Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 866: The husband can bend and stretch, not counseling

   Shinhan's eyes flickered slightly: "What's wrong with Mezcal?"

   Tanya Gangzhi's face suddenly turned blue. He gritted his teeth and said calmly: "It's nothing, but I was a little surprised when I heard this code name for the first time."

   "Oh, I understand." Xin Fanfeng responded lightly, then picked up the pistol, removed the magazine, and began to load the bullets one by one, and said,

"The protagonists of personal heroism in the film and television works always say that the last bullet should be left to themselves. I think they are very naive. If you can take away one more person, you can take away one more person, or encounter some people who are really uncooperative. Guy, the accuracy is worse, it's okay to have a few more shots."

  Taniyama Takashi: "..."

  啧啧, he hasn't had close contact with the members of the organization in seventeen years, and he has not adapted to the brain circuits of these guys.

   But... the young man with the code name "Mezcal"? Even though seventeen years have passed, Karasuma Renya and Rum's thoughts are still so unpredictable.

   "Don't tell me yet?" Xinfan's eyes lingered on Tani Gangzhi's body, making him hairy, always feeling that Mezcal was thinking about where to start to torture him more continuously.

  Tani just shuddered, and hurriedly said before Mezcal ran out of patience: "I know a secret about Rum, and the other insiders are dead!"

   Xinfan and Ginjiu looked at each other, and Ginjiu waved his hand, so Xinfan moved away the muzzle that was pointing to the temple of Gosushi Valley.

   "Say." Gin was too lazy to talk to him, only vomiting one syllable.

Gu Gangzhi slowed down under the pressure of the gin and said: "I have been speculating over the years why Rum killed so many people seventeen years ago. I found that their deaths may be related to a study by Rum. Relevant. I don’t know the specific content of the research. I only know that Rum stored the research results in a disk and gave it to the person he trusts the most. The disk is opened in a unique way, and now only I and Rum know how to read it. Data."

Xinfan immediately questioned: "Since it is a disk, there is no way to open it that only a few people know? What's more, 17 years have passed, and science and technology have developed so rapidly. The advanced technology in the past may not be worth mentioning. ."

   Xinfan hasn't been afraid of anything in the computer, after all, the biggest bug Hiroki is by his side. As long as he gets the disk, Xinfan believes that there are many ways for Hiroki to read the data.

However, after listening to Mezcal’s plausible and well-founded words, Tan Gangzhi shook his head disapprovingly: “It’s not that simple, not only the reading of the disk, but also the opening method. I can’t go on with more details. As long as you know, if you want to figure out what Rum did, you can't let me die."

   "Did you overlook a question, since you are carrying the treasure but you are not willing to share it, what are we doing to keep your life? It is better to destroy the things that are not destined to be obtained." Xinfan sneered.

   Want to threaten him, Takashi Tanya is still early!

   "As long as you get the disk, I will naturally tell you how to open and read it. And getting the disk is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

   After finishing speaking, Tanya Gangzhi leaned comfortably in the car seat, and said to Xinfan comfortably, "Is there any smoke? I'm addicted to it."

   Shinhan: "..."

   Sometimes the Feng Shui turns so fast. Gu Gangzhi perceives the attitude of Mezcal and Gin towards rum. They are sure that they will not let go of the opportunity to get the rum, so they can be so bold.

   Ginjiu's anger has soared to a terrifying level, and the blue veins near his temple violently jumped.

   No one has ever been so arrogant in front of him and yet to see God!

  —Maybe Mezcal should be excluded.

   "Big, big brother, calm down—" Vodka was driving while paying attention to the emotional state of the gin.

   "Don't get excited." Shinshige reached out and patted the back of the co-pilot's seat, and said with relief, "You are responsible for moving him to a safe place and lock it up. There will be more opportunities to get along with each other in the future. How can I be so angry now?"

   Vodka almost burst into tears on the spot!

  Is there a way to persuade Mezcal? He was right next to his elder brother, and he was shot and killed because he was really afraid that his elder brother Beretta would go on fire.

   Shinhan's words successfully attracted the firepower of Gin, and Gin's cold eyes swept at him unceremoniously: "That's how you treat the guy who threatens you?"

   Xinfan innocently spread his hands: "A big man can bend and stretch, but there is no way."

   Ginjiu asked again: "Why me?"

"Isn't it you?" Xinfan said, "Why would you ask me such a simple question?", "I usually work so much, how can I take care of Rum's people? Besides, you don't know who I am. , If you go out frequently, people around you may be suspicious."

   Gin seriously doubted Mezcal’s "work much" statement, but at the same time he still agrees with the second half of the sentence. Moreover, even if he was responsible for dealing with the treatment of Gangzhi Gu, he didn't need to do anything himself.

   Gin thought for two seconds, then looked away, saying nothing.

   In this way, Tanya Gangzhi got a chance to breathe, but he was destined to live under the close surveillance of Gin until the day the disk appeared. At that time, according to Gin's idea, it was also the day when Gu Gangzhi lost his life. UU reading

   He will not let go of any arrogant guy in front of him. Retribution will only be sooner or later, including Mezcal.

   Jinjiu raised his eyes slightly to look in the rearview mirror, only to find that the man he cursed secretly had calmly become brother to Gu Gangzhi. Smoky in the rear compartment, the two guys are so leisurely!

   Do they regard his car as their own territory? !

   Hmm, wait, this doesn’t seem to be his car...

   Xinfan expresses how innocent he is, he is really just talking about it. The first step in a formula is always to lower the target's vigilance, and the best way to lower the vigilance is to become friends with him.

   Men, there are always one or two hobbies that can't be on the table. Do what you like, establish a common language, have a common little secret, listen to intelligence, and then give the opponent a killer blow.

   "By the way, Gin, what are you going to do with Kiel?" Xinfan who was chatting with Yasushi Gangzhi suddenly asked.

  Tani Gangzhi took a concealed look at Gin's expression. To be honest, he wants to close his ears now, because the more he knows about these secrets, the less chance of survival. However, these two guys obviously didn't intend to let him live at all, and they weren't concealed at all when it came to confidentiality.

   "Isn't this your task?" Gin asked rhetorically.


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