Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 865: The past of the organization

  Tani Gangzhi sighed softly, "What do you want to know from me?"

   "It's very simple, why did Rum kill you... Vodka, go back to Tokyo!"

   Vodka makes a sharp turn and changes direction.

   Jinjiu lazily raised his head and glanced at Xinfan in the rearview mirror, but did not refute it.

  Taniyama Gangzhi smiled wryly: "Please, even if I don't answer, you will kill, it won't be so obvious."

   "Obvious?" Xinfan ‘swearingly’ retracted the pistol that was in the abdomen of Gangzhi Gu, "Can you answer the question now?"

  Tani Takashi is very clear about his destiny. These guys in front of him are not unique people. If he tells everything out now, he will probably be silenced as soon as he finishes talking. So the best way is to say that half is left half.

   "I was also a member of CROW. Except for the group of veterans who founded the organization, our qualifications are relatively deep..." Gu Gangzhi stopped his narration with a daunted expression.

Because Mezcal just shook his head unpredictably, and then retorted: "The CROW in your mouth is the crow. It should be the predecessor of the organization? I have also heard some related information. The organization at that time was very different from the current organization. Big."

   The main difference is actually the purpose. The current organization is no longer what it used to be. Based on the increasingly strange experiments, Xinfan feels that the purpose of BOSS and Rum is to transform humans and make humans live forever in the form of Hongshu.

   Hearing the words, Shangzhi Gangzhi nodded in agreement: "The transformation of the organization should have started seventeen years ago, and that was when I fled the organization."

   Ginjiu’s ears, which were specially designed to deal with traitors, immediately caught the key point in Shangzhi Gangzhi’s words "escape", and he asked with a sinking expression: "Is it another mouse that slipped through the net?"

   "..." Gu Gangzhi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and laughed dryly, "This big brother, I was once your predecessor anyway, do you use the contemptuous words like a mouse..."

   "Crack--" This is the sound of the gin pistol opening the insurance.

Suddenly, Gu Gangzhi’s face changed suddenly, and he immediately changed his words and said seriously: “I don’t know exactly what happened seventeen years ago. I only know that one day Rum suddenly killed a companion. The liquidation began. Countless members of CROW died under the guns of their partners or colleagues. During that time, the organization was filled with blood and blood."

   "Is the affairs in Africa related to this liquidation?" Xin asked coldly.

   "Africa?" Takashi Uchi looked confused, "At that time, the organization's forces were mainly concentrated in the United Kingdom. I have not heard of any action against Africa."

   Xinfan nodded: "I just ask casually, you continue."

  According to his understanding, the organization was born in Japan, then moved to the United Kingdom, and gradually developed Western Europe. It moved to the United States more than ten years ago. At the same time, he did not forget to develop the Japanese base camp. Four years ago, the organization began an expansion operation aimed at Northern Europe. Three years ago, Mezcal landed in Sweden and turned Northern Europe upside down.

  Taniyoshi's statement is consistent with the organization's records, so Shinfan couldn't tell for a while whether he was telling the truth or not.

   "I was also on the list that was liquidated seventeen years ago." Gangzhi Gu continued to recall, "It's just that the senior Dian Yuan rescued me, and he made Rum think I was dead, and then sent me out of the UK."

   Ginjiu frowned: "Who is Dianyi?" Hearing from Gu Gangzhi, this should also be a member of the organization, but he has never heard of this name or code name.

  Taniyama Gangzhi obviously didn't want to elaborate, and only replied: "It's just a friend..."

"Dian Stable in your mouth should be a joking title?" Xinfan chuckled at the corner of his mouth, and pointed out unceremoniously. The more well-known general is probably Nobuhiro Takeda who is respected as "Nobuhiro Nobuhiro", right?"

   Vodka was stunned, and then blurted out: "No way, how old were you at that time, how could you be the predecessor mentioned by Takashi Tanya?"

"Takeda Nobuhiro is a very famous general in history, and it has nothing to do with my name." Shinhan looked at the jokes in the gin, and explained helplessly, "But when it comes to Takeda, I can't help but Think of another person. Gin, you haven't forgotten him yet?"

   Ginjiu snorted: "How can I forget it in the past few days?!"

  啧, really?

   Xinfan is highly skeptical.

  From the perspective of the will of the world, the biggest enemy of the organization at present is knocked out by a stick of gin, but gin still does not remember the name of the other person. After a few episodes, I only felt familiar when I saw each other.

  Vodka looked confused: "Brother, who are you talking about?"

   Nobuhiro glanced at Takashi Tanashi, and said, "You have also seen Takeda Raku, heir to the Takeda Foundation. Oh, yes, he should be called Takeda Kouji 17 years ago."

   The calm expression that Yasushi Gangzhi always maintained finally broke. He clenched his fists hard and didn't speak.

   "Ah, that's the man." Vodka was clear, "but it's not right, he doesn't seem to be very old..."

   No one has answered his doubts this time.

"The reason why Rum hasn't noticed you all these years is because of Takeda Kouji? Or should I say, Rum has always known that you are alive, but because he still needs Takeda Koji, he didn't do anything to you~www.wuxiaspot. com~Tani Gangzhi nodded to Xinfan: "Yes, I guessed that too. After Dian Stable was killed, Rum had sent many assassins to assassinate me, but I never gave him a chance. This time he probably made up his mind to kill me. "

   "Is there anything that can prove what you said?" Xinfan asked, "Or mention some names that we may know, at least to prove your identity."

   When he said these words, Xinfan's fingers kept rubbing the barrel of the gun, and the threat was clear at a glance.

  Tani Gangzhi thought for a while and gave a name: "Pisk, Pisk and I joined the organization in the same year, he must know me."

"Tsk, if anyone is wrong, I have to say Pisk." Xinfan wiped the **** of his gun leisurely. "Do you know that Pisk is dead? He died in a failed mission, but he was not killed by the police. But..."

  Tani Takashi held his breath.

   Xin Fan curled his lips, showing a kind smile: "You'd better remember my code name, because maybe the person who will send you the last ride is also me.

   "My code name is-Mezcal."

  Tani Takashi's pupils suddenly tightened. He opened his mouth slightly and cried out in disbelief: "How is it possible? Mescal Mingming..."



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