Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 473: Meet the person you most want to meet

It was night, Xinfan was awakened by the movement of Hui Yuanwei next door.

This situation has been going on for several days. Since Xiao Ai recovered her memory and found out that she was living in Mezcal’s house, she couldn’t sleep all night long. Even if she finally fell asleep, she mostly had nightmares. .

Xinfan got up helplessly, pulled a coat from the hanger casually, and walked to Hui Yuan's room.


He reached out his hand and slammed the door gently.

The movement inside paused for a while, and then there was the sound of clothing rubbing, and the girl seemed to roll over and continue to babble.

Xinfan had no choice but to push the door in less politely.

The room is very large, and the interior is decorated according to the original gray original idea, with a maturity and stubborn maturity. However, now, the things Xinfan prepared specially for Xiao Ai were put away by her, and even the rabbit pajamas were put in the bottom of the closet by Hui Yuan Ai.

The double bed in the center of the room was too big for Hui Yuanai, the little girl curled into a ball with the quilt, even with the beautiful eyebrows in the dream, she did not relax at all.

Hui Yuanai seemed to have noticed Xinfan's voice. She opened her eyes slowly, but still looked terrified.

"Xiaoai." Xinfan called softly, "have you had a nightmare again?"

Hui Yuanai froze. She clutched the quilt tightly and mocked: "Why do I have nightmares? You shouldn't be very clear about why I have nightmares?"

Xinfan said helplessly, "If you can't rest assured living here, do you want to move to Dr. Ari?"

Hui Yuan was stunned, and immediately refused: "No, I'm fine here."

However, the girl's stiff muscles and the vigilance on her face have exposed her true thoughts. It's not that Hui Yuanai doesn't want to go, but she is more worried that her decision will cause trouble to people around her.

"If I really stand on the side of the organization and want to get rid of people who have contact with you," Xinfan's eyes were inadvertently stained with hostility when he said this, "No matter if you can't stop it. With the doctor, he will definitely die."

Hui Yuanai trembled inconspicuously, which made Xinfan suddenly come back to his senses.

He was in a daze. When he said those words just now, he was actually completely immersed in Mezcal's thinking, and he had never considered his true self.

Perhaps his reality has already changed.

Xinfan sighed, "I originally thought that some things wouldn't matter even if I didn't tell you. But now, I have changed my mind."

"Unless you can tell me how to make the antidote for APTX-4869, I'm not interested in other things." Huihara said coldly.

"The antidote of APTX-4869 is something you should find ways to study. No one else can help. After all, only you know it best."

Hui Yuanai buried his head in the quilt, concealing the despair and self-deprecating in his eyes: "I am the creator of it, but I am not the creator of it..."

"What?" Xinfan didn't hear clearly.

However, Hui Yuanai had lost the interest and confidence to say it again. She lay on the bed without saying a word, without taking a look at Xinfan.

"Get off early. I'll take you to see someone tomorrow." Xinfan said suddenly, "The person you want to see the most."

She was taken aback, raised her head, and saw Xinfan standing by the bed smiling at her. For so long, the expression on Asano Nobuhiro's face seems to have never changed. Whether it is facing Ai Hara or Shiho Miyano, he has always maintained patience and gentleness.

But why would such a person kill his sister? !

Even if it is for an undercover task, even if it is an order that has to be executed, can they do it? ?

elder sister……

If you want to ask the person Hui Yuanai wants to see most at this time, she will answer without hesitation, sister. But Akemi Miyano has passed away, she can't...


Hui Yuan's eyes widened suddenly, and she asked in disbelief: "Is the person you said is my sister?"

In the darkness, Nobuhiro Asano's clear eyes were as bright as glass. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he answered softly, "Yes."


It's sister!

A ray of light suddenly lit up in Hui Yuan's eyes, but quickly converged, and she suddenly fell silent: "Are you going to take me to see where she slept?"

Shiho Miyano was once a highly regarded researcher in the organization, and her knowledge of the organization was beyond imagination. Shiho Miyano knew what happened to her sister, so she could probably guess how difficult and incredible it was to save people in that situation.

Shiho Miyano didn't dare to guess or think, because she was afraid that the bubble would break at the touch of it, and the dream would wake up as soon as she touched it.

However, in her eyes, the smile on the face of the person she had been unable to see through has expanded a lot.

"Of course not." Nobuhiro said softly, "Your sister, Miss Miyano Akemi, she is still alive."

What, what?

Hui Yuanai was unavoidably stunned.

Nobuhira continued, "Actually, you have seen her before. Do you remember Ms. Kawakami Yuno?"

"Kawa...Miss Kawakami Yuno?"

Hui Yuanai's memory gradually returned to the time when he was in the music classroom. At that time, she was still a carefree ordinary elementary school student, and Ms. Kawakami Yuno was just a student who came to the shop once a week, and heard that there was a flower shop in some place.

So she turned out to be her sister?

When Hui Yuanai learned the truth, she suddenly discovered that there were many things that could not be explained before, but now they are all smooth.

So Kawakami Yuno is the older sister? She turned out to be her sister!


"Music classroom members are more complicated lately, so Ms. Kawakami's classes have been suspended. I will take you to Kawakami's house to visit it will be more appropriate than her coming to the music classroom."

Nobuhiro Asano had been talking about something, but Ai Yuanai flew to the without paying attention at all.

Xinfan had no choice but to shut up when he saw this.

Strangely speaking, he had also looked for opportunities before and wanted to tell Miyano Shiho the truth, but at that time it seemed that Okayama Aoyama's will was at work, and several of his attempts ended in failure. And now, this power of will seems to have suddenly disappeared.

Is it because the time is right now, or is it because you will encounter various obstacles next?

Thinking about this, Shinfan's eyes looked strange at the road ahead.

He was really afraid of not knowing when a bicycle or a person would suddenly burst out of the side.

Miyano Akemi still lives in Kawakami's house as Yuno Kawakami, but the public security that arranged to protect her has basically been withdrawn, and only the "family" is personally responsible for her safety.

Xinfan had told him in advance that he would be coming today, so as soon as he rang the doorbell, someone came to open the door.

Akemi Miyano was a little surprised when he saw him: "Mr. Asano, why did you come here today? I remember the course should be arranged the day after tomorrow, right?"

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