Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 887: Eun Ji-chan's concert

   Shinshige, holding his face on Watanabe, made a third round of inspections at the National Medical Research Center.

  As a senior member of the organization, he has done his best to eliminate some unstable factors that may affect the "Rescue Keir" operation-such as Conan.

   To be precise, Conan was attracted to the funeral home by Akai Shuichi. The distance between the National Medical Research Center and the funeral home is not close, and it takes a long time to go back and forth. At least in today's action, Conan doesn't even want to intervene.

   But Xinfan also knows that Conan is under the care of the great will of the world, and the protagonist's halo is shining, which is not so easy to perfuse, so he still kept his mind, did not do too much, and always remained vigilant.

Shinshige left the National Medical Research Center and stopped by the door for a lot of time, making sure that there were no strange things nearby, such as "the very dark Hattori Heiji", "the strange thief Kidd with a basket of props", and "have a baby just for fun." "The Kudo couple", "Kyokoku Shin on the ceiling of force", "Koi girl Molilan" and others, then walked safely toward the alley next to the National Medical Research Center.

   Gin and vodka are still here. Gin did not throw the task of exploring the surrounding environment to Mezcal for the sake of slacking fish. The main reason was that Mezcal disliked the two of them for being too high-profile and recognizable. If they are not careful, they will be easily affected by the main line-related red side. Character remember.

   Shinhan walked leisurely into the alley and walked towards the Porsche 356A, his gin car. The National Medical Research Center is not located in the bustling city center. Except for a few cafes, restaurants, convenience stores, and supermarkets near the hospital that are open to patients, most of the places are actually not many people, deserted, and watched. Going up there is not much different from the country.

   As soon as Shinshige walked 20 meters away from the Porsche, the silver-haired man looked up at him as if consciously. The alley is very closed, and the sunlight is patronizing here with difficulty through the roof of a few meters high, casting a dim shadow on the face of the gin, making the man even more gloomy and terrifying.

   "Mezcal." Gin lowered his voice and called out coldly, "Why are you still here?"

   Shinhan feels strange: "I'm not here, where should I be?"

   "I don't want to repeat the content of the plan, you immediately do what you should do right now." Gin Jiu's eyes were extremely cold, sweeping Xinfan's body as if he was going to cut him with a thousand swords.

   Xinfan laughed: "This kind of repetitive work with little technical difficulty and gold content should be given to vodka. As for me, there are more important things."

  According to Gin’s past behavior, he should now arrogantly interrupt Mezcal’s words, no matter what he ordered him to do immediately. But because Mezcal has always had no ears, Gin knew that even if he said it was useless, Gin was forced to acquiesce to Mezcal's noisy words.

   But, despite this, Gin's face is not that good.

   "What's the matter?" Gin stared at Mezcal indifferently, as if ‘let me hear your sophistry’.

   And Mezcal still did not disappoint him this time. Xinfan smiled and said frankly, "Do you know that Jeon Eunji's world tour Tokyo station is about to start? Of course I have to stay in the car and listen to the radio."

Gin's face sank, he was about to speak, but he heard Vodka ask in an excited tone: "Really? I thought her first stop was in Osaka. After all, she went to Japan for the first time two years ago to participate in a show. Osaka."

   "Yeah." Xinfan nodded, "I heard that Quan Eunzhi chose Tokyo as his first stop for the promotion of the Tokyo Olympics next summer, so it is very memorable."

   "That's it, but we have a task today, so we can't go to the concert live."

   "What does it have to do?" Xinfan opened the driver's door directly, found the position of the car radio, and used the FM **** to find the radio station that was broadcasting Quan Enzhi.

   He just tuned the channel, and a gentle female voice came out: "Thank you very much for your love, so please look for FM99.8 this afternoon, we will see you or not!"

   Quan Eunji speaks Japanese, but he knew it was temporary learning when he heard it, with a heavy accent.

   "Wow!" Vodka was pleasantly surprised, "It's Eunji-chan's voice. Was it the live broadcast of the concert?"

   Quan Enzhi is the goddess in the hearts of many Japanese otakus. Her equal-body pillows are always the fastest selling on Amazon. Even the high-levels of transnational criminal groups cannot avoid being vulgar. On Vodka's bed, Quan Eunji’s waiting pillows were placed all the year round. In addition, he also bought a lot of CDs of movies starring Quan Eunji. On many sleepless nights, vodka fell asleep by watching Jeon Eunji’s dog-blood Korean drama.

   Quan Enzhi’s job is acting. Now her first crossover concert tour is about to open in Tokyo. He is very sad that he can’t come and cheer on the spot. Vodka really hopes to stay in the car and listen to the radio.

  Vodka looked at his eldest brother with expectant eyes, and the meaning of the request almost overflowed from the pair of large copper bells and ink-black sunglasses.

   However, in the face of his ardent expectations, Gin's expression became more and more grim. In an instant, the temperature of someone's body dropped below zero.

   "Why, do you want to stay?" A pair of terrible eyes swept over the vodka, shaking the vodka with fright.

  His sanity finally Then he realized how terrifying his thoughts were. It was terrible, he just wanted to delay his eldest brother's affairs for the idol.

so horrible! The goddess is as beautiful as a flower, and Quan Enzhi's voice is healed, but if there is no life, then these will be meaningless.

   Vodka took a deep breath and closed his mouth obediently. But at the same time, there is still some hope in his heart. Maybe Mezcal has a way to persuade the older brother?

   "Oh, gin." Xin fanciful persuaded, "Like Quan Enzhi can be regarded as the corporate culture of the organization, you should not be too strict."

   Vodka stunned. Why is Quan Enzhi the corporate culture of the organization? Apart from him and Mezcal, is there anyone else who is also a fan of Eunji?

   Seeing that Ginjiu doesn’t seem to understand it, Shinhan added: “Think about it, a Korean artist got the qualification for a world tour in the first year of singing a crossover. Is this normal?”

   To say that there is no one behind Quan Enzhi, Xin Fan absolutely does not believe it.

   Hearing Mezcal’s words, a figure appeared in Gin’s mind, making his face darker.

   Gin got into the car, "slapped" the door shut, shutting both Mezcal and vodka outside:

   "If you can't complete the mission, don't come back to see me!!"


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