Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 886: Epcot is going to rise

   Soon Epcot arrived in the parking lot.

   There are seven or eight identical-looking funeral vehicles parked here, but only one of them is still steaming on the hood.

   Epcot got off the car, circled the funeral car, and then judged where the person in the funeral car was based on the footprints on the ground and the direction of the surrounding weeds.

   She quickly approached the two-story building, but didn't enter directly through the gate without a careless gesture. She looked around and finally chose the small window in the back bathroom.

   This building was used to cremate corpses, but Epcot knew very well that if the "corpse" that was transported was really Keele, neither the police nor the FBI would actually cremate her.

   Epcot stepped lightly, and walked past room after room, and soon she stopped in front of one of the offices.

  Because someone was talking inside the door, the voice was very low, so she had to stick it to the door to hear her vaguely. Regardless of whether this action is elegant or unsightly, it is not safe from an anti-reconnaissance perspective.

   Epcot drew it in his pocket, took out something similar to a bug, and stuck it on the door. This little thing can not only eavesdrop, but also process the eavesdropped audio, reduce noise, and clearly distinguish how many people are talking inside.

   Almost immediately after putting on the headphones, Epcot heard important information.

   "Mr. Akai, the person has already been brought here. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's transfer her to Cupido Central Hospital."

   Well, Mr. Akai, it should be the Shuichi Akai, right?

   It hasn’t been long since Epcot has just joined the organization. She has no impression of Akai Hideo. She has only heard the description of Akai Hideichi from others, knowing that he seems to be a very powerful man.

   In the room separated from Epcot, Hideo Akai stood blankly by the window. In front of him was an FBI agent based in Japan.

   "The cremation process is not so fast, wait a moment." Said Akai, and reached out to the detective, motioning him to hand over the things to him.

   The agent immediately took out an envelope and handed it to Akai Hideichi.

   Shuichi Akai opened the envelope and poured out the contents-it was a pocket watch.

   Shuichi Akai threw his pocket watch to the agent, and then nodded to the agent. The agent straightened up immediately, walked to the door, and opened the door.

   Epcot was taken aback by his sudden behavior. Fortunately, she was already hiding in the corner of the corridor at this time, and she could not be seen from those FBI positions.

   Fortunately, she was careful and didn't post it on the door to eavesdrop, otherwise she must have been discovered by the FBI.

   As expected of Shuichi Akai.

   The agent looked around and nodded to Hideo Akai: "No one, it seems that they are not as good as Mr. Akai said."

   Shuichi Akai shook his head: "No, the lower the pressure on our side, the more dangerous the situation at the National Medical Research Center. I suspect that the organization has seen through our plan and is not fooled."

   Hmm, fooled?

   "Time." Akai Hideichi whispered.

   The agent quickly took out his pocket watch and took a closer look. Shuichi Akai frowned slightly, seeming to be very dissatisfied with the slowness of his subordinates, so he reached out and took the pocket watch over.

   "Time is running out, contact the police and let them be careful."

   Hearing this, Epcot probably understood the plan of the FBI and the police. They deliberately exposed their flaws and made a look as if they were going to transfer Kiel, in fact Kiel still stayed at the National Medical Research Center.

  啧, it's no wonder Mezcal told her not to think about Kiel's problem, and she really couldn't see Kiel.

   After thinking about the situation at the National Medical Research Center, Epcot decided to cooperate with Gin and the others, deliberately making some noise here, letting the FBI really fool them.

  Thinking about it clearly, Epcot turned out from the window in the corridor again, and decided to look like he had just caught up here.

   When Hideo Akai heard the movement, his expression was serious, he threw his pocket watch aside and quickly chased it out.

   After dealing with the FBI for a while, Epcot returned to its original position.

   There was a touch of disdain in her eyes.

   The FBI’s reaction and Akai's performance were different from her imagination. Perhaps it was because of assisting the police to limit Akai's ability. In short, if this were the case, Akai could not be called a silver bullet at all.

   Epcot was about to leave, but her sight fell on the pocket watch on the tabletop.

Um? If you remember correctly, Hideichi Akai seems to have used this pocket watch to check the time before, right?

   The appearance of Shuichi Akai's thumb groping for the dial suddenly appeared in her mind, and Epcot's eyes lit up.

   Good fellow, an ordinary mission can even get her fingerprints of Shuichi Akai! It would be even better if the pocket watch still had skin debris left, and all DNA and fingerprint information would be available at that time.

   Even though Shuichi Akai cannot be captured by these, it is at least a breakthrough for the organization. Especially it allows Epcot to quickly prove its value.

   Epcot picked up the pocket watch in a plastic bag and quickly retreated from the funeral home.


   Watching Conan and Eisuke Hondō sitting on Dr. Aka’s beetle quickly leaving the National Medical Research Center, Shinshige nodded in satisfaction.

   Very good, Hideichi Akai does things without worry.

   After discovering that Conan was infested, Shinshige told Akai Hideichi about the incident, and Akai asked Judy to come forward and lead Conan to the funeral home. The funeral home has always been in charge of the FBI, and Conan will not feel deceived after passing by. At most, he can’t see the water without but Conan does not see what it does to get the water without mercy. Xinfan only hopes that he will not disturb his plan. It's a pity that Conan kid suddenly discovered that he couldn't fight on the front line. This kind of mental gap is estimated to take some time to recover.


   The coffee shop opposite the National Medical Research Center was full of people.

  The waiter walked over to the window with the tray: "Sir, your two coffee."

   The gentleman in her mouth stiffened for a moment, but he still took the coffee without saying anything.

   "Girls should look like girls." He sneered at the little girl with blond hair opposite, "Otherwise, don't blame others for treating you as a boy."

   is actually a girl who is still in high school, who is regarded as a boy. She comes from a very amazing family-the Akai family with five members and three surnames.

   "You don't seem to have the right to dislike me!" Shi Liangzhen purely curled his lips, and finally suppressed the urge to pull his mother's hair.

   Shiliang Mary ignored her, she gently sipped her coffee gracefully.

   Shiliang Zhenchun complained annoyed upon seeing this: "There is also a second brother, I have called him seven or eight calls, and he has not answered any of them!!!"


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