Unfortunately, Han Chen happened to have the inheritance of this magical ability.

I saw Han Chen move the purple mansion and take out a skeleton the size of a palm like white jade, and there were three sacred patterns on that bone, if the Da Luo powerhouse saw this thing, he would definitely be shocked.

Especially Sanqing, if he sees this bone, he will inevitably be moved.

Because this bone is not something else, but a Pangu Dao bone.

Dao bones, yes, are Dao bones, the Great Realm of Flood and Wilderness, and the qualifications are high and low, but they are not static.

When one is pregnant, nourished with the origin of innate divine things, the qualifications of the child born will not be under the innate demon god, just like Nezha with the origin of the spirit bead.

This does not require the ability to refine the innate divine object into an origin that can be absorbed in advance, generally there is no Da Luo Golden Immortal cultivation at all, and the most important thing is to sacrifice an innate divine object.

Heaven and earth innate divine objects are already rare, and each one is the most precious treasure of the three corpses of the Da Luo powerhouse, how can it be wasted on an unborn child casually.

In addition to innate divine objects, there are also powerful bones.

As long as there is a Dao Bone on the bone, then refine this bone into the body, so that the practitioner has the Dao Bone Physique.

The qualification of this physique is at least not under the second-generation descendants of the Innate Demon God.

But if you want to give birth to this kind of Dao bone, it is not easy, at least it must be a Dao Golden Immortal powerhouse who has realized the Dao to produce a Dao bone, and the possibility is very low, and most cases will be absorbed by the world's great will.

Therefore, even if from the birth of heaven and earth to the present, the Da Luo powerhouse has fallen to an unknown number, but there are very few true Dao bones.

And the Dao bone is also divided into high and low, the worst is the kind of enlightened Daluo strong, then the Mixed Yuan Demon God, and finally the Pangu Great God.

The Chaotic Element-level Chaos Demon God, when he opened the sky to destroy the world, the great will of the world would not allow the Chaos Demon God to remain in this world, and it was basically impossible for the Chaotic Element-level Demon God Dao Bone.

That is only the Dao bone of Pangu Great God.

And Pangu Great God incarnated all things, huge body, basically absorbed by heaven and earth, and the Dao bones that were really produced were also very rare.

But not for nothing.

Just like this piece in Han Chen's hand is the remains of Pangu Great God, there are three Dao patterns on it.

These three Dao patterns are nothing else, they are the inheritance of divine powers.

Mediation creation, Pangu method, and Tongtian seal.

However, the more advanced the Dao bone, the more difficult it is to refine into the body, think of Pangu Dao bone this kind of thing, not to mention Han Chen's current Heavenly Immortal cultivation, even Han Chen's Golden Immortal cultivation is impossible to refine ah.

Unless Han Chen has Da Luo Xiuwei, he can only empty the treasure without any effect.

Among them, Pangu Fa Xiang and Tongtian Seal are supreme divine powers, and if you want to practice Pangu Fa Xiang, you must have Pangu bloodline, and there is no prerequisite for practicing mediation.

But this is the divine power of the Heavenly Dao.

If he didn't have the enlightenment card, Han Chen wouldn't say that the current Heavenly Immortal cultivation was impossible, even if he became an Immortal Golden Immortal, he couldn't practice these three divine powers, so he could only think about it.

And now...

"Does the host use the Godao card."


"Ask the host to target the learning object."



As a colorful divine light flickered and disappeared, Han Chen looked directly at the Pangu Dao bone in his hand in front of him, buzzing, the Dao pattern on the bone began to change, turning into a golden divine text and flying into his mind.

"This is..."

Suddenly, Han Chen felt that he was like a college student watching a primary school student's homework, such a profound magical power, in front of him, so simple, so clear and clear.

As Han Chen's understanding of mediation and creation suddenly increased, slowly Han Chen also understood why this mediation creation was the first divine power of the thirty-six divine powers of Tiangang.

It's so against the sky.

As long as you fully cultivate and fully control this magical power, it is really a mixed element.

Magical powers such as the art of change, the art of avatar, the technique of incarnation, the formation of loose beans into soldiers, the turning of the ground into steel, the point of stone into gold, and the blossom of flowers are actually magical powers formed after mediation, creation, weakening, and disassembly.

Even the general transformation technique is easy to be seen by people with the heavenly eye, but the change and incarnation technique displayed by mediation creation, let alone a higher realm, even the saint cannot see it.

This is the power of the Heavenly Dao Divine Power.

And mediation and creation is also a means against the sky.

That is, to collect the essence blood of the divine beast and refine it, then the cultivator will be able to transform this divine beast and obtain all its bloodline inheritance divine powers.

That's a bit of an upside down.

Of course, if you want to do this, you must completely control this mediation creation power, but in the entire big world, only the Nuwa Saint controls this magical power.

For the saints, as long as they are not above the supreme power, they will not look at it.

And at the moment when Han Chen cultivated to mediate this magical ability.

A thunder sounded above the nine heavens.

Knock, knock, knock............

Nine consecutive sounds spread throughout the Flood Desolation World and reached the ears of all living beings, but only the strong people above Da Luo understood the meaning of these nine thunders.

This is not an ordinary heavenly thunder, but a heavenly thunder.

Under normal circumstances, as long as someone refining supreme divine powers, the Heavenly Dao will explode with a thunderous sound.

But for someone who cultivates the Heavenly Dao Divine Power, there will be nine responses from the Heavenly Dao, and the luck of the Heavenly Dao will be added, and the Heavenly Dao will be blessed.

This is the world's love for those who are proud of heaven....

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