"Ah, I'm so tired.."

Han Chen's tired eyes opened his eyes, and yesterday's events vaguely came to mind, that graceful and beautiful fairy suddenly broke into the cave mansion, and a rope flew in, binding himself and restraining himself.

Only listened to the female fairy said: "What a jade-faced Langjun, it's a pity that the qualifications are too poor, only the Heavenly Immortal cultivation, and also follow the path of incense, the achievement is limited, it's a pity, it's a pity!"

That's it, the red refining heavenly snake in the body is poisonous, if you can't detoxify it as soon as possible, I'm afraid that this body's cultivation will be in vain. "

The fairy said to herself, and Han Chen, who was imprisoned, had no room to resist at all, only to see her skirt flying horizontally, and a proud snow-white body appeared in front of her eyes.

One night of spring light, several winds and moons, suffering from constant mental and physical torture, even though Han Chen, who was already a celestial cultivator, still felt very tired at the moment, and felt like he had been hollowed out.

It's devastated.

Pick up a small bag next to you.

"What is it? Tipping? "

Han Chen wanted to cry without tears in his heart, he had been through the Feng Shen World for a hundred years, but he didn't expect to encounter this incident, and a good man was actually strong.

This is said, how faceless, the key is that others still can't look at themselves, so they use themselves as an antidote tool.

I still remember what the fairy said when she left, how desperate.

"Forget about last night's incident, you and I will have nothing to do with each other in the future, and the contents of this Qiankun bag can be regarded as a reward for your help last night."

After saying that, the fairy turned into a blue light and disappeared into the cave mansion.

"Forget it, how to say that it is also a big beauty, we don't suffer losses, and..." said and probed the divine thought into the Qiankun bag, not to mention the rest, this Qiankun bag alone is a fairy treasure-level treasure.

Space magic weapons are very precious, not ordinary people can refine, at least you have to be a Daluo Golden Immortal level refining grandmaster to refine such magic weapons.

After all, the spatial dimension of the Feng Shen World is so high, not everyone can change the spatial structure.

It can be said that without looking at the contents of this Qiankun bag, just the Qiankun bag of this high-grade fairy treasure is enough to show that this fairy is a rich woman.

At least richer than yourself.


When he sighed about the contents of the Qiankun bag, Han Chen was shocked and stunned, what he saw, it turned out that what was in the Qiankun bag was actually a peach, a full ten nine-thousand-year-old peach, and a gourd elixir.

Also with 10,000 innate spirit crystals.

Take out the gourd and take a look, good fellow, a gourd five-turn elixir, a full ten grains, are all elixirs that can assist in cultivation and increase cultivation.

There is also that innate spirit crystal, this is the real treasure, now the flood barren land, the innate cave mansion has long been occupied by power, and there is no innate spiritual vein between heaven and earth.

It is difficult for ordinary people to contact the innate aura, even if Han Chen is a sect disciple, but it is just an anonymous disciple heard by the outer gate, there is no chance to absorb the innate aura.

These 10,000 innate spirit crystals, according to the innate spirit crystals and immortal crystals are one to ten thousand, this is quite 100 million immortal crystals.

That's definitely a lot of money.

"With this 10,000 Innate Spirit Crystals, I can buy a high-level Xiaoqian World from Senior Sister Yunxiao."

Thinking of this, Han Chen's heart was stunned.

And at this moment, a pleasant voice sounded.

"Hey, congratulations to the host Ji Hu Hongjin, the first time to get Princess Longji, open the Hu Truncation System and start binding the host..."

With the binding of the system, a piece of information entered Han Chen's mind, which immediately made Han Chen understand what this system did, and suddenly tears welled up in his eyes, and a sense of happiness that finally came out overflowed on his face.

Heaven, you are finally here, my golden finger.

Cut the beard system, as long as the chance of cutting off other people, or treasures, characters, etc. can get the reward of the system.

The rewards of the system are deduction cards and enlightenment cards.

Each card has six levels: mortal, immortal, god, saint, heavenly path, and avenue.

Among them, the deduction card is a card that can deduce a technique or a skill, and the enlightenment card, as long as you use this card, any skill can be learned in an instant.

Including those saints.

Princess Ryuji?

Suddenly, Han Chen had a realization in his heart, Princess Longji, of course, he knew who it was after reading the list of consecrated gods, the daughter of Haotian God, and he was moved to the mortal world.

Unexpectedly, he later cheapened a mediocre Sect Sect Scattered Immortal Hongjin.

What is Sanxian, similar to him Han Chen.

The Sect of Intercept Saints has the distinction of personal disciples, inner disciples, and outer disciples, in addition to these, there are also scattered cultivators, and this kind of people are basically disciples who have listened to the saint once or twice by chance.

A disciple who did not receive the practice of the True Sect Great Shangqing Immortal Method.

These disciples are basically not very qualified, and obviously Hong Jin is also one of them, and his ability to achieve the way of immortals with inferior qualifications shows that the blessing is good.

Finally, being able to seal God is also a good way out.

"No wonder it's so generous!"

"By the way, since the truncation is successful, what about my reward?"

Just as Han Chen finished speaking, a pleasant voice sounded again.

"Hey, the truncation is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Heavenly Dao level enlightenment card, may I ask if the host uses it?"


A card of colorful divine light appeared in Han Chen's mind.

This is a matter of enlightenment.

"It's a pity that it's not a deduction card, if it's a deduction card, it would be good, you can create your own exercises and make up for the lack of qualifications."

Han Chen's face was a little disappointed, but he was not too disappointed, after all, this is a Heavenly Dao-level enlightenment card.

A well-skilled, enlightened card.

What are skills.

Everything related to the way of art is skills, including, alchemy, formations, refining instruments, and magical powers, calligraphy, singing, etc. belong to the category of skills.

As long as Han Chen was willing, he could become a Great Master of Alchemy in a second.

However, wasting a Heavenly Dao-level enlightenment card to learn immortal-level alchemy was definitely not what Han Chen wanted, and of course he had to learn a supreme magical ability with a card.

Hong Desolate Divine Power, the total score is small divine power, big divine power, supreme divine power, and Heavenly Dao divine power.

It is famous for the Tiangang Thirty-Six Divine Power that was passed down from the Pangu Great God.

Among them, there is a Heavenly Dao Divine Power called Mediation Creation.

And in the entire Flood Wilderness, only Nuwa alone cultivated this magical power, and the others, including the saints, did not fully master this magical power, which shows the difficulty of the Heavenly Dao magical power.

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