able to find any clues despite the full search of the police, unless that person did not exist at all. Only this reason made sense. Conan pondered:"

The only ruler of wealth is The time it appeared was related to the Maple Leaf gold coin case, and that's where I saw him at that time. If the fingerprints were the clues he deliberately left, then..."

"Then he will most likely leave a message in that place." Kudo Yusaku took over.

Kudo Yusaku and Conan felt that this reasoning was very possible. They immediately greeted Megure Thirteen to leave and went to the building where Conan first met the ruler of wealth.

Twenty Minutes later, the police car drove under the abandoned building, and a group of three people walked towards the building. Within a moment, the three people holding flashlights came to the room where the Maple Leaf gold coins were originally stored.

When they arrived in the room, Conan shined a flashlight and soon found a black bag where the maple leaf gold coins were originally placed. The black bag was tied with a rope, just like the original coin.

Kudo Yusaku put the rope down and put the black bag down. Conan was already standing There, after the bag came down, he opened the bag.

In the bag, there was a mobile phone and a card. There was a series of numbers written on the card, but it was a phone number.

Kudo Yusaku came over and looked at the following words. :"It looks like we need to call this phone number."

Megure Thirteen said:"Yusaku, do you need to take it back to the hall and dial this number again, so that we can take the opportunity to find the location on the other side of the phone?"

"It's useless. Since the other party dares to let us take the initiative to call, they must be prepared for this. And I'm worried that something will happen if the time is delayed for too long, so it's better to call now."

Kudo Yusaku shook his head, explained, and dialed the number.

Soon, the call was connected, and a voice sounded on the phone:"It's very fast. I thought I would have to wait until at least tomorrow to receive this call. Yes, are you Kudo Yusaku?

Kudo Yusaku said in a deep voice:"I am, who are you?""

"It's the puppet master of hell!"

Conan and Megure Thirteen spoke at the same time. Both of them had spoken to the Hell Puppet Master, so they naturally heard the voices coming from the phone. The voices of Conan and Megure Thirteen were heard by Takada through the phone. Shinichi listened attentively and said with a smile:"It turns out it's Conan and Officer Megure Thirteen, you are old acquaintances. Kudo Yu asked aloud:"

Hell Puppet Master, you kidnapped Yukiko?""


Takada Shinichi chuckled and said:"I didn't kidnap him, I asked others to do it for me. But now that the person is in my hands, it can be said that I kidnapped him."

"What is your purpose?"

Kudo Yusaku asked, holding back the anger in his heart. Facing the kidnappers who kidnapped his lover, he was able to remain calm, which is enough to show that he is an extremely good detective. At least if it were Conan, if Mao Lilan was kidnapped, I'm afraid Conan couldn't keep calm for a short time, and there was still a gap between him and Kudo Yusaku.

Takada Shinichi did not tell his purpose immediately, but said:"Don't you want to hear Yukiko's voice to confirm whether the servant is there? On my hand? Kudo Yusaku said:"

If you are willing to let her say a few words to me, I would like to hear her voice.""

Takada Shinichi said:"I know you want to hear it, wait a moment, you will hear her voice soon."

As Takada Shinichi's words fell, Kudo Yusaku heard Yukiko's gradually getting louder voice.

"Don't..don't do this...Spare me...I...I...can't stand it anymore...hateful...Bastard...."

The voices behind him became lower and lower. It seemed that the person on the other side of the phone was walking away.

"What did you do to her?!"

Kudo Yusaku said angrily. Yukiko's begging for mercy that seemed like crying but not crying, half smiling but not smiling made him unable to stay calm anymore. The anger in his heart could burn everything.

"You've heard it all, haven't you?"

Takada Shinichi did not answer Kudo Yusaku's words, but said:"I think you can be sure that Yukiko is in my hands. I want you to stay in Japan for a few more days. I will ask you to do the specific things you do when the time comes. will know. If you don’t know what it is, then I have nothing to say, and there is no need for you to see Yukiko again."

Kudo Yusaku held back his anger and said:"Tips! You always have to give me a hint, right?"

"dead! That’s my tip for you!"

Takada Shinichi said and hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping sound coming from the phone, Kudo Yusaku hung up the phone helplessly, thinking deeply about the meaning of the word 'dead person'._

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