Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 472: Hello my friend

In the dark elevator shaft, only a faint light flashed on the bomb’s display screen, and this light affected the heartbeats of Xin Fan and Jiang Gu Ling.





The actions of Xin Fan and Jiang Gu Ling were carried out almost at the same time. Whether they succeeded or failed, they had only one chance.

At such a harsh moment, the faces of Matsuda Jinpei, Hagiwara Kenji, and Date Hang appeared before Nobuhiro's eyes. He couldn't help but imagine that if they lose the bet this time, then the whole army will be wiped out.


After a few seconds, there was still silence in the elevator.

"Mr. Jiang, Jiang Gu?" Feng Jianyu also hesitated calling from the phone.

Jiang Gu Ling looked at the bomb in front of him blankly, and it took a long time to finally react.

Sure enough, human speed cannot be that fast. With the power of a mere human, it is impossible to cut the three threads in the instant after all the information comes out.

In silence, he reached out and cut the last black wire connected to the phone for remote control.

"Mr. Kazaki!" Xinfan called out loudly. "What I asked you to do should have been done, right?"

"Yes!" Feng Jianyu replied quickly.

Xinfan stood up and looked up at the bomb that had been completely dismantled, with mockery and provocation in his eyes: "Then, the next explosion site is Emperor Dan!"

On a secluded road somewhere outside the East Tower, the bomber was sitting in the car and clearly heard Nobuhiro Asano's declaration.

He said to himself in disbelief: "No! Impossible! They cannot dismantle the bomb while seeing my prompt!"

"No! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!" The desperate and desperate bomber noticed the phone in his hand, and his expression was stained with madness, "If this is the case, then go to death! All to my friends to bury them. what!"

He dialed the phone hard!

However, the downtown area of ​​Tokyo is still peaceful, and there are no discordant sounds.

What, what's going on?

The gentle voice of the customer service rang from the bomber’s cell phone: "Unable to connect to the network, please try again later."

What? ! !

At the same time, the police, who had obtained a clear location, acted quickly, and they immediately dispatched the most professional explosives disposal team members to rush to Didan High School. It's just different from the past. In addition to the tools necessary for bomb disposal, they also carry mobile signal jamming shields.

The mobile signal jamming jammer is the biggest trump card played by Xinfan.

He had such a plan since he learned that the bomber liked to control the bomb remotely by phone. There is nothing to be afraid of at Didan High School. As long as the bomb disposal police go with a shield, there is no need to worry about the bomb exploding in advance.

On the East Tower Iron Tower, Xinfan made two-handed preparations, and he asked Feng Jianyu to put a small shield in the tool bag. At the last moment before the explosion, Xinfan edited the message with one hand and opened the shield with the other.

The last wire that Jiang Gu Ling failed to cut in time was the wire connected to the mobile phone. After the signal is shielded, this line is left and loses its due role. And if Jiang Gu Ling had failed to cut the first two wires, even if Xin Fan made more preparations, the bomb would explode because of the timing device.

Just in case, Xinfan also specially asked Feng Jianyu to prepare a large-scale signal shielding vehicle to shield all mobile terminal signals near the East Tower Iron Tower.

He was betting that the bomber would stay near the East Tower to observe the "firework show" he prepared for the police, and he also gave the criminals a big gift.

Everything is over, the criminal cannot escape the punishment of the law, he will eventually pay the price for what he has done!

Jiang Guling's nerves suddenly relaxed. He leaned against the wall exhaustedly and laughed at himself in a low voice: "I once complained that a smart and astute person like him could not complete the bomb disposal at the last moment. Obviously this is the best of both worlds. . But now, only when I come to the scene can I understand him."

Jiang Gu Ling's voice was very soft and low, even if Xin Fan was very close to him, he could only hear some words intermittently. But Xinfan knew what he was talking about and what his regrets were.

He tiptoed and grabbed the walls of the patio, with a slight force, he turned lightly to the top of the car.

Jiang Guling heard Xinfan's movement, but did not respond, still maintaining a depressed appearance, as if he had erected a self-protection barrier in front of him.

"Mr. Amuro," Shinshige said softly, "The so-called friends are to help each other to overcome difficulties. What is difficult for one person to accomplish, if two people are used, it may be possible to succeed. If you and I are in a different situation today, I I believe you will make the same choice as me."

Jiang Gu Ling fell into silence, and he lowered his eyelids, covering all the emotions in his eyes.

If he could be with Matsuda Jinpei four years ago, would the result be different? At least he will make the idiot sober, don't believe the so-called promise of the gangster!

It's just that the past can't be undone, and all he can do is do his best not to harm those around him.

Ling Gu turned his head to look at Shinhana, and finally smiled: "Mr. Asano, you just said that friends should help each other overcome difficulties, so are we friends now?"

Xinfan also smiled, "I thought we always were."

Jiang Gu Ling was stunned, and then the smile on his mouth widened. He nodded slightly, and seriously emphasized: "Well, it has always been."

Two young people who had just returned from the ghost gate, in the dark and dim elevator shaft, beside the bomb that threatened the entire East Capital Tower, smiled at each other. The gulf that has been between them seems to have been gradually healed as a result, as in the past.


The bomb at Didan High School was successfully eliminated, and the police also caught the criminal who was about to abscond.

The public security police who stayed near the East Tower Iron Tower rushed to the elevator shaft almost immediately, lowered the rope, and rescued Asano Nobuhiro and Amuro who were trapped inside.

Having stayed there for so long, and been doing work that requires a high degree of concentration, the two of them have already been in embarrassment.

However, when this scene fell in the eyes of Kazami Yuya, he was deeply moved.

"Fall...cough cough, Mr. Amuro! Mr. Asano!" Kazemian Yu also rushed over with tears, "It's great that you are all right!"

Xinfan took a step back silently with an invisible speed.

A little embarrassment also appeared on Jiang Gu Ling's face.

"Well, if there is nothing else, I will go back." Xin Fandao.

As he said that, he already walked outside, looking like he didn't want to follow the trend and see Yu also stayed for a minute.

Kazami Yu didn't even know it: "Mr. Amuro, why is Mr. Asano so anxious?"

Jiang Guling held his forehead helplessly, at this time you know what to call it!

"I'm afraid he already knows my real surname."

"Huh? Why?"

Why? Of course, it was because this not-so-savvy Fengjian Yu also called "Mr. Suguya" carelessly on the phone!

In that quiet Asano can definitely hear the voice in the earpiece.

"Think for yourself."

Noriyak crossed Kazemi Yuya and caught up with Shinshige, "Wait, Mr. Asano!"

Xin Fan turned around, a little surprised: "What's the matter?"

"I'm just a little curious, you seem to know phone bombs well?" Jiang Gu Ling asked.

Xinfan nodded slightly, and replied confidently, "Well, I studied in Hawaii."

Jiang Gu Ling: "???"

Is it that Mr. Asano is the same as that annoying Shuichi Akai, both are FBI?

However, he was relieved soon.

Regardless of who Nobuhiro Asano is, judging from today's events, he is a...friend worthy of deep friendship.

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