Yin Ze was very angry. After all these years, he could never have dreamed that he had become the prince of a big businessman, and he had to fight with people naked.

This is a very serious black history, if this thing spreads out today...

Silence, it must be silenced!

Prince Gou will never die!

Therefore, after the space door opened and Ding Ling appeared in the cave, Yin Ze immediately grabbed the fairy's little hand.

The culprit is this woman, who should be killed!

His appearance, he suddenly, exceeded everyone's expectations.

The patriarch of the Jade Horned Dragon Whale was the first to report it, but he did not choose to save the fairy because of his heart.

In the face of such terrifying villains, it is the kingly way to run away and save people. Isn't that pure and sick?

When the other clansmen saw that the patriarch ran away, heh, he really deserves to be the patriarch, and the sense of crisis is strong.

Patriarch, slow down, let's go together!

It's a pity that they can't run very far.

The cave sky, which is shrouded in the plain-colored Cloud Realm Flag, can't come in from the outside, and the people inside can't get out, unless the Cloud Realm Flag is retracted.

Yin Ze was relieved when he saw that the group of cowards couldn't escape, just come one by one.

Starting with the culprit, Yin Ze pursed his lips cruelly, raised his fist and hit the fairy.

It's just that this fairy, the reflex arc is a little too long, and her little hands are clearly bruised, and she is still a little confused now.

Why is the human race with a spicy tail in front of it appearing here?

No, no, the patriarch of the Jade Horned Dragon Whale said, that's not the tail.


It wasn't until Yin Ze's sharp fists hit her face, and the strong murderous aura swept in like a tsunami, that interrupted her brain circuit.

At this time, a strong fear hit his heart, and his pupils shrank suddenly.


If you get hit by this punch, you will definitely die!

Fairy is very arrogant, but it's all pretense. The real her is just a little girl with a high status and a high status, who grew up in a group of flowers.

Life and death have never been in her consideration, the world is gentle to her.

But at this time, the gentle world showed its ferocious fangs, cruelly and ruthlessly tearing apart all the beauty around her.

"Wow... woo woo woo..."

The immature fairy couldn't hold back, she was scared, she didn't want to die, but what could she do?

The plain-colored Cloud Realm Flag has already been used to protect this cave, and it is too late to recall it to protect the body, and the other Movement Technique treasures on his body are different from those made of paper in front of such a murderer.

It seems that the only thing she can do now is humming.

Those big bright eyes were full of tears, dripping like pearls on a broken piano, but the owner of that fist was not someone who loved fragrance and jade.

Yin Ze, who doesn't want to die from the society, is as hard-hearted as iron, and what can he do in the face of the society's death?

The fist that destroys the flower is approaching.

Under the stimulation of Death's fear, the revolving light of life appeared in front of Fairy's eyes.

Sadly, this revolving lantern is not bright at all, and it is very short.

The revolving lanterns flashed away, and finally turned into three big characters.

Not living enough.

At this moment, the fairy ignited an infinite desire to survive, and Tan mouth opened slightly, "Don't kill me, I will buy my life with my baby!"

Yin Ze's arm muscles twitched violently, and his fist stopped in front of Fairy's delicate forehead.

Extracting keywords...

Baby, buy your life.

You will use this thing to test the good prince of the big businessman?

"Confused, if I kill you, the baby is also mine." Yin Ze pouted in disdain, closed his fist an inch, and threw it out with all his strength in the eyes of Fairy's despair.

It was too late and then too fast, and a golden light suddenly bloomed from the center of the fairy's eyebrows, hanging down like tassels and shrouded people.

A Great Emperor of the human race wearing an emperor's robe and unable to see his face condensed and appeared in the golden light.

The familiarity that seemed to come from the blood came to Yin Ze's heart.

"Human luck? Why do you have human luck protection?"

Yin Ze was startled, this woman actually has a lot of luck in her body, and there are still a lot of them. Looking at the clarity of the fate of the human race, at least half of the overall luck of the human race is about half.

This number is simply outrageous, and it is already equivalent to a quarter of the luck that Nuwa enjoys in the human race.

There is a problem, there is a big problem!

Yin Ze's facial features were a little distorted by this scene, and with his current strength, it was absolutely no problem to smash the body-protecting dharma formed by the luck of the half-adult.

And he is also a human race, and he has more human race luck than this. If you kill this woman, you don't have to worry about being backlashed by luck.

But this punch, he couldn't beat it.

If he wants to kill, at least he has to figure out this problem before killing, otherwise, he will definitely lose sleep for a long time.

"Otherwise, let's talk about buying your life with a baby?" Yin Ze asked eagerly.

Fairy was terrified, Tan mouth gasped heavily, and there were doubts in her eyes. Obviously, she herself was curious about what this layer of golden light was that enveloped her.

However, none of these matters. The important thing is that the murderous villain in front of him finally retracted that frightening fist.

Fairy felt that her chance to survive was coming, but how to buy her life with a baby, or in other words, what kind of baby to use to buy her life, is a university question.

She is just not deep in the world, not stupid. Yin Ze's previous sentence "kill you, the baby is also mine." sounded the alarm for her.

Like those Magic Treasures in the Qiankun bag, they cannot be used to buy life.

A baby that can be used to buy a life must meet many harsh and critical conditions.

Fairy thought for a moment, and then heaved a sigh of relief. Coincidentally, she really has one of these treasures.

Fairy decided, she mustered up to look at Yin Ze, her little face was immediately dyed red as if she was drunk.

A little bit away from the threat of Death, the heart is not so panic, Yin Ze's dangling white flower image is particularly dazzling.

If she wasn't really scared, Fairy would really like to ask this murderous villain to put on her clothes. If she didn't dislike it, she would have a lot of beautiful little skirts in her Qiankun bag.

"Have you heard of the purple-patterned core?" Fairy dodged her eyes, dared not look at Yin Ze again, and whispered.

"Pan peaches that ripen once in nine thousand years?" Yin Ze raised his eyebrows. In the wild world, only the highest-quality pan peaches dare to call the name Ziwen Hei.

Does this woman have peaches in her hand?

Yin Ze's pupils flickered, and the details of the fairy were listed in front of him.

Name: Longji...

[No wonder there are so many Magic Treasures, and Pantao, so it's her. 】

Yin Ze felt a sudden realization in his heart. He said that when he was beaten by those Magic Treasures before, he felt that the configuration of those Magic Treasures was very similar to a certain person.

It turned out that the woman who made her first burst of clothes was Princess Longji, the daughter of Haotian and Yaochi Jinmu.

If it is Princess Longji, it is not surprising that there are so many powerful Magic Treasures and purple-patterned cores that have been cooked in nine thousand years.

"If you can take out ten purple-patterned cores, it's not impossible to spare your life." Yin Ze stretched out his hand, and he really wanted to taste the taste of peach.

Princess Longji shook her head, "I don't have a purple grain core, but I have an Innate purple grain core Spiritual Roots that is connected to my true spirit. As long as you let me go, I will give you the Spiritual Roots."

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