"Prime Minister, disciple Yang Jian is willing to ask for orders to go to Xianshuiguan and behead that Taichen Zhenjun!" At this time, Yang Jian stood up, clasped his hands into fists, and asked for his life.

"So good, ordinary people go to the poor road is not at ease, after all, this person can refine the runes, I think there are many runes in his hands, and ordinary people are only sent to death."

Even if the average Da Luo Golden Immortal goes, I am afraid that he will not be able to get benefits.

But Yang Jian cultivates the eight and nine Xuangong, the flesh is not bad, the magic weapon is not injured, and there is a mysterious change technique, and the combat power is not under Da Luo, so he will definitely be able to take the first ~ level of that Taichen. "

When the lantern heard this, he said in approval.

"Okay, Yang Jian is going, Uncle Junior, I'm waiting for your good news!" Jiang Ziya listened to the analysis of the burning lamp and also said good-said.

The Cihang Daoist standing in the crowd was a little worried, of course, worried about Han Chen, although he now guessed that Taichen in the Shuishui Pass was his incarnation.

But who knows if it will return.

"Alas, what a bad fate, that's it, that's it!"

Cihang is still very conflicted in her heart at the moment, for Han Chen, she is out of the mentality of exploitation, she wants him to become a Daluo Golden Immortal in the future, and become a double cultivator with herself, and become her own double cultivator.

Help yourself improve your cultivation.

But I don't know why, I have a different kind of emotion about him, and at this moment, I can't even control my heart from time to time to think about him, as if he was poisoned.

Could it be the effect of the red mist last time?

Can't figure it out, forget it, let's help you again!

For Yang Jian's strength, Cihang was very clear, and before she practiced with Han Chen, she had only just entered the mid-stage realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

At that time, she did not dare to be confident that she could absolutely defeat Yang Jian.

After all, Yang Jian's bloodline was extraordinary, and he inherited sixty percent of the innate origin of Yunhua Fairy, the superior innate demon god, and even practiced Xuanmen Apologetic Divine Skills such as the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

There is more reincarnation heavenly eye in hand, the power is vast, if the general Da Luo Golden Immortal does not have the innate spirit treasure above the top grade in hand, he may not be able to fight the other party.

The most important thing is that the Eight Nine Xuangong innate art of change, with its method of change, even Da Luo Jinxian can't see its origin root, such a magical power, can be described as unpreventable.

And Han Chen, even if the Buddha-figure cultivation is only the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Even if he has a rune in hand, it is estimated that it will be difficult to be good in the face of such an opponent.

Looking at Yang Jian's departing back, everyone also began to discuss how to deal with the Purple Sky God Thunder Rune.

"If there is really no way, you can ask the Taiqing master, after all, with the Fu Seal, I think no one can compare to the Taiqing Master who has the Rune Dao Supreme Treasure."

At this time, Guangchengzi Daoist stood up and said.

Everyone looked at Jiang Ziya when they heard this, although there were many Da Luo Golden Immortals here, they did not have the right to communicate directly with the saint.

Jiang Ziya also nodded.

Then, summon incense cases, divine incense, ignite, communicate with the saints of the outer heavens.

Without everyone noticing, Cihang turned into a mini paper crane and flew out of Xiqi City.

In the merchant army, the atmosphere was heavy, and Qin Wan's death made everyone fresh, and they understood that the disciples of the Interpretation Sect were not so easy to deal with.

Sure enough, the Ten Heavenly Monarch was their fate.

This kind of life is not something that ordinary people can change, not to mention just a rune of their own, although the rune is powerful, it also depends on whether God is willing to give you the opportunity to cast it.

Obviously, that Qin Wan, without even having a chance to cast the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman, was killed by Wen Shu.

If Qin Wan's first cast the Purple Xiao Divine Thunder Talisman and seriously injured Wen Shu, and then consumed the other party with the Heavenly Extinction Array, maybe there would be a chance to win, but it's a pity...

Of course, Han Chen is not a pity for Qin Wan, after all, in Han Chen's opinion, the national fortune of the great merchant is in charge of his affairs, and the Ten Heavenly Monarch is not familiar with himself.

If it weren't for Wen Zhong's help back then, he would have successfully entered the Intercept Sect and embarked on the Immortal Dao, moreover, he had also found a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures for himself, and by the way, he would have caused some trouble for the disciples of the Xiqi Sect.

Han Chen really didn't want to deal with these people who were big merchants and conquered Xiqi.

It was a pity that Han Chen did not change the fate of these ten heavenly monarchs, and what he cared about was his junior sister Yunxiao, although now senior sister Yunxiao had achieved the mid-stage cultivation of quasi-saints.

Theoretically, it is no longer a hit.

However, who knows, what if Yuan Shi doesn't want to face, and, in addition to Yunxiao, there are also Qiongxiao and Bixiao.

These two sisters, although Han Chen does not have a good impression, but after all, they are the younger sister of Senior Sister Yunxiao, if they can avoid the death of the Dao and seal the gods in the flesh, they will also contribute part of their strength to the reconstruction of the Sect in the future.

In Han Chen's current opinion, it is impossible to preserve the current Sect, and there is no need to preserve it, and the sect has been made black by some outer disciples and inner disciples.

0 ask for flowers

In particular, there are some disciples of the inner and outer sects who use the essence blood of the Terran race to refine pills, just like the golden light immortal, and the long-eared Dingguang immortal of adulterous wives and daughters.

It is rumored that this guy has built a human kingdom in the western part of the Flood Wilderness, which is full of women, these women come from various races, more are Terrans, and they are called heavenly daughters for their lustful pleasure.

Use them as their own double cultivation furnace, absorb these people's Yuan Yin essence, absorb Yin and replenish Yang, and let them cultivate to achieve the mid-stage realm of Daluo Golden Immortal.

In order to practice his own way of plague, Na Lu Yue constantly tried with the Terran tribe, and each experiment was the death of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people, which showed that it was extremely cruel.

And because he was a saint disciple, no one dared to say anything, and the Jade Emperor also turned a blind eye.

Wait, the many evils committed by these sect interception disciples are simply indescribable.

For such a truncated sect, Han Chen believes that there is no need to exist, if it is not broken or established, it is a big deal to rebuild.

And even if you want to preserve it, it is impossible.

The other party is four saints, plus the Sect Intercept has no supreme treasure to suppress qi luck, the defeat has long been decided, unless Tongtian can now be put under the Houtu Gate.

And solve the side effects of Hongmeng purple gas.

Or maybe there are people other than the heavens who are sanctified in the sect now, so there is still room for maneuver, but is this possible?

Therefore, it is estimated that he also knows in his heart that the defeat of the Sect has been decided.

It's just unwilling and wants to fight.

In the vast North Sea, the Taiqing Daoist came to the clouds, and at this time, he received Jiang Ziya's distress message.

A glance at the information.

"It's this Taichen master and nephew again, how can you stop the great trend of Feng Shen, it's better than asking for hardship." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Taiqing Daoist shook his head slightly.

However, he also knew that if he didn't solve the problem of this Purple Sky God Thunder Rune, Xiqi was afraid that he would be sad about this Ten Absolute Array.

"Hahaha, when the saint visits, the poor road is far from welcome, forgiveness of sins, forgiveness of sins.

Saint, please come inside! "

Just as the Taiqing Daoist was pondering, a young Daoist flew out from the North Sea, stepped on the auspicious clouds and came towards the Taiqing side, laughing and saying Chuan.

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