Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 888: Kudo Shin 1 is not important

   All fools know that Gin is really angry.

   Vodka looked at Mezcal blankly, and asked him what to do next with his eyes.

   Shinhan shrugs helplessly, expressing that he is helpless. Gin has a bad temper, and everyone usually coaxes him. Occasionally, if he doesn't follow his wishes, Gin will start to shake his face, which may be life-threatening. Therefore, the undercover organization is not easy to do, and it is mainly reflected in the difficulty in handling the interpersonal relationships within the organization. Anyway, like most social fears are not qualified to become undercover investigators.

   Xinfan greeted the eighteenth generations of the ancestors of gin wine in his heart, and then took out his mobile phone to contact Shiraz: "The action begins."

   Sila immediately replied: "I'm already in place at A1, please rest assured."

   Well, A1 point, what is A1 point?

   Xinfan thought for a while, then said to vodka: "Go to point A2, which is the barbecue restaurant in the northeast corner of the Medical Research Center."

   said, he handed a mechanical device to vodka, and specifically instructed: "Retreat immediately after installation, you don't have to worry about the next thing."

   "Yes." Vodka responded.

   Then he didn't look at the surrounding road, and walked straight to the barbecue restaurant in the northeast corner of the National Medical Research Center, where he was almost hit by a car on the road. However, when the drivers who braked suddenly were about to yell at them, they were frightened by the terror that vodka dazzled with gin, and in the end they dared not make any comments.

   Xinfan shook his head helplessly when he saw this, and headed towards his destination. His destination is also the last location, A3, which is the cafe opposite the National Medical Research Center. It's time for dinner, and the cafe is full of customers. Xinfan’s task is to create an accident in a coffee shop full of customers—a gas explosion.

   Like him, Sila and Vodka's task is to cause accidents. Syrah will sneak into his back kitchen and inject a certain amount of toxins into the tuna and salmon in the sushi restaurant. This toxin is not fatal, but can cause acute gastroenteritis, which is also a type of food poisoning. Sila had been to the back kitchen as early as last night. His main task today is to ensure that the poisonous sashimi can smoothly enter the table of most guests.

   In addition, vodka is responsible for causing carbon monoxide poisoning in barbecue restaurants. The barbecue shop was also full of customers, and the device Xinfan gave to vodka could close the smoke exhaust system. The large amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide produced by the incomplete combustion of charcoal will slowly shield people's senses. Employees and customers in the store will only feel sleepy and fall asleep slowly, until others outside find an abnormality and send them to the hospital.

   Yes, the three operations planned by the organization were all to disrupt the National Medical Research Center. In order not to make matters worse, no matter whether food poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning or gas explosion will cause deaths, the scope of the impact can be very wide. Of these three tasks, only gas explosions are very dangerous and difficult to control. Xin Fan didn't want to cause death, so he decided to take charge of the gas explosion task himself.

   If it is him, he should be able to control the explosion in a relatively safe range.

   With this mindset, Xin Fan gradually approached the coffee shop.

  As he approached the coffee shop, he thought about how to set off the gas without disturbing others. He finally set his sights on the back kitchen where employees can enter.

   Then let's start there.

   Xinfan took advantage of the opportunity of the delivery brother to rest next to the truck, and carried the box to dive into the back kitchen. However, at this moment, two figures, one large and one small, suddenly broke into Xinfan's field of vision.

Um? Why are those two people a little familiar?

   Xinfan took a little bit of time to react. The two people sitting by the window were the mother and sister of Shuichi Akai.

  Why are they here?

   Xinfan can't remember the specific plot clearly, but he still has a vague impression of Seliang Marie and Seliang Zhenchun's appearance time. Before Hideichi Akai's suspended animation, his mother and sister probably hadn't returned to Japan. Why did he appear in Japan now, and he happened to choose the cafe opposite the National Medical Research Center.

   In the cafe separated by glass from Shinhan, Shiliang Zhenchun hangs up the phone for the tenth time.

   At this time, her patience was running out. She complained angrily: "I checked it specifically. There is no shogi game in Japan today. Why doesn't the second brother answer the phone? Does he not want me to live in his house?"

"It's fine not to live with him." In stark contrast to Shiliang Zhenchun's attitude is Shiliang Marie's attitude. The expression on her face is very calm, even with a vaguely disgusting color, "You don't need to give him After calling, let’s find a hotel near your school to stay."

"Is there really no problem?" Shiliang Zhenchun asked, "If there is no problem before, but now you do not have a passport or legal identity, the hotel will have employees come in to clean up at any time, if they find your presence ..."

   Shiliang Marie gently raised her mouth and said: "Then don't let the cleaners in. Just tell the hotel in advance about this kind of thing. Don't worry."


   "Have your transfer procedures been completed?" Shiliang Mary interrupted her daughter.

   Shiliang Zhenchun had no choice but to say: "It has been done, and I can go to Didan High School next Monday."

   "Which class?"

   "I specially selected Kudo Shinichi's class." Shinichi Seira said in a low voice, "I can definitely investigate the cause of Kudo Shinichi's disappearance."

  Who expected Shiliang Marie very disapprovingly and reminded: "Kudo Shinichi is not the point. Don't lose big because of your small. During your studies, you should try to enter the Maori detective office to study. By the way, it is the right way to do a part-time job in the music classroom downstairs."

   Shiliang smiled helplessly, "Hi, I know, don't worry."

   She has been prepared for a long time, she will never miss the information about that organization again, she must!

   Shiliang Zhenchun and Shiliang Marie had a very happy chat, but Xinfan outside the door can only use "silent" to describe the mood at this time.

  What kind of luck is he, he can meet this mother and daughter at any place?

   Obviously, this coffee shop cannot be bombed today. Others are not important. The key is not to involve Shiliang's mother and daughter, otherwise, with their abilities, they will definitely realize that something is wrong every minute.

   Xinfan quickly figured out the pros and cons. He decisively put down the box in his hand and hid in the shadow next to him.

  Since Conan is so troublesome people can be transferred by him, I think the next life Liangzhenchun and Seliang Marie shouldn't be too difficult.

   believed that the trick was repeated, called Akai Hideyoshi, and said straightforwardly: "Your mom and your sister are both near the National Medical Research Center. Try to get them to leave, there will be an explosion here."

   At that time, Shuichi Akai was preparing to deal with the upcoming Conan, he was stunned on the spot when he heard this.

   When did his mother and sister go back to Japan?

   No, no, what’s even more strange is how can Asano Nobuhiro recognize his mother and sister?


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