"Innate Purple-patterned Spiritual Roots? Who are you fooling around here with a ramet tree!" Yin Ze was not happy when she heard that Princess Longji didn't have a peach tree, but wanted to use a peach tree to buy her life .

The 9,000-year-old Innate purple-patterned pitted peach tree has the reputation of Innate Spiritual Roots.

But that is used to describe the mother plant. Only the mother tree of Peach Peach is the first Spiritual Roots in the Great Wilderness. In the other Peach Gardens, there are 1,200 trees in the front, middle and back, but they are just ramets.

Pantalum can be produced only because they are grown in the Peach Garden with the charm of the mother plant.

I dug it out and left the Pantao Garden. These Peach trees are no different from scraps. Yin Ze even disliked the smoke after chopping firewood.

Seeing that Yin Ze's attitude took a turn for the worse, Princess Longji quickly explained, "It's not a ramet, it's the mother plant, my plant is the real Innate Spiritual Roots!"

"Hehe..." Yin Ze sneered, this girl is not sincere, who doesn't know the real Peach tree, there is only one in the whole prehistoric land, and yours is the real top Innate Spiritual Roots, how dare you have the Peach tree Not the Queen Mother of the West, but Princess Longji?

"I didn't lie to you, it's true!" Long Ji was about to cry, and he pointed at own's little head and said: "When I was a child, I didn't know why Zhenling was injured and almost died. In order to save me, my mother specially From the mother tree, I cut down three sources to cultivate true spirit for me, don’t believe me.”

Long Ji lightly nodded between his eyebrows, and an illusory, pink-carved and jade-carved little girl escaped.

Looking at the appearance of the eyebrows, it is the young-toothed version of Princess Longji.

This thing is the favorite snack on the Conferred Gods list, the crispy Zhenling biscuits.

"I really didn't lie to you. If it weren't for my Zhenling being stable now, I wouldn't dare to give this baby to you." The little girl of Zhenling stretched out her fleshy little hand in fear and blew a sigh of relief. A small peach tree with luxuriant branches and verdant leaves emerged from Xiao Chuan's hand.

On the branches, there are still more than a dozen small green fruits. As soon as they appear, the whole cave world seems to be injected with a strong vitality, and at the same time, there is a fragrant sweet fragrance.

Those jade-horned dragon whales who were hiding on the edge of the cave and couldn't shiver and escaped, when they smelled the smell, they couldn't even care about their fear, and took a deep breath. the trend of.

Some people who were already on the verge of breakthrough were even promoted directly.

Yin Ze smelled it too, but other than it smelled good, her body didn't react at all.

One is because he is the son of a miserable king and cannot practice Qi Refining.

The second is because with his current physical strength, it is difficult for things of this level to have an effect on him.

Moreover, the biggest effect of pan peach is not to enhance physical fitness. Yin Ze smelled it, and natural hair is useless. If you can eat a few top-quality pan peach whole, it will probably have some effect.

"See, my tree is essentially the same as the mother tree in Yaochi. I dare to swear on the avenue."

The little girl Zhenling shook her hand, and then quickly got back into her body.


Yin Ze contributed a little bit to the warming of the prehistoric wasteland, and his eyes tended to bulge out. He now only has the words Innate Purple-patterned Core Spiritual Roots in his mind.

I found a treasure, this is a real treasure!

Who doesn't want Innate Spiritual Roots, the best in the wild.

This trip to the West Sea really made a lot of money.

Not to mention the materials for refining the Sky Locking Flag, it is not worth mentioning.

The important thing is the peach tree, and...

Yin Ze glanced at the small flag on the edge of the hole that was constantly emitting white mist.

He found out when he just came in.

This flag, except for the different colors, is the same as his apricot-yellow flag and green lotus flag carved out of the same mold.

So what else could this thing be other than a plain-colored cloud world flag?

The real best Innate purple-patterned Spiritual Roots, plus a plain-colored cloud flag, this is simply super super double the happiness, and the blood earned is more fragrant than the good money that wears black silk.

Yin Ze's breathing began to thicken, and his gaze towards Longji was full of heat and greed, but no one could find the curiosity hidden beneath the heat and greed.

【There are more and more doubts about this girl...】

[Based on the embarrassing position of Princess Longji who was demoted to the lower realm because she violated the spirit of thinking in the original work, she should not have so many treasures, such as the peach tree, the cloud border flag, and the human race's luck protection body, Are these treasures something that a relegated princess can have? 】

Yin Ze held down the claws and scratches in his heart, and decided, this little girl, don't kill it, she will be stunned and take it back to Xiqi City to study slowly, as long as you control the person, sooner or later, the doubts will be solved. That day.

Taking a deep breath, Yin Ze stretched out his hand, "Give me the things, I can spare your life, and if you are worried that I will break my word, I can also swear to Dao Dao."

[Well, don't kill, just close the small dark room, I swear I'm not afraid. 】

Longji lowered his head, and there was a subtle slyness in his big eyes, "I swear, I don't have to, my true spirit has merged with this purple-patterned Spiritual Roots, if I live it will live, if I die, within ten breaths. Its vitality will dissipate, and I'm sure you won't be fooled."

"Hehe, so that's the case." Yin Ze expressed his understanding of this degree of carelessness. In order to survive, no matter how he calculated it was not shabby.

"Okay, give me the stuff."


Princess Longji nodded earnestly like a chicken pecking at rice, and once again escaped from the real spirit carved in powder and jade, and painfully separated the peach tree from the real spirit.

After more than ten breaths, the young sapling arrived in Yin Ze's hands, Princess Longji's pretty face was pale, and this feeling was really uncomfortable.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Yin Ze suddenly punched her tight and playful waist.

Immediately, his pupils flashed with clear light, and his see-through ability, which he had not used for a long time for the sake of his health, appeared again. It was not until it was confirmed that Longji's Gold Core was punched out by this punch that Yin Ze nodded contentedly.

Princess Longji can use the plain-colored cloud flag, which is a potential hidden danger, so only if Princess Longji temporarily loses the ability to run Magic power will he feel at ease.

When facing a woman who is not his own, the four words Lianxiangxiyu have never appeared in Yin Ze's dictionary.

Princess Longji, who has just experienced the pain of dividing the true spirit, has super double the pain. This person is really too vicious...

"Uuuuu, you said you wouldn't kill me..."

"I said I won't kill you if I don't kill you. It's just that you can't use Magic power temporarily. You can recover after a few days of training. Also, I only promised not to kill you, but I didn't say I would let you go." Yin Ze held the Peach Tree in one hand, and held Princess Longji under his arm like a lamb in the other.

"What! How can you do this! You!"

Princess Longji was full of grievances. In the first half of her life, she was like a flower of wealth and wealth, and she had never seen such a not wanting face.

In a hurry, I really want to bite!

Longji Xiaobaiya was eager to try, and opened his mouth, but then, his pale little face burned red, and there was nowhere to put his mouth.

You...you have no clothes on! !


Yin Ze, who was feeling a little cold in the dark, took a knife in his hand, um, it was still easier to be stunned.

"Huh...the sea bottom is humid, so you can't stay naked."

The peach tree has already settled down, and Prince Gou finally has time to put on his pants.

With a clatter, she tore off a piece from Princess Longji's red dress and wrapped it around her waist. Yin Ze felt that she was still able to make a living, it was better than nothing.

Then next...

Yin Ze silently looked at all the Jade Horn Dragon Whale clan, "I've been waiting for a long time, I'll send you on your way."

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